Title: Innovation in the context of rural economic development
1Innovation in the context of rural economic
- University of Akureyri Research Institute
- Rannsókna- og nýsköpunarhús við Norðurslóð
- 600 Akureyri, Iceland
- Tel. 354 463-0570, Fax 354 463-0560
Some lessons from Iceland
Economic Development and Innovation in the Nordic
Periphery Ketilhúsið, Akureyri, October 22,2004
Elín Aradóttir elina_at_unak.is
- Overview of current activities of RHA in the
field of innovation studies - What do we mean by innovation in the context of
rural economic development - Small firms and innovation Selected research
findings -
3I) Current activities of RHA
Two ongoing projects Project 1
Community morale and its influence on innovation
processes Project 2 Innovation systems and
the periphery (ISP)
4I) Project 1 Community morale and its influence
on innovation processes
- To explore innovation activity among firms in two
selected rural - regions in Iceland.
- Participation in innovation.
- Future plans for innovation.
- Perceptions of hindering factors for innovation.
- To explore the appearance of selected
socio-cultural features among the public in the
same two regions (community morale). - Optimism
- Attitudes towards novelties
- Tradition
- To explore the relationship between innovation
activities among firms and the appearance of
selected socio-cultural features in the same two
5I) Project 1 Presentation of results
The 3rd of November, 2004
6I) Project 2 the ISP project
- Research partners
- University of Akureyri Research Institute (RHA),
Iceland - NIFU STEP, Norway
- Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Sweden
- Chydenius Institute, Kokkola, Finland
- Danish Centre for Rural Research and Development,
Denmark - Reference group
- A group of experts representing key policy actors
and/or support service providers in the field of
innovation facilitation and economic development
in the five countries
7I) Project 2 the ISP project
- Goal
- To explore how innovation capabilities of firms,
in selected traditional and mature industries in
periphery regions can be enhanced through the
means of innovation and regional policy, and the
strengthening of innovation systems - Key themes
- Innovation activity
- Knowledge and competence base
- Cooperation and networking
- Innovation conditions
- Industry focus Tourism, agrifood production,
manufacturing - Study area (IS) The Northwest region (Norðurland
8II) What do we mean by innovation
An innovation means implementing a novelty
for the purpose of strengthening or improving the
competitive status of the entity (firm) in
question. Example of this is when a firm
introduces a new or significantly improved
product (good or service) to the market, or when
a firm designs or utilizes a new or significantly
improved process or method. Innovation is
based on the results of new technological
development, new combinations of existing
technology or knowledge, or utilization of other
knowledge acquired by the firm.
Innovation is defined from the perspective of
each firm, i.e. it has to be new to the firm but
not necessarily to the market (locally,
nationally or in an even wider context). It does,
therefore, not matter whether the novelty was
developed by the firm or by another entity.
Level of novelty In house, local
level, regional level, national level,
international level
9II) What do we mean by innovation?
Based on this understanding of the concept
of innovation, innovation is applicable in every
industry sector, in small and large firms and in
rural and urban locations. But how does
innovation appear in small firms in traditional
sectors in rural regions? Lets look at a
few examples
10II) Firm 1 Móðir jörð
- Móðir jörð, lífræn ræktun
- Eymundur Magnússon and family
- 1979, Vallanes in Fljótsdalshérað East Iceland
- Approximately 5 man-years
- Production of organic food products (farming and
processing) - Pioneer in his field in Iceland
- Products available at all major food retailer
across the country, under own brand - The innovation
- Product barley for human consumption, organic
products - Process Processing at the farm
11II) Firm 2 Skagavör ehf.
- Bjarni Egilsson and family
- 1993, Hvalnes on Skagi, North Iceland
- Approximately 2 man-years
- Processing of various food products, according to
- old Icelandic traditions, access to 40 of
the - Icelandic consumer market
- Product innovation Smoked herring (red herring)
- Product uniqueness The firm has taken a raw
material which does not play a big part in the
every day cuisine of Icelanders and applied old
traditional Icelandic processing methods to those
raw materials - New combinations of existing knowledge
- Through innovation, the firm has broadening its
product range, which has resulted in a better
competitive status of the firm.
