Title: California Community Colleges System Office
1California Community Colleges System Office
- 2008-09 Statewide BudgetWorkshop
- Los Angeles Valley Cosumnes RiverComm.
College Comm. College - 10/06/2008 10/09/2008
22008-09 Statewide Budget Workshop Agenda
- 2007-08 Highlights
- Restoration
- Outside Factors Property Taxes Backfill
- Advance Apportionment Exhibits
32007-08 Highlights
- Property tax backfill payment Pages 3-4
- Final payment will be reflected at final
recalculation - P2 property tax backfill 92 million
- 07-08 shortfall likely to increase
42007-08 Highlights Cont.(Annual FTES)
- 2007-08 Growth 131.8 million
- Annual FTES increased 5,259 over P2
- System unfunded amount equals 52.8 million or
12,500 FTES 2,800 over P2
5Restoration Picture
- Pages 5-6 identify districts with outstanding
restoration for the prior three years - 96 million system restoration available
- 31 million available in Advance for restoration
6Growth in 2008-09
- 2 growth or 113.5 million for statewide growth
- High likelihood of unfunded again
- District growth rates shown on Page 7
7Statewide Summary - Growth
- Growth Appropriations Provided by the State
- Median Rate 3 Average Rate 2.56
- 2008-09 2.0 113.5 million
- 2007-08 2.0 97.532
- 2006-07 2.0 97.5
- 2005-06 3.0 136.7
- 2004-05 3.0 121. 11
- 2003-04 1.5 57.9
- 2002-03 3.0 114.3
- 2001-02 3.0 106.8
- 2000-01 3.5 116.3
- 1 Plus 27 M for over cap FTES
8Other Issues of Note
- Re-Development Agency (RDA) Changes
- SCO audit found widespread reporting errors by
various parties - AB 1389, a budget trailer bill, aims to correct
inaccurate reporting that occurred between
2003-04 and 2007-08
9RDA Changes (Cont.)
- County assessors will work with RDAs, schools,
and colleges to reconcile payments and identify
errors that occurred between 2003-04 and 2007-08 - Corrected data will be used to adjust payments
- Some districts will get additional RDA
pass-through revenues
10RDA Changes (Cont.)
- Districts that did not correctly report RDA funds
as an offset to apportionments will be required
to repay excess payments - Repayments will occur over a period not to exceed
five years - SB 360 would have modified future RDA reporting.
The bill was vetoed.
11Statewide Summary -Last Year-
- 2007-08 A Year of Economic Turnaround?
- As of the 2007-08 Second Principal (P2)
Apportionment - Reported Growth (48 of 72) 113.9
millionFunded Growth 70.6 millionUnfunded
Growth 42.1 million - Stability 46.5 million (12 of 72)
- Restoration 65.4 million (29 of 72)
- Property Tax Shortfall estimate 92 million
12Exhibits 2008-09 Growth Rates
- Input Components
- Adult Population Change
- High School Graduation Rate Change
- Blended Rate
- Minimum of 1 percent or 100 FTES
- New Facilities FTES Coming on Line Adjustment
- Underserved Areas factor
13Advance Growth Rates Revised
- The preliminary growth rates distributed to
districts September 19th have been updated to
fully reflect the 0.68 COLA. - District Impacts
- Growth Revenue Caps approx. 99.96 of the
preliminary value - Growth rates are 99.3 of the preliminary value
14Growth Funding Priorities What When?
- Full basic allocation funding has priority in the
use of the budgeted growth appropriation. - This priority applies only if the budgeted base
funding appropriation is insufficient to fund the
existing basic allocation entitlement. - Basic allocation includes newly accredited
colleges or State approved centers (1,000 FTES
annually). Newly accredited colleges or
State-Approved centers will be funded from
appropriated growth funding.
15Stability Restoration
- Education Code section 84750.5(d)(6)(B)
- Decreases in FTES and its associated revenue
shall result in revenue reductions in the year
following the year of the initial decrease. - Education Code section 84750.5(d)(6)(C)
- Districts are entitled to restore reductions in
apportionment revenue due to decreases in FTES
during the three years following the initial year
of decrease if there is a subsequent increase in
162008-09 Advance Funding Assumptions
- Restoration Assumptions
- If total restoration eligibility is 1 or less of
a districts total base revenue, all eligible
restoration is certified for Advance funding. (3
of 69). - If total restoration eligibility is greater than
1 of a districts base revenue, 34 of total
eligible restoration was certified for Advance
funding. (19 of 69). - Restoration allocations were adjusted to remain
within the systems State budget appropriation.
