Title: Monitoring Payment to Contracted Hospital in Laos'
1Monitoring Payment to Contracted Hospital in Laos.
Social Security Organization, Luang Prabang, Lao
P.D.R 24 26 April , 2008
- Overview
- Types of payment.
- Exclusion items
- Limitations (Constraints) of implementation.
- Future Plan payment to contracted hospitals.
- Social Security Organization (SSO) has run its
operations since June 2001
4- Social Security system for enterprise employees
in Laos. - Decree 207/PM on Social security system for
Enterprise Employees. - This decree governs both short and long term
benefits - Short term benefits
- Medical Care benefit -Sickness benefit
- Maternity Benefit -Funeral benefit
- Employment Injury
- Long term benefits
- -Invalidity benefit -Retirement Pension
- Survivor benefit
5Data Structure and Workflow
Child and spouse
Name of enterprise
Family Book No.
Date of birth
Date of birth
SSO Card
ID Card
Family Book No.
6Information Workflow
7Cycle of life
A new family member declared and added
Membership ends but family members still activate
Dependent now beyond the SSOs coverage or
becomes a new member
Information Adjusted and Updated
Opportunity to get new job or mission in other
Member status changed
8Social Security Coverage
Contact Medical Providers in province
Subcontact Medical Providers in district
9- The implementation of Social Health Insurance in
Laos. - Decree 207/PM on Social security system for
Enterprise Employees. - According to the decree the coverage of
beneficiaries is included insured person, spouse
and children up to 18 years old and if continue
study will be coved up to 25 years old. - - The first step covered children up to 6 years
old, year 2001. - -The second step covered children up to 10 years
old,2003. - -The third step covered children up to 18 years
old, from 2005 until now.
10Types of payment to provider for SSO
- Capitation
- Risk Adjusted Capitation
- High Cost Treatment
- Costing study
- Unit cost
- Utilization rate
- Pay per beneficiary
- Monthly
12Risk Adjusted Capitation
- SSO pays additional amount to hospitals
- Six chronic diseases covered including
- Hypertension
- Diabetes
- Hepatitis
- Kidney failure (except hemodialysis)
- Goiter
- Cardiopathy
13Method of RACP to provider
- The steps are as follows
- Total points of 6 diseases from every hospital is
divided by the total points of 6 diseases of each
hospital. - The result is multiplied by the number of
beneficiaries and by the amount of 3,500 kips. - Paid to providers every 3 months.
14High Cost Treatment
- Neurosurgery(1,500,000kip)
- Osteosynthesis(50)
- Transportation(50)
- Ct scan(50)
15Exclusion items
- There are 15 items as follows
- 1.Sex interchange
- 2.Spectacles and artificial lenses except for
work accident and occupational work - 3.Artificial insemination in case of infertility
- 4.Prevention or treatment that is already covered
by government
16Exclusion items (cont.)
- 5.Organ transplantation
- 6. Vasectomy and sterilization
- 7.Thalasemia
- 8.Hemodialysis
- 9.Aesthetic treatment
- 10.Open heart surgery
- 11.Motor Vehicles accident (non work related)
17Exclusion items (cont.)
- 12.Retro-virals drugs and Aids cocktails
- 13.In patient care is limited to 90 days
- per episode in one year
- 14.Dental care (except for extraction,
- pain relief)
- 15.Chemotherapy or Radiotherapy for
- malignant cancer (tumours).
18Limitation or constraints
- Names of spouse and children not collected, no
individual beneficiary records - Do not understand the importance of registration
when changing their status. - Do not understand the regulations for medical
care benefit - Forget SSO card and ID card when going to the
hospital - Some employers recruit employees with their nick
name, and - Some employees, when changing employer, do not
inform SSO because they dont know or forget and
so receive 2 SSO ID cards.
Identification and approve
- Duplicated ID card
20 - Not all have family books
In the family book there is no photo of
children, especially new born baby.
21Future plan of payment
- ?For OPD pay using Capitation
- ?For IPD pay using DRG
- Before using DRG we need complete information
from hospitals on cost of treatments for each
disease and the costs of other fees charged by
hospitals. Standard prices for drugs to be
agreed by all hospitals.
22Thank you very much