12II) Firm 3 Sjúkraþjálfun Sigurveigar ehf.
- Sigurveig Dögg Þormóðsdóttir
- 1998, Sauðárkrókur, North Iceland
- Physiotherapy clinic
- Approximately 1,5 manyears
- Servicing Skagafjörður district/county
- The innovation
- Product/service Introduction of acupuncture
- therapy to the
regional market
13III) Selected research findings
- Results from project 1 and project 2
- Plenty of examples of innovation can be found
among firms in traditional and mature sectors in
the rural regions studied. - Approximately one out of every four firms, in the
Northwest region and Snæfellsnes and Dalir
districts, have been active in innovation in the
past 24 months. - Turnover was found to have considerable effects
on innovation activity as innovation activity
generally increases with higher turnover.
14III) Selected research findings, cont.
Innovation activities and revenue
r0,23 p lt 0,001
15III) Selected research findings, cont.
- Results from project no. 1
- There are some indications that the smallest
firms do not perceive themselves as participants
in innovationand that they do not believe that
the idea of innovation applies to them. - I chose not to answer this questionnaire
because innovation has nothing to do with my
operation, because it is primarily just based on
fishing - Quote from a representative of a small firm in in
Northwest region - I am just a regular working guy in the
field of maintenance and electrical
installations. I leave it to others to deal with
innovations and I do not feel that this
questionnaire applies to me - Representative of a small firm in Snæfellsnes
16III) Selected research findings, cont.
- Results from project 2
- The study in the Northwest region indicates that
the visibility of various policy initiatives as
well as support programs and services might be
quite low among small firms (e.g. based on the
views of representatives of tourism firms). - The representatives of different support service
providers were generally somewhat familiar with
the national policy environment. They, however,
in some cases expressed that in their experience
too little attention is paid to the traditional
sectors of rural regions within the overall scope
of policy and innovation support design.
17III) Selected research findings, cont.
I find it incredibly annoying how much attention
the high-tech companies receive in the general
discussion on innovation in this country, in
comparison to companies in the primary sector.
The reason for that I find this so annoying is
because we have seen that high-tech companies all
over the world are more and more moving their
operations to countries where salaries are low.
The same applies to companies which provide
services to the users of high tech equipment
they seem also to be leaning towards countries
such as India or China. In my opinion, that is if
we are going to sustain our economic growth and
to continue to grow and live up here, we have to
put a greater emphasis on those aspects that can
not be taken away from us. Those aspects include
our magnificent nature and ways of food
production. These aspects are also
interconnected. No one, except us, can offer a
product, such as a tour to the Gullfoss-Geysir
area associated with an Icelandic lamb steak
dinner at local restaurant. These aspects offer
opportunities that can not be taken away from
us. Þorsteinn Broddason, a local economic
development officer in the Northwest region, June
02, 2004
18III) Conclusion
- Although in recent years several development
projects and support services have been initiated
by various organizations, with the aim of
facilitating innovation among firms in rural
regions, there are some indications that we need
to do better - Visibility of the existing services needs to be
improved. Support service providers might need to
take up a more proactive approach in the
promotion of service offers and opportunities - Also in the general discussion of innovation in
society, it has to be emphasized that innovation
is applicable in every firm, regardless of size,
industry sector, and location - Public policy makers, governmental organizations,
and research and educational institutes have an
important role in shaping the discussion of the
topic - Industry associations and grassroots groups also
have a role in initiating an encouraging
discussion of the importance of innovation within
their membership base - Firms need to buy into the idea of innovation
and make it their own
19More Information
- A handout included in the conference package
- Contact information
- Elín Aradóttir, Rannsóknastofnun Háskólans á
Akureyri - E-mail elina_at_unak.is
- Tel. 354 4630571
20II) Selected research findings, cont.
- Results from project 1
- In the past 24 months, did your firm introduce
onto the market any new or significantly improved
products (goods or services) for your firm? - In the past 24 months, has your firm introduced
any new or significantly improved production
processes including methods of supplying services
and ways of delivering products?