Title: Software Engineers are the Priests of the Modern Age,
1Applied Interactional Expertise in Scientific
Trading Zones
Software Engineers are the Priests of the Modern
A mysterious cult standing between The People and
This situation is unacceptable,
Especially in science, the nominated interpreter
of reality!
2The Problem
Software Engineers are the Priests of the Modern
A mysterious cult standing between The People and
This situation is unacceptable,
Especially in science, the nominated interpreter
of reality!
Dumb idea 0
Software engineers must become scientists,
So they can be contributory experts in these
The only way to do this,
Is to teach software engineers to be molecular
3(No Transcript)
4The Problem
Software Engineers are the Priests of the Modern
A mysterious cult standing between The People and
This situation is unacceptable,
Especially in science, the nominated interpreter
of reality!
Dumb idea 0
Software engineers must become scientists,
So they can be contribitory experts in these
The only way to do this,
Is to teach software engineers to be molecular
5The Problem
Software Engineers are the Priests of the Modern
A mysterious cult standing between The People and
This situation is unacceptable,
Especially in science, the nominated interpreter
of reality!
Dumb idea 1
We need artificial intelligence,
So computers can be contributory experts in these
The only way to do this,
Is to teach computers to be molecular biologists.
6Afferent helps chemists do drug discovery.
Afferents goals Close the synthetic/analytic
loop on drug (lead) discovery. Give scientists
direct control over the discovery process.
7Chemists Teach Afferent Organic Chemistry
8Afferent Runs Chemical Robots to Do the Reactions
9Afferent Simulates the Chemistry
10Afferent can see both successes and failures in
mass spec data.
11Afferent can make educated guesses about what
might have gone wrong
12Afferent helps chemists do drug discovery.
Afferents goals Close the synthetic/analytic
loop on drug (lead) discovery. Give scientists
direct control over the discovery process.
Afferents successes Close the
synthetic/analytic loop on drug (lead) discovery.
Afferents failures Scientists felt like they
had less control.
13The Problem
Software Engineers are the Priests of the Modern
A mysterious cult standing between The People and
This situation is unacceptable,
Especially in science, the nominated interpreter
of reality!
Dumb idea 1
We need artificial intelligence,
So computers can be contributory experts in these
The only way to do this,
Is to teach computers to be molecular biologists.
14What laboratory life is REALLY like (for a
computer scientist)
15The Problem
Software Engineers are the Priests of the Modern
A mysterious cult standing between The People and
This situation is unacceptable,
Especially in science, the nominated interpreter
of reality!
Dumb idea 2
We need a New Enlightenment,
Where scientists directly control computation.
The only way to do this,
Is to teach scientists to program and let them do
16BioBike enables biocomputation for molecular
BioBikes goals Give scientists direct control
over the discovery process. Provide access to
all the desired biological knowledge. Let the
scientists actually do the programming. Embed
biocomputing in a collaborative community of
biologists working together on problems.
17What biologists want to do
18The state-of-the-art in Bioinformatics an
infinitude of one-off hacks to integrate
knowledge from almost redundant, slightly broken,
giant, remote knowledge bases.
19Web Based Listener
Object Persistence
Security v. Collaboration
Process Management
Efficient Scripting
Integrated Knowledge
Toolset Integration
Ability to read Upside Down
20Knowledge Operating System integrates knowledge
KnowOS Integrated Knowledge Server
Biocomputational Tools and Sims
21Dotty output
Call Dotty
Call Phylip
Call Clustal
22Teach scientists to program
23BioBike enables biocomputation for molecular
BioBikes goals Give scientists direct control
over the discovery process. Provide access to
all the desired biological knowledge. Let the
scientists actually do the programming. Embed
biocomputing in a collaborative community of
biologists working together on problems.
BioBikes successes Knowledge OS does offer
unprecedented integration.
BioBikes failures The scientists didnt
actually do the programming!
24The Problem
Software Engineers are the Priests of the Modern
A mysterious cult standing between The People and
This situation is unacceptable,
Especially in science, the nominated interpreter
of reality!
Dumb idea 2
We need a New Enlightenment,
Where scientists directly control computation.
The only way to do this,
Is to teach scientists to program and let them do
25BioBike enables biocomputation for molecular
BioBikes goals Give scientists direct control
over the discovery process. Provide access to
all the desired biological knowledge. Let the
scientists actually do the programming. Embed
biocomputing in a collaborative community of
biologists working together on problems.
BioBikes successes Knowledge OS does offer
unprecedented integration.
BioBikes failures The scientists didnt
actually do the programming!
BUT! A community did arise that did do the work!
26KnowOS Integrated Knowledge Server
Biocomputational Tools and Sims
27The Problem
Software Engineers are the Priests of the Modern
A mysterious cult standing between The People and
This situation is unacceptable,
Especially in science, the nominated interpreter
of reality!
Probably dumb idea 3
We need a New Enlightenment,
Where scientists interact as peers with software
One way to do this,
Is to make scientists interactional experts in
computing, and programmers interactional experts
in science, and put them together in communities.
28Applied Interactional Expertise in Scientific
Trading Zones
T-Shaped People?
Communities of obsessive mad people engaged
through knowledge trading technologies