Title: Citation,
1Citation, Bibliographies, and LaTeX
2- Citation styles
- Bibliographies
- LaTeX
3Traditional footnote (or endnote) citation
4first occurrence of work to be cited
in footnote or endnote
5subsequent occurrence of work to be cited
in footnote or endnote
6subsequent occurrence of work to be cited if it
is the last work to be cited in the notes
in footnote or endnote
7subsequent occurrence of work to be
cited alternative short form
8With footnote referencing an end of article
bibliography is not strictly necessary, but is
very often expected and advisable.
9Modern in-text citation (Harvard system)
10in text
might be Socolow (2000 101) reports that .
. .
11for more than one work cited from a year
12This requires an end of article bibliography
this should be a list of works cited (and is
usually headed References) (it is not a list
of relevant works, including things you may not
have cited)
13(No Transcript)
14book reference
Author name and initial (or first name)
Book title
Year of publication
Place of publication
15journal article reference
Author name and initial (or first name)
Article title
Journal plus volume number
Year of publication
Pages in journal
16citation and bibliography styles
there are many variants on the citation and
bibliography styles mentioned
- key things to remember
- be consistent
- cite frequently enough
- cite accurately
- complete bibliography
- provide sufficient information
18What is LaTeX?
1. LaTeX is a typesetting tool, producing
professionally typeset pages
19(No Transcript)
20(No Transcript)
21What is LaTeX?
2. LaTeX is a markup language LaTeX is not
WYSIWYG When writing in LaTeX you concentrate on
the content let LaTeX worry about the
22La plume de ma tante est dans ma poche' is not a
manifestation of knowing French, although it
might be in response to some other stimulus, such
as O\u se-trouve la plume de votre tante?'.
If charge is multi-track, then for a given
stimulus (another charge at a certain distance)
there is only one permitted manifestation. Let
us call a \textitpure disposition one which
can, in principle, be characterized in the way
that D is above, viz. as a relation between a
stimulus and a manifestation, even if these may
be logically complex, i.e. can be characterized
as the disposition to F when G' for possibly
complex F and G. Knowing French and charge (on
the view proposed) are not pure dispositions.
However, they do look like conjunctions of pure
dispositions. Consider, for illustrative
purposes, the case of charge. Let x be a real
number that will act as an index, and let q_x
be a charge, r_x a displacement, and F_x
a force, such that, for a fixed value of Q
\beginequation F_x\epsilon \fracQq_xr_x2
\endequation Now consider, for some specific
x the pure disposition D_x, whose
stimulus is a charge q_x at a displacement
r_x and whose manifestation is the exertion
of a force F_x. Then an object with charge
Q has this disposition. That object also has
all the other parallel dispositions for other
values of x. Let us assume that the indexing
by x is such that all permissible
combinations for values of q, r, and
F are indexed by some x in the subset
I of the reals. Then the impure disposition
that the object has, its having the charge Q,
will be equivalent to the conjunction
\bigwedge_x\in ID_x, that is the
conjunction of the D_x dispositions for all
values of the index x. It should be noted
that a conjunction of simple pure dispositions is
not in general equivalent to some complex pure
disposition. Later we shall come to the
conditional analysis of dispositions, according
to which a dispositional proposition is
equivalent to a counterfactual. A conjunction of
counterfactuals is not in general equivalent to
some single but
23La plume de ma tante est dans ma poche' is not a
manifestation of knowing French, although it
might be in response to some other stimulus, such
as O\u se-trouve la plume de votre tante?'.
If charge is multi-track, then for a given
stimulus (another charge at a certain distance)
there is only one permitted manifestation. Let
us call a \textitpure disposition one which
can, in principle, be characterized in the way
that D is above, viz. as a relation between a
stimulus and a manifestation, even if these may
be logically complex, i.e. can be characterized
as the disposition to F when G' for possibly
complex F and G. Knowing French and charge (on
the view proposed) are not pure dispositions.
However, they do look like conjunctions of pure
dispositions. Consider, for illustrative
purposes, the case of charge. Let x be a real
number that will act as an index, and let q_x
be a charge, r_x a displacement, and F_x
a force, such that, for a fixed value of Q
\beginequation F_x\epsilon \fracQq_xr_x2
\endequation Now consider, for some specific
x the pure disposition D_x, whose
stimulus is a charge q_x at a displacement
r_x and whose manifestation is the exertion
of a force F_x. Then an object with charge
Q has this disposition. That object also has
all the other parallel dispositions for other
values of x. Let us assume that the indexing
by x is such that all permissible
combinations for values of q, r, and
F are indexed by some x in the subset
I of the reals. Then the impure disposition
that the object has, its having the charge Q,
will be equivalent to the conjunction
\bigwedge_x\in ID_x, that is the
conjunction of the D_x dispositions for all
values of the index x. It should be noted
that a conjunction of simple pure dispositions is
not in general equivalent to some complex pure
disposition. Later we shall come to the
conditional analysis of dispositions, according
to which a dispositional proposition is
equivalent to a counterfactual. A conjunction of
counterfactuals is not in general equivalent to
some single but
24A simple LaTeX document
\documentclassarticle \titleSolipsistic
Metaphysics \authorBill Schopenhauer \dateNove
mber 2007 \begindocument \maketitle
Hello me! \enddocument
25(No Transcript)
26Citation and Bibliographies with LaTeX
\usepackagenatbib209 \b
egindocument . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
\bibliographystylechicago \bibliographyAgai
nst-Lewis \enddocument
defines your citation style
defines your bibliography style
calls your bibliography
28For, in a fair lottery, the world where one's
ticket wins is a nearby one (cf.
\citealt421Lewis1999). All that
differentiates one from the actual winner is the
number on one's ticket, a small difference indeed.
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31Citation and Bibliographies with LaTeX Bibtex
_at_bookLewis1999, Address Cambridge, Author
David Lewis, Publisher Cambridge
University Press, Title Papers in
Metaphysics and Epistemology, Year
1999 _at_articlePietroskiRey1995, Author P.
Pietroski and G. Rey, Journal British
Journal for the Philosophy of
Science, Keywords ceteris paribus,
laws, Pages 81-110, Title When Other
Things Aren't Equal Saving \textitCeteris
Paribus Laws from Vacuity, Volume
46, Year 1995
33(No Transcript)
34BibDesk, JabRef and other .bib file managers can
import bibliographic data from many sources, e.g.
JSTOR, online journals etc.
35How do I get to use LaTeX?
You can write a LaTeX document in any text
editor. But then you need something to typeset
it. You can get software that will perform the
editing, and then typeset for you.
36(No Transcript)
37How do I get to use LaTeX?
PC MiKTeX http//www.miktex.org/
38How do I get to use LaTeX?
Mac TeXShop http//www.uoregon.edu/koch/texshop
Installing everything you need or
want MacTeX-2007 http//www.tug.org/mactex/
39How do I get to use BibTeX?
PC and Mac JabRef http//jabref.sourceforge.net/
40How do I get to use BibTeX?
Mac BibDesk http//bibdesk.sourceforge.net/
41How do I get to use BibTeX?
PC BibTexMng (shareware) http//www.latexsoft.co
42Getting going . . . .
http//www.latex-project.org/intro.html http//ww
pdf (The Not So Short Introduction to L T E X2
e) http//www.maths.tcd.ie/dwilkins/LaTeXPrimer/
etc. . . . lots of help on web