can't be discerned on X-ray image. Injecting contrast agents into blood vessels. iodine ... X-ray shadow image is obtained with the help of an image ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation
Obtain an image reconstructed for optimal extraction of a particular feature from an image
Present images
Improve image quality by image processing
Store and retrieve images
4 Using Medical Image
Modulation (by human body)
Further Manipulations
5 Overview of the Use of Electromagnetic Radiation 6 Ultrasound
Produced by piezoelectric crystals
transform electrical energy to acoustic energy
vibrate with 2 10 MHz (audible sound 20 KHz)
pulsed sound waves are emitted
the energies and the arrival times of the received echo caused by the reflections are measured
short l 2l accuracy Source reflector reflector at least 2l echo distance 7 Echo Scanner (1)
Sound pulse
generated with a few MHz
absorbed, scattered, or reflected in the patient
different density small 1020l different velocity of sound crystal (diffuse) different acoustic impedance Reflected interface water? soft tissue bone Soft tissue air small scatter object 8 Echo Scanner (2)
The resolution of echo scanner
the degree with which details located close together can still be distinguished
determined by the l of the sound wave and the duration of the emitted pulse
the smaller l the better the resolution
The attenuation coefficient a
sound frequency for soft tissue
square of the frequency for other types of tissue
the more the beam is attenuated, the more difficult it is to measure the reflections of deeper structures
9 Echo Scanner (3)
Resolution 8 penetration path
deeper structure can only be visualized with relative low frequency and with low resolution
Type of tissue influences the amount of absorption of the beam
air and bone are strong absorbers
muscle tissue and water hardly attenuate the beam
f 3 MHz (l 0.5 mm) depth up to 10 cm
f 513 MHz (l 0.250.075 mm) for eye examination
10 A-Mode
Amplitude mode
the energy of each echo is displayed as a function of the time interval between the pulse and the echo
vertical axis amplitude of the echo
horizontal axis time
the time interval between the pulse and the echo corresponds to the distance between the transducer and the reflecting tissue boundary
Provide one-dimensional information about the location of the reflecting boundaries
11 M-Mode
Motion mode (brightness mode)
similar to A-mode
one-dimensional information
the amplitude of each echo is represented as the brightness of the point located along the time axis
other axis is now used to display the echoes of subsequent pulses
possible to visualize the movement of objects that are crossed by the ultrasonic beam
12 C-Scan
Boundary not perpendicular to the beam axis
produce weak echoes
A-, B-, and M-mode have fixed beam directions
do not display all boundaries equally well
C-scan (compound-scan)
the crystal can be moved
the direction of the beam is changed
the crystal is connected to a flexible arm
linked to a fixed point of reference
disadvantage taking a few seconds to build up the image impossible to follow moving structures
13 Sector Scan
Parallel scan
the movement of the transducer can be sped up by mechanical means
each successive beam makes a small angle with the previous one
two dimensional images are obtained
to use a stationary probe containing a linear array of about 100 crystals
electrically activated one after one
distance between certain boundaries can be obtained
14 Sector Scan by Ultrasound of part of the Aorta 15 Dopper Effect
The measurement of flow velocities
f ? when the target approach to the sound source
the shift in frequency is a the frequency of the incident beam and to the velocity of the target
everything that moves inside the beam contributes to the Doppler signal
by repositioning the sample volume of the transducer is a systematic way, a two dimensional velocity distribution can be determined
the flow map can be superimposed on the echo image
Target sound wave velocity transducer 16 Advantages of Ultrasound
No harmful side effect
for examining pregnant women and young children
Determination of heart function
examination of the brain
obstetric examinations
eye examinations
determination of the perfusion of tissues
detection of tumors and cysts
17 Radiology
discovery in 1895
simple applications
computed radiology
digital subtraction angiography (DSA)
complex applications
computed tomography (CT)
Magnetic resonance image (MRI)
18 Principle of an X-ray 19 Principle of DSA
Blood vessels often absorb as much as radiation as the surrounding tissues
cant be discerned on X-ray image
Injecting contrast agents into blood vessels
Due to the presence of bone
small contrast medium in the blood vessels are difficult to distinguish
the eye is not able to detect contrast differences of less than 3
20 Procedure of DSA
An initial X-ray shadow image is obtained with the help of an image intensifier
signal coming from the television camera is digitized and stored in the computer
The contrast medium is injected into the veins
The precontrast image (mask) is subtracted from the subsequent images
the resulting images only contain the information about the location of the contrast medium
since the contrast medium fills the vessels, the resulting images only show the vessels
