Title: Master of Management in Operations Research
1Master of Management in Operations Research
- Library Resources
- Christina Sylka
- David Lam Library
- March, 2007
- Lam Library overview
- Overview of searching best practices
- Demonstration of relevant UBC Library databases
- Examination of other statistical sources
- Datastream presentation
3David Lam Library
- Location
- David Lam Management Research Library
- 2nd 3rd Floor, above 99 Chairs
- Web Address
- http//www.library.ubc.ca/lam/
4The Library Catalogue
- Fee vs. Free
- 50 licensed databases for business research
- Articles, news, data, company information,
financials, industry analysis, investor reports,
and more - Available via wireless network, off-campus, other
libraries - Selected standalone databases available in the
David Lam Library only Bloomberg Datastream
6Business Databases
7Search Techniques
- The selection of search terms is important, be
persistent! - Generate a list of synonyms and alternative
spellings - Electronic bookstore, Online bookstore,
bookselling, book retailing, e-tailing, etc. - Wal-mart vs. Walmart
- Marketing, advertising, ad campaign, branding,
brand name products, consumers, public relations - Subject headings
- Use Boolean Operators AND, OR, NOT between
8ABI/Inform CDN Newsstand
- Good starting point for background on an
industry, topic, company - Full text of 2000 business journals
- Wall Street Journal updated daily
- National Post, Vancouver Sun, Canadian Business,
BC Business - Indexes Harvard Business Review
- Economist
9Business Source Premier
- Journals covering business, management,
economics, banking, finance, accounting and more - Popular business publications such as Business
Week, Forbes, and Harvard Business Review - Hundreds of scholarly, peer-reviewed journals
- Global content (9000 sources)
- Globe Mail
- Dow Jones and Reuters newswires
- The Wall Street Journal.
- Multilingual interface and content
- Company profiles
11CAB Direct
- Index of journal articles in
- Agricultural Science
- Forestry
- Human Animal Health and Nutrition
- Conservation Management of Natural Resources
12ACM Digital Library
- Non-profit organization that publishes
technology-related journals, Special Interest
Group Newsletters and over 50 annual conference
proceedings - Access to all ACM journals and magazines online,
as well as conference proceedings - 750,000 pages of downloadable text
13IEEE Electronic Library
- Technical journals, standards, and conference
proceedings - Published by the Institute of Electrical and
Electronics Engineers (IEEE) and the Institute of
Electrical Engineers - Powerful search software
- Respected industry source
- Analyzes emerging trends in technology and their
impact on business and the economy - Covers many industry sectors, eg, healthcare,
logistics, etc. - UBC users need to set up (free) accounts
- Market research and trend analysis on Internet,
e-business, online marketing, media and emerging
- Investment, company and industry reports from
over 500 brokers in North America, Europe,
Asia/Pacific, Latin America, Africa and the
Middle East - Financial forecasting a strength
- Proprietary information
17Sources for Finding Company Financials
- NAICSNorth American Industry Classification
System - SICStandard Industrial Code
- Both are numerical systems for classifying
industries - Links are on Industry Research Guide
- 339113 Surgical Appliance Supplies
Manufacturing - Orthopedic canes manufacturing
- Crutches and walkers manufacturing
- Hard hats manufacturing
- Orthopedic device manufacturing sale in retail
environment - Suits, space, manufacturing
- 446199 All Other Health and Personal Care Stores
- Convalescent supply stores
- Hearing aid stores
- Medical equipment and supplies stores
- Prosthetic stores
- Sick room supply stores
20FP Advisor
- Corporate information and current and historical
financial reports on Canada's leading 500
companies - Tools to retrieve, manipulate and analyze
fundamental data for over 1400 Canadian companies - IPO and New Issue information on Canadian
- U.S. International public company data with
enhanced features that allow you to compare
companies and export data into Excel, CSV, etc. - Ability to compare financial items, ratios over
an industry or portfolio - Current and historical annual reports
- Includes inactive companies
- Combines the databases of three organizations
OECD's International Road Research Documentation,
ECMT TRANSDOC database, and Transportation
Research Information Services database - With nearly 500,000 records, TRANSPORT provides
information of interest to practising engineers,
managers, researchers, educators and other
professionals in the transportation sectors - Special emphasis is placed on road transportation
and transportation economics
23Sources for Finding Statistics
- NAICS North American Industry Classification
System - SIC Standard Industrial Code
- Both are numerical systems for classifying
industries - Can be used to search articles databases,
directories, statistical sources, etc. - Links are on Industry Research Guide
26Using NAICS
- Performance Plus
- Interactive benchmarking tool
- Financial employment data for over 600
business sectors
27BC Stats
- Current reports and statistics from British
Columbia's central statistical agency - Invaluable economic, socioeconomic and
demographic data - UBC has enhanced subscription
- Best place to find demographics for specific
geographic locations- - Canada, Metropolitan Centres, regions, First 3
digits of the postal code (Forward Sortation Area
(FSA)), Dissemination Areas (DA), which can be
limited to a 6 block area, or a highrise - Kinds of information available income, marital
status, family, age, educational attainment,
ethnicity, occupation, dwellings (size, value,
condition, owned or rented), religion - The more specific geographically, the less
demographic detail you will find
29Census Forward Sortation Area (FSA)
30Census FSA, cntd.
