Title: Gene flow
1Chapter 5/6
2Gene flow
- Gene Flow- The gain or loss of alleles from a
population by the movement of individuals or
gametes. Immigration or emigration - The two effects of gene flow
- A. New genes can be introduced into a population
- B. Gene flow between two populations will over
time make them more similar.
- Migration- i.e.gene flow cannot affect allele
frequencies for an entire population(species) but
it can effect frequencies for subpopulations - Colonization the process of movement into
previously unoccupied lands (founder effect) - Migration is movement from one occupied area to
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8- Models of migration
- Island model - metapopulation split into islands
of equal size N- which exchange genes under the
same rate m. - Stepping-stone model - Adds geographic structure
to the island model - Isolation by distance - genetic similarity
related to distance.
9Interplay among evolutionary forces
Mutation drift equilibrium- stable level of
genetic diversity reached when the rate at which
new variants are introduced by mutation is
balanced with the loss of drift.
10Reproductive success vs Ne
- Wright Fisher model assumes that all parents have
an equal chance of contributing to the next
generation. This results in a poisson
distribution of the number of offspring. - In reality there is tremendous variation in the
contribution of individuals to the next
generation - High variance in the number of offspring higher
than expected under a poisson distribution. - Higher the reproductive variance the lower the Ne
parental contributions are more and more
unequal - Can be due to social causes.
- Reproductive Variance can vary between sexes
11Effective population sizes of Different
genomes. Population of 2 , Male and Female 4 A
autosomes 3 X chromosomes 1 Y chromosome 1 mtDNA
genome mtDNA, Y chrom - 1/4 A X chromosome - 3/4
12Population Subdivision and Ne
- Most populations are not homogenous
- Human mating is not random-
- Involves conscious choice
- Think of populations as subpopulations or demes
- Population isolation leads to genetic
- Selection can also change allele frequencies
- Differential reproduction of genotypes in
succeeding generation. - Fitness
- Viability - ability to survive to reproduce
- Sexual selection - success in attracting a mate
- Gamete selection - Ability to fertilize
- Fecundity - number of progeny
141. Directional Selection
- Favors variants of one extreme.
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162. Balancing Selection
- Acts upon extremes and favors the intermediate.
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183. Diversifying Selection
- Favors variants of opposite extremes.
- Purifying selection (negative selection)-
mutations which reduce your fitness are
eliminated from population - Positive selection- mutations which increase your
fitness are fixed in population - Codominant selection- selection where both
alleles contribute to overall fitness - Balancing selection- the heterozygote is favored.
- Frequency dependent selection-frequency of a
genotype determines its fitness.
Codominant- selection of heterozygote and
homozygote fixes faster!
21What type of selection?
- Parameters allow us to determine what form of
selection is acting on an allele in a population - Most new alleles are eliminated rather than fixed
- As long as not deleterious allele can remain for
a long time - Time to fix an advantageous allele is shorter
than a neutral one - If selection is operating on diploid than s gt
1/2Ne - If selection is operating on haploid than s gt
2/Ne (1/4 the effective pop size!)
22Selection or drift determine the future of an
- Remember drift affects smaller populations more
than large ones - Drift vs selection depends
- Ne
- Selection coefficient
- Type of selection
- Frequency of the allele at t0
23Neutral theory of molecular evolution
- Most polymorphisms and changes in allele
frequencies from generation to generation are
neutral- in that they have no affect on the
individual or the population. - The polymorphisms that are present are subject to
elimination and fixation at equal probability as
they are neutral. - The rate of this has been assumed to be constant
and linked to the rate of mutation in lineages. - Means that the genetic diversity between
genes/populations could in theory be used to date
the divergence of those lineages. - Molecular clock hypothesis
25Molecular clock woes
- Different species have different mutation rates-
thus cross comparisons are tricky - Lineage effects
- Generation time hypothesis - males have more
replication than females- can lead to bias in
estimating times of divergence of genes say Y vs
X vs autosomes. - Metabolic rate hypothesis
26III. Pedigree analysis.
27Chapter 6
- Measuring genetic diversity
28Measuring nucleotide diversity
- Under neutral evolution the level of diversity in
a population will reach an equilibrium - New mutation cancelled out by drift
- Ø 4Neµ where Ø is the genetic diversity, Ne, µ
mutation rate- so if we know µ and Ø we can
calculate Ne
29Measuring genetic diversity
- How do we measure genetic diversity?
- What are measures of genetic diversity?
30Measuring genetic diversity
- Several ways to measure Ø (theta)
- of alleles
- Number of segrating sites
- Segragation sites
- Number of singletons
- Mean number of pairwise differences
31Set of sequences
- I A G T C T T A C G T A T C
- II A G T C T T G C G T A T C
- IV A G T C T T G C G T G T C
- V A G T C T T A C G T A T C
32Pairwise differences
- I A G T C T T A C G T A T C
- II A G T C T T G C G T A T C
- IV A G T C T T G C G T G T C
- V A G T C T T A C G T A T C
33frequency differences
34mismatch distributions
35What md tell us about pops
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