21 Procedure of DSA (cont.)
bone structures that disturb the image have been removed by the subtraction
The differences in intensity can be amplified in such a way that the eye is able to perceive the blood vessels in the image
The quality of the image deteriorates when patient move
corrected by using suitable software
the contrast medium is injected in the form of bolus
the proximal part of vessels is visible on the first image
the distal part is visible on the later subtraction images
22 Principle of Contrast Enhancement 23 Example DSA of the Bifurcation of the Aorta 24 Two Dimension Image of X-ray
X-ray image are projection (shadow) images
can not reveal the real geometric distribution of organs
organ are situated behind each other
superimposed in the image so that a three dimensional volume is projected in two dimension
To obtain a three-dimension impression
obtain a number of images from different angles
25 Computed Tomography (1)
A cross section with a thickness about 1mm
divide the cross section into a large number of small squares
each with an area of about 1 mm2
when a narrow X-ray beam (pencil beam) pass through the slice (the beam attenuate)
the attenuation is determined by the molecular composition and the density of the tissue present in the square
an X-ray tube and a detector can be both shifted along a line and rotate
26 Computed Tomography (2)
To obtain an anatomical image
by displaying the attenuation coefficients
to determine the attenuation coefficients of each square
determination of the attenuation of each square in the cross-section is the purpose of the procedure
Translate the beam over a distance width (row)
take into account the attenuation coefficient of the square of the squares located on a neighbor row
repeated by translating the beam and measuring the transmitted intensity
until cover the total cross section
27 Computed Tomography (3)
Its not possible to get determine the individual attenuation coefficient of each square
an intensity profile of the transmitted beam as a function of the position of the beam
a measure of total attenuation
each point in the profile indicates how strongly the incident beam was attenuated by the row of squares that was passed by the beam in that position
Repeat the procedure outline above for various angles of the beam
possible to compute the attenuation per square
28 Principle of the CT 29 Intensity Profile 30 Example of Cross-sections 31 Back Projection (1)
Used in practice to obtain the attenuation coefficients mi
Can be used when intensity profiles that cover the total cross section under various angles are available
In an individual profile
each point represents the amount of attenuation by the pixels transmitted by the beam
Each profile show a dip at the location where the beam passed
32 Back Projection (2) 33 Back Projection (3)
If we have only one intensity profile
we cant determine where on the path the pixel was located
we cant even decide whether the absorption was due to a single pixel or was due to the attenuating medium that was present over the whole path
the only inference is that the attenuating medium was present only along one line in the cross section
the intensity profile showed a dip at only one point
The back-projection method assume
the absorption medium is uniformly distributed over the line
34 Back Projection (4)
The error from the assumption can be corrected
if we have several intensity profiles obtained at different angles
The reconstruction has a star-like distribution
The intensity in the center will increase much faster than the intensity at the periphery
With the use of more angles
the back-projection image become similar to the actual one only it is less sharp
instead of an image showing one attenuating pixel, the neighboring pixels are visible in the reconstructed image as well
35 Back Projection (5)
This blurring effect can be corrected to a certain extent by using appropriate filtering techniques
A real cross section can be considered a union of cross section with each one containing only one attenuation pixel
the single detector is replaced by a frame of multiple detectors
the X-ray tube produces a fan-shaped beam
translation and rotation remain necessary
Third generation
the detector array is so large
transmission through the complete cross section of the patient can be measured simultaneously
translation is no longer necessary, rotation is necessary
Fourth generation
a stationary detector array covers 360o
only X-ray tube rotate
38 Principle of MRI (1)
Certain atomic nuclei behave like a spinning top
behave like small magnets
Under normal circumstances
the body is not magnetic
the hydrogen nuclei within the body point into all directions randomly
the net magnetic field strength (magnetization) 0
When we place an ensemble of nuclei with spin in a strong magnetic field
the nuclei tend to align themselves with the magnetic field
39 Principle of MRI (2)
This alignment occurs
the nuclei prefer to be in a state with the lowest energy
00 K ?all nuclei align themselves to the external magnetic field
At room temperature
the nuclei also possess thermal energy
external magnetic field
0.1 tesla excess 1/106
1 ml H20 3 x 1022 molecules 1017 hydrogen atoms aligning parallel to the magnetic field
40 Spin Alignment 41 EM Radiation
While the nuclei are under influence of the external magnetic field
pulse of electromagnetic radiation are beamed into the tissue
EM radiation is characterized by
an electric and a magnetic component
the magnetic component of the EM radiation exerts a force on the magnetic nuclei
When the magnetic component of the EM radiation has a direction perpendicular to the external magnetic field
cause the magnetization to precess around the direction of external field
42 Larmor Frequency
in such a way
the angle between the direction of the magnetization and the external field will increase linearly with time
only happen when the EM radiation has a certain frequency
the frequency is proportional to the strength of the external magnetic field
gyromagnetic ratio
characteristic for the element (isotope)
the range of radio frequencies 2 to 50 MHz
43 Precession of Magnetization 44 Principle of Gamma Camera 45 A Scintigram of the Lungs 46 Principle of ECG-gated Scintigraphy 47 Rotating Gamma Camera is a leading presentation sharing website. It has millions of presentations already uploaded and available with 1,000s more being uploaded by its users every day. Whatever your area of interest, here you’ll be able to find and view presentations you’ll love and possibly download. And, best of all, it is completely free and easy to use.
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