Title: Utahs Universal Application System
1Utahs Universal Application System
- Terry Russo, MBA
- Senior Research Scientist
- Early Intervention Research Institute
- Utah State University
- Logan, UT 84322-6580
- Terry.russo_at_usu.edu
2The Universal Application System (UAS)
? How it came to be ? What the data shows ?How it
works ?How it helps staff and
3Opening Utahs Doors Project
Integrated services grant from MCHB via Division
of Services for Children with Special Health
Needs (DSCSHN) To help Utah organize its services
so families of young children with special needs
can use them easily June 2001 to June 2005
4CSHCN Core Outcome 5
- Services for children with special health needs
and their families will be organized in ways that
families can use them easily.
5Multiple applications are frustrating!
6The Universal Application System
- a web-based interagency application process
- designed to help families apply for multiple
programs services online - currently available in English Spanish
7Efficiencies of the UAS
- Streamlines application process
- Empowers families
- Minimizes application errors
- Assists in overcoming language barriers
- Reduces office traffic
8 System Highlights
- Consumer logs onto the Utah Clicks web site at
www.utahclicks.org - Establishes a user name and password which is
secured by the system - A single account for the entire family is created
9System Highlights, cont
- New clients can enter either from the Utah Clicks
website or agency-specific website - An individually customized screening process is
provided for each family member (if desired) - The data is saved so that the individual can log
back into the system and change or update
10Current UTAH CIiCKS Applications
- Medicaid
- Baby Watch/Part C
- Baby Your Baby
- (Medicaid Presumptive Eligibility)
11Coming Soon!
- Free and Reduced School Lunch
- Head Start
- Oregon Clicks
12Talks are Underway with
- Salt Lake Housing Authorities
- Cancer Screening Program
- Other States
13 Data from Pilot Survey
- who completed UAS in one session 94
- How long did it take to complete the UAS?
- 0-30 minutes 52
- 30-60 minutes 38
- 60 minutes 10
14What Consumers Say
15 Data from Pilot Survey
- Where did you complete the UAS?
- Home 64
- Agency office 12
- Family/Friend home 10
- Work 9
- Other 5
16 Data from Pilot Survey
- How many applications did you complete?
- 1 47
- 2 16
- 3 16
- 4 14
- 5 7
- 94 would recommend the UAS to others !
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- Agency-specific screening criteria can be
established and updated by each agency - Review, assignment and follow-up of
electronically submitted applications - Simple process to update or add application forms
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41When the intake worker clicks on the Inbox link,
a list of their applications will be displayed,
similar to an email account. It will be sorted
by whether the caseworker has opened/viewed the
app. and the date it was submitted. The intake
worker can resort the apps. by applicant, date
submitted, status or application.
42The UAS helps families find the services they