- Statistics Canadas public website
- Some fee-based products
- Many free products (latest issue)
32E-Stat - CANSIM
- Easiest interface for searching Statistics Canada
- designed with the needs and interests of the
education community in mind - Using overĀ 2,400 tables from CANSIM, track
trends in the lives of Canadians. Updated once a
year during the summer, CANSIM contains more
thanĀ 26 million time series.
33E-Stat - CANSIM
34E-Stat - CANSIM
35Canada Mortgage Housing Corp.
- Depository collection
- Covers Canadian housing market
- starts and completions
- mortgage market
- rental market trends nationally and in major
urban centres - forecasting
36Statistics Canada Electronic Publications
- UBC Library is a depository library for
Statistics Canada publications. - This gives you access to Statistics Canada
publications such as - Retail Trade
- Canadian Social Trends
- Canadian Economic Observer
- Spending Patterns in Canada
- Etc.
- Available on a standalone workstation in the
library - Image from http//library.nyu.edu/research/bus-i
- Current historical international financial
economic data from IMF, OECD national
government agencies - - equities
- - market indices
- - company acounts
- - bonds
- - macroeconomics
- - foreign exchange
- - warrants
- - interest rates
- - exchange rates
- - commodities
- - derivatives
38Datastream Economics
- Determine your category, item name, preferred
data, its frequency, and its output (time series,
table or graph)
39Datastream - Commodities
- All series in Commodities which match the search
criteria for Forestry Products US Dollar
40Datastream - Chart
- Percentage Changes Chart NBSK Pulp (CIF W.
Europe) US/MT
41Datastream Company Accounts
- Datastream provides company accounts info for
international companies in a pre-defined report
42What is WRDS?
- Wharton Research Data Services, or WRDS, is a
web-based data management system used to retrieve
information from a wide variety of financial,
economic, and marketing data sources - Our Vendors Kind of Data
43Navigating WRDS
- Use Documentation Manuals to identify Data Items
- Use your class ID mmor07
- Use your class Password Lib5157
46Your Library Account
- From the UBC Library homepage (not the David Lam
homepage) - http//www.library.ubc.ca/
- Choose My Library Account
- Renew items, check fines, requests
- Change your PIN
- When does your account expire?
- Grad Student loans are 8 weeks!
47Connecting from Off-Campus
- Databases, eJournals, eBooks are licensed for
the use of current UBC students, faculty and
staff - You will need A valid UBC Library card
PIN Virtual Private Network - To set up the VPN on your computer
- http//www.vpn.ubc.ca
48Research Assistance
- Open 10-4, Monday to Friday
- Staffed by 3 friendly and helpful Librarians
Christina, Amber Jan - 604-822-9399 (Reference Desk)
- For group projects it is best to make an
appointment with a Librarian
Christina Sylka christina.sylka_at_ubc.ca
822-9390 Jan Wallace jan.wallace_at_ubc.ca
822-9392 Amber Lannon amber.lannon_at_ubc.ca
49Keep in Touch
- In person
- Lam Library Reference hours
- 1000 400 Monday Friday
- Or make an appointment
- Telephone
- E-Mail