Microbiology Tortora - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Microbiology Tortora


Microbiology Tortora. Chapter 0ne- The Microbial World and You ... microbiology ... Golden age of microbiology-began with Pasteur's work. Germ theory of disease ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Microbiology Tortora

Microbiology Tortora
  • Chapter 0ne-
  • The Microbial World and You

Some Little Bug
  • In these days of Indigestion
  • It is often times a question as to what to eat
    and what to leave alone
  • For each microbe and bacillus has a different
    way to kill us,
  • And in time they always claim us for their own.
  • There are germs of every kind in any food that
    you can find
  • In the market or upon the bill of fare.
  • Drinking waters just as risky as the so-called
    deadly whisky,
  • And its often a mistake to breathe the air
  • By Roy Atwell

Microbes in our lives
  • Microorganisms or microbes are too small to be
    seen with the naked eye
  • Includes fungi, bacteria, yeasts and molds,
    protozoa, and microscopic algae
  • May cause disease (pathogens) (http//www.cdc.gov
  • or food spoilage http//www.foodservice.com/food_s
  • BUT are also beneficial (photosynthesis, food
    production, recombinant technology, waste
    treatment, etc) http//www.safe-food.org/-issue/ge

Naming organisms
  • Binomial nomenclature was created by Carolus
    (Karl) Linnaeus
  • 2 name naming (genus and species)
  • Use Latin
  • Genus is capitalized (Streptococcus)
  • Species is small case (aureus)
  • Always use italics or underline

Types of microorganisms
  • Bacteria (singular is bacterium)-simple,
    unicellular organisms that DONT have a nucleus
    around the genetic material (prokaryotic-before a
  • 3 main shapes are bacillus (rodlike), coccus
    (oval or round), and spiral (corkscrew shaped)
  • Usually reproduce by binary fission

Other types
  • Archaea-found in extreme environments and include
    methanogens, extreme halophiles, and extreme
  • Fungi-are eukaryotes because they have a true
  • May be yeasts, molds, mushrooms
  • True fungi have chitin in cell wall
  • May be asexual or sexual

Still more types
  • Protozoa-unicellular, eukaryotic microbes that
    move by pseudopods, flagella, or cilia
  • Algae-photosynthetic eukaryotes that play
    important role in balance of nature
  • Many algae have cellulose in cell wall
  • Parasites-multicellular-include flatworms and
  • Viruses are very small (measured in nanometers),
    have only DNA or RNA surrounded by a protein coat

History of microbiology
  • http//users.stlcc.edu/kkiser/History.page.html
    this site has a time line and pictures of the
    major players in early microbiology (go there to
  • Cell theory-Hookes discovery marked the
    beginning of this
  • Spontaneous generation-life from non-life
  • Much early micro work was to either prove or
    disprove this theory
  • Biogenesis-living cells come from pre-existing
  • Aseptic technique-germ free
  • Golden age of microbiology-began with Pasteurs
  • Germ theory of disease-proved by Koch

Modern Chemotherapy
  • Treatment of disease using chemical substances
  • Synthetic versus antibiotic
  • Paul Ehrlich-magic bullet-salvarsan- salvation
    from syphilis (1910)
  • Alexander Fleming-accidentally discovered
    penicillin in 1928

Modern Developments
  • Bacteriology-study of bacteria, began with
    Leeuwenhoeks examination of tooth scrapings
  • Mycology-study of fungi
  • Parasitology-study of protozoa and parasitic
  • Immunology-study of the immune system, began with
    Jenners first vaccine in 1796
  • Advanced when Rebecca Lancefield classified
    Streptococcus based on differences in cell wall

Modern Developments continued
  • Virology- Iwanowski and the tobacco mosaic virus
    discovery in 1892 gave it a major boost
  • Recombinant DNA technology-use microorganisms to
    manufacture human hormones and other medical
    substances (growth hormone used to come from
  • The technology is also called genetic engineering
  • 1944 DNA proved to be unit of heredity (Averys
  • 1946 Lederberg and Tatum discovered conjugation
  • 1953 Watson and Crick created model for DNA
  • 1961 Jacob and Monod discovered mRNA leading to
    the understanding of protein synthesis

Microbes and Humans
  • Recycling vital elements-nitrogen is common but
    must be changed into a usable form by bacteria to
    be available for plants and animals
  • Sewage treatment-Zooglea help break down
    particulate matter in sewage treatment
  • Bioremediation-using bacteria to clean up toxic
  • Insect pest control -Bacillus thuringensis is
    toxic to the digestive tract of bollworms, corn
    borers, tomato worms, etc.

Microbes and Humans continued
  • Biotechnology has now allowed gene
    therapy-inserting a missing gene into human cells
  • Normal flora-populations of bacteria in and on
    you that help keep you healthy by providing
    vitamins, prevent overgrowth of harmful
    pathogens, etc

  • Infectious disease-when pathogen invades a
    susceptible host
  • Emerging infectious disease-new diseases that
    have appeared in the last couple of decades
  • EIDs include Avian influenza (bird flu), SARS,
    West Nile Virus, BSE or mad cow disease, CJD is
    human disease like mad cow, E-coli 0157H7,
    flesh-eating disease caused by IGAS or invasive
    group A Streptococcus, Ebola, AIDS and HIV, and
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