Title: Changing Classroom Practice
1Changing Classroom Practice
- Colonel Light Gardens Primary School
- Laptop Project
- Electronic Portfolios
2Changing Classroom Practice
- Exploration by ICT committee and leadership of
new possibilities for hardware development - 16 teachers completed the LTI Course
- Problem Based Learning strategies required access
to technology over longer periods
3Changing Classroom Practice
- Laptop Project
- Project outline
- Teething problems
- Children disconnecting the wireless card
- Laptop and trolley size
4Changing Classroom Practice
- PBL examples
- Antartica ask the expert
- Birds question matrix
- What makes CLG unique?
- Efolios
5Changing Classroom Practice
- CLG Walk
- Special Days Slam Dunk
6Changing Classroom Practice
Electronic Portfolios Goals
- Improve communication between home and school
- Enable parents to be more interactive in an
authentic assessment processes - Improve parent understanding of classroom
programs and activities - Enhanced learning for teachers and students
7Changing Classroom Practice
Outcomes for Students
- Develop skills in English genre by creating web
pages for an authentic audience - Develop skills in Information Literacy by using
the Internet to demonstrate their work to their
parents and peers - Motivation to develop literacy skills will be
8Changing Classroom Practice
Outcomes for Teachers
- Teachers will have skills in web publishing and
uploading files to the On-Line Intranet
9Changing Classroom Practice
Electronic Portfolios What did we do?
- Trialled in 5 classes in 2003
- Students used Frontpage
- Provided templates for students
- Uploaded pages through MyInternet page uploader
- Developed content over the year
- Linked through the On-Line Intranet
- Linked through the MyInternet Desktop
10Changing Classroom Practice
Electronic Portfolios What did we include?
- Recounts
- Imovies
- Concert item
- Poems
- Photo Galleries class activities
- Friends pages
- Literacy genre activities
- An excellent example of this concept taken
further - Circular Head Cluster Digital Portfolio Project
- http//www.e-magine.education.tas.gov.au/innovatio