Title: Community-Academic Partnerships: Teaching Medical Students Public Health
1Community-Academic Partnerships Teaching
Medical Students Public Health
- American Public Health Association, November 2004
- Jan K Carney MD MPH
- University of Vermont College of Medicine
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4Why Public Health Projects?
- All physicians will face public health issues
- Multiple determinants of health
- Population/community context of individual
patients - Increasing need for disease prevention
- Partnerships essential
5Multiple Determinants of Health
6Why public health projects?
- Physicians face a growing list of public health
issues in clinical practice today examples - Preventing childhood obesity
- Emerging infectious diseases
- Preventing and caring for chronic conditions in
an aging population - IOM recommends that all medical students receive
basic public health training in the
population-based prevention approaches to health.
7Vermont Integrated Curriculum (VIC)
- Implemented at the UVM College of Medicine fall
2003 - Integrates sciences and clinical medicine
- Develops skills for life-long learning
- Public health competencies
8Public Health Projectsin the Vermont Integrated
- MSLG I first year
- Student groups of 8
- May 2004 project ranking
- MSLG II Public Health Projects
- September through December
- Second year students
- Begin September 2004
- 13 projects per year
9Themes and Competencies
- Professional development
- Learning
- Leadership and Collaboration
- Research and Discovery
10Goals and Objectives
11Public Health ProjectsEducational Goals
- Understand the breadth and scope of public health
- Understand current and emerging public health
issues - Understand how public health interfaces with
clinical medicine - Understand and apply public health research
12Public Health ProjectsEducational Goals
- Understand the role of the community in improving
individuals health - Learn practical ways to improve the health of
both individuals and populations - Be creative and have fun!
13For each Public Health Project
- 1. must address a public health issue
- 2. must ask and answer a scientific question
- 3. must show a public health benefit
14Public Health Framework
15Healthy People 2010Overarching goals
- 1. increase quality and years of healthy life
- 2. eliminate health disparities
16Healthy People 2010Focus Areas
- Access to quality health services
- Arthritis
- Cancer
- Chronic Kidney Disease
- Diabetes
- Disability
- Educational programs
- Environmental health
- Family planning
- Food Safety
- Health Communication
- Heart Disease and Stroke
- Immunization and Infectious Diseases
- Injury and violence prevention
- Maternal, infant and child health
- Medical Product Safety
- Mental health
- Nutrition and overweight
- Occupational health
- Oral health
- Physical activity
- Public Health Infrastructure
- Respiratory Diseases
- Substance abuse
- Tobacco
- Vision and Hearing
17Community-Academic Partnerships
- Students asked for better way to make a
difference - Previous project design reversed
- Community First!
- Community agencies asked to identify public
health needs - Projects designed to meet community-identified
18Community-Academic Partnerships
- Link with community agencies
- United Way of Chittenden County
- Invited proposals January 2004
- Protocols developed to match HP2010 focus areas
and educational goals - May 2004 student rank and match
- IRB process/IRB tutorial
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- Field notes for peers (COMET)
- Written report
- About 10 pages
- Background, Methods, Results, Conclusions
- For mentors and agencies
- Poster presentation
- Visually appealing summary
- Professional quality
- Suitable for submission to national meeting
- January poster presentation at COM
22Evaluation (cont)
- Grading Pass/Fail
- Student self-assessment
- Agency assessment
- Faculty mentor assessment
- Midpoint and final
- Individual contribution and group work
- Competency based
23Project Examples 2004
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25Public Health Project Titles 2004
- 1. Navigating a 15 minute doctor visit Helping
patients communicate with their physicians - 2. Public Health for Refugees in Vermont Public
Health in the Home - 3. Healthy Choice for Teens the path to
well-being through diet and exercise (Woodside) - 4. The Built Environment and Health Promoting
healthy and active Vermont communities (VDH)
26Projects 2004 (cont)
- 5. Helping patients to help themselves
educational methods to improve access to health
care Lund family center - 6. Teaching young children about nutrition and
physical activity Improving nutrition and
physical fitness in YMCA families - 7. Improving health care quality and reducing
errors (VNA) - 8. Assessing psychiatry needs at a community
mental health center (Howard)
27Projects 2004- (cont)
- 9. Immunizations are for adults, too reducing
the risk of influenza and pneumococcal disease in
a nursing home - 10. Diabetic-friendly food donations nutritional
options for the homebound senior (CCEFS) - 11. Improving the health of the community
educational strategies at the Community Health
28Projects 2004 (cont)
- 12. Improving the health of Puerto Cabezas,
Nicaragua, Burlingtons Sister City - 13. Complementary and Alternative Medicine
Physician beliefs and patient/doctor communication
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32Public Health Projects Healthy People 2010
- Access to Quality Health Services
- Health Communication
- Environmental Health
- Diabetes
- Immunizations and infectious disease
- Nutrition/Physical Activity
- Mental Health
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34Jan K Carney, MD MPH,Associate Dean for Public
Health, University of Vermont College of Medicine
- 371 Pearl St, Burlington VT 05401
- (802) 847-8268
- Jan.Carney_at_uvm.edu