17Funding Assumptions for the Advance
- Growth Assumptions
- If prior year unrestored restoration is 1 or
less of a districts base revenue, 70 of
allowable growth based on its constrained growth
rate was certified (17 districts). - If prior year unrestored restoration is more than
1 of base, 50 of its allowable growth based on
the constrained growth rate was certified (8
districts). - For districts without unrestored restoration,
100 of their allowable growth based on the
constrained rates was certified (47 districts).
182008-09 Advance Restoration
- The dollar value of any existing unrestored
decline in FTES is restored at the current growth
funding rates when the value of actual FTES
exceeds base FTES on a district basis. - The above calculation allows districts to restore
equal FTES revenue-generating capacity as were
lost in any decline that occurred in the previous
three years.
19Deferrals are Alive and Well on Planet Earth!
- JanuaryMarch 09 Deferral (NEW) 245 million
will be deferred from January through March to be
repaid in April through June 2009. The January
allocation percentage was reduced from 8 to
5.5. - The 200 million deferral is ongoing and will
impact the April through June 2009 general
apportionment allocations. This deferral will be
repaid in the first monthly apportionment of the
subsequent fiscal year. - A Cash Management Working Group is currently
reviewing cash flow as it relates to K-14
20Advance General Apportionment
- Advance apportionment allocations
- Base entitlement includes the basic allocation
and restoration from the prior year. Base revenue
components begin on page 11 - Funded Growth 112.3 million was certified at
the Advance. - Funded Restoration 24.0 million
21Center Categories for Apportionment
- State Approved Centers Previously approved
California Postsecondary Education Commission
(CPEC) Centers. - Grandfathered Centers Centers not meeting
current CPEC standards as of July 1, 2006, but
grandfathered or previously approved by CPEC. - Centers not State Approved or grandfathered are
not eligible for basic allocation funding until
being recognized as State Approved centers.
22SB-1133 One-time Funds
- Proceeds of California Teachers Association, et
al. v. Arnold Schwarzenegger see page 27 - 2008-09 10 million one-time block grant for
one-time items of expenditure, including, but not
limited to - Physical plant, sch. maintenance, deferred
maintenance special repairs - Instructional equipment, materials library
materials - Technology infrastructure
- Hazardous substances abatement
- State mandated local programs
23State Career Technical Education (CTE)
- For community colleges to expand CTE in public
secondary and lower division public higher
education pursuant to Ed. Code 88532. - Funding anomalies
- 84 of 2007-08 CTE is allocated through June
2009 - 100 of 2006-07 CTE is allocated through June
24Physical Plant Instructional Support
- Appropriation divided into the following
- 13.673 million apportioned for Scheduled
Maintenance - 13.672 million apportioned for Instructional
Equipment. - 100,000 floor provided as minimum district
support for each of these two apportionments. - The final allocation will be certified based on
the actual FTES reported for the 2007-08
Recalculation. Exhibit D Prior Year
Corrections and Adjustments will be included
with the P1.
25Physical Plant Instructional Support (cont.)
- 13,673,000 is available for the following
- Scheduled maintenance Special Repairs
- Districts must certify increased OM spending
above the 1995-96 level by the amount allocated
for maintenance special repairs from this
appropriation. - A one-to-one local match is required.
- Hazardous substances abatement, cleanup,
repairs - Architectural barrier removal projects
- A one-to-one local match is required.
- Available for expenditure until June 30, 2010
26Physical Plant Instructional Support (cont.)
- 13,672,000 is available for replacement of
instructional equipment and library materials - A threeto-one State to local match is required
- These funds shall not be used for personal
services or operating expenses - Available for expenditure until June 30, 2010
27Basic Skills
- The Advance Basic Skills allocation was
calculated using the P2 FTES inputs. The final
2008-09 Basic Skills allocations will be computed
using the updated 2007-08 final Basic Skills FTES
amounts derived from the 2007-08 Recalculation. - See page 20 for district allocations
28Miscellaneous Reminders
- 2007-08 Actual Enrollment Fee Revenue data report
(September 15, 2008). We thank all the districts
for their quick submission of the September 15th
data. - The Annual Financial and Budget Report (CCFS-311)
is due to Fiscal Services by October 10th each
fiscal year.
29Help Yourself in the States Budget Process
- System Office Request (we greatly appreciate your
efforts in this area) - The P2 FTES Report for the period ending April 15
will be due on April 20, 2009. This data is
critical for the system office to advocate for
districts in the States budget process. - Earlier data submission will allow the system
office to prepare a mock P2 apportionment for use
in State budget deliberations. We will also
distribute it to the districts for their local