Title: RDF: Resource Description Framework
1RDF Resource Description Framework
- Ontology
- Syntax of RDF and RDFS
- Axiomatic Semantics for RDF and RDFS
- Applications of RDF and RDFS
- Querying of RDF/RDFS Documents using RQL
3Web Today
Hendler Miller 02
4The semantic web
- Long history coming from Philosophy, introduced
by Aristotle - a branch of metaphysics concerned with the
nature and relations of being --Webster - Picked up by the Artificial Intelligence
- For AI systems, what exists is that which can
be represented - a shared and common understanding of some domain
that can be communicated between people and
application systems Gruber
6What is Ontology
- An ontology is a formal, explicit specification
of a shared conceptualization - Gruber - Conceptualization refers to an abstract model of
phenomena. - Explicit means that the type of concepts used,
and the constraints on their use are explicitly
defined. - Formal refers to the fact that the ontology
should be machine readable. - Shared reflects that ontology should capture
consensual knowledge accepted by the communities.
7Main components of an Ontology
- Classes concepts of the domain or tasks, which
are usually organized in taxonomies - in a university ontology, student and professor
are two classes - Relations a type of interaction between concepts
of the domain - such as subclass-of, is-a
- Axioms model sentences that are always true
- such as if the student attends both A and B
course, then he or she must be a second year
student - Instances to represent specific elements
- such as a student called Peter is the instance
of Student class
- Ontology
- Syntax of RDF and RDFS
- Semantics
- Applications
9RDF is a Web Standard
- RDF Model and Syntax Specification became a W3C
(World Wide Web Consortium) Recommendation in
February 1999. - It has a long history, considering that XML
became W3C Recommendation in 1998. - The purpose of RDF (Resource Description
Framework) is to give a standard way of
specifying data "about" something.
10XML vs. RDF
- ltcompanygt
- lttreatmentOfferedgtPhysiotherapylt/treatmentOffered
gt - ltcompanyNamegtAgilitas Physiotherapy Centre
lt/companyNamegt - ltstaffgt
- lttherapistgtLisa Davenportlt/therapistgt
- lttherapistgtSteve Matthewslt/therapistgt
- ltsecretarygtKelly Townsendlt/secretarygt
- lt/staffgt
- lt/companygt
- How to answer the query give me the list of
staff members in this company? - XML provides semantic information as a by-product
of defining the structure of the document - XML prescribes a tree structure for documents and
the different leaves of the tree have a
well-defined tag and context the information can
be understood with. - That is, structure and semantics of documents are
interwoven - there is no intended meaning associated with the
nesting of tags - It is up to each application to interpret the
11RDF and RDF Schema
How to encode the rule that a person can not be
a secretary and therapist at the same time?
12OWL (Web Ontology Language)
Disjoint (therapist, secretary)
13Basic Ideas of RDF
- David Billington is a lecturer of Discrete Maths
- ltcourse name"Discrete Maths"gt
- ltlecturergtDavid Billingtonlt/lecturergt
- lt/coursegt
- ltlecturer name"David Billington"gt
- ltteachesgtDiscrete Mathslt/teachesgt
- lt/lecturergt
- Opposite nesting, same information!
- Basic building block of rdf subject-predicate-obj
ect triple - It is called a statement
- Sentence about Billington is such a statement
- ltrdfRDF xmlnsrdf"http//www.w3.org/1999/02/22-r
df-syntax-ns" - xmlnsmydomain"http//www.mydomai
n.org/my-rdf-ns"gt - ltrdfDescription rdfabout"http//www.cit.gu.edu
.au/DiscreteMath"gt - ltmydomaintaughtBygt David Billington
lt/mydomaintaughtBygt - lt/rdfDescriptiongt
- Statements assert the properties of resources
- A statement is an resource-property-value triple
- Sometimes also called subject, predicate, and
value - Values can be resources or literals
- Literals are atomic values (strings)
15Resource in a statement
- We can think of a resource as a thing we want
to talk about - E.g. authors, books, publishers, places, people,
hotels - Every resource has a URI, a Universal Resource
Identifier - A URI can be
- a URL (Web address), or
- some other kind of unique identifier.
- In the following example, http//www.cit.gu.edu.a
u/DiscreteMath is a resource that we want to
talk about. - ltrdfRDF xmlnsrdf"http//www.w3.org/1999/02/22-r
df-syntax-ns" - xmlnsmydomain"http//www.mydomai
n.org/my-rdf-ns"gt - ltrdfDescription rdfabout"http//www.cit.gu.edu
.au/DiscreteMath"gt - ltmydomaintaughtBygt David Billington
lt/mydomaintaughtBygt - lt/rdfDescriptiongt
- lt/rdfRDFgt
- Properties are a special kind of resources
- They describe relations between resources
- E.g. taught by, written by, age, title,
etc. - Properties are also identified by URIs.
- Advantages of using URIs
- ? global, worldwide, unique naming scheme
- Reduces the homonym problem of distributed data
ltrdfRDF xmlnsrdf"http//www.w3.org/1999/02/22-r
df-syntax-ns" xmlnsmydomain"http
ltrdfDescription rdfabout"http//www.cit.gu.edu.
au/DiscreteMath"gt ltmydomaintaughtBygt
David Billington lt/mydomaintaughtBygt
lt/rdfDescriptiongt lt/rdfRDFgt
17Three Views of a Statement
- A triple
- A piece of a graph
- A piece of XML code
- Thus an RDF document can be viewed as
- A set of triples
- A graph (semantic net)
- An XML document.
18RDF Parser
- There is a nice RDF parser at the W3 Web site
- http//www.w3.org/RDF/Validator
- This RDF parser will tell you if your XML is in
the proper RDF format. - Altova semanticworks support RDF, RDFS, and OWL.