Title: Frameworks
1Frameworks Guidelines for Practice Recent
developments in the UK
- Andy Tyerman
- Consultant Clinical Neuropsychologist
- Community Head Injury Service
- Vale of Aylesbury Primary Care Trust
- andy.tyerman_at_voapct.nhs.uk
2Recent national guidelines / standards
- Head injury Triage, assessment, investigation
and early management of head injury in infants,
children and adults (NICE, 2003). - Rehabilitation following acquired brain injury
(RCP, BSRM, 2003) . - Vocational assessment rehabilitation after ABI.
(RCP/Jobcentre Plus/BSRM, 2004). - The National Service Framework for Long-term
Conditions (Department of Health, 2005).
3National Institute of Clinical Excellence Head
Injury - Clinical Guidelines (2003)
- Presentation and referral
- Transport to AE pre-hospital care
- Assessment/investigation in AE (eg CT scan)
- Admission to hospital
- Transfer from secondary to tertiary care
- Observation of admitted patients
- Discharge (incl. sample discharge advice cards)
- www.nice.org.uk
4British Society of Rehabilitation Medicine
- National Clinical Guidelines for
- Rehabilitation following
- Acquired Brain Injury
- (TurnerStokes L, ed.)
- Royal College of Physicians / British Society of
Rehabilitation Medicine, Dec. 2003 - (www.rcplondon.ac.uk/pubs)
5BSRM Guidelines Content
- Principles and organisation of services
- Approaches to rehabilitation
- Carers and families
- Early discharge and transition to rehabilitation
- In-patient clinical care preventing
complications - Rehabilitation setting and transition phase
- Rehabilitation interventions
- Continuing care support
6In-patient clinical care
- Optimising respiratory function
- Management of swallowing impairment
- Maintaining adequate nutrition hydration
- Positioning and handling
- Effective bladder bowel management
- Establishing basic communication
- Managing epileptic seizures
- Emerging from coma and PTA
- Prolonged coma and vegetative states
7Rehabilitation interventions
- Promoting continence
- Motor function and control
- Sensory disturbance
- Communication language interventions
- Cognitive, emotional behavioural management
8 . cont. Rehabilitation interventions
- Optimising performance in daily living tasks
- Leisure recreation
- Computer and assistive technology
- Driving
- Vocational/educational rehabilitation
9Identified need for guidelines on long-term
community rehabilitation, care support
- Possible content
- Rehabilitation interventions in the community
- Occupational, leisure and social activities
- Family sexual relationships
- Neuropsychotherapy provision
- Supported living (incl. aids/equipment)
- Driving other independent travel needs
- Support for family and friends
10Inter-Agency Advisory Group on Vocational
Rehabilitation after Brain Injury
- Vocational Assessment Rehabilitation after
Acquired Brain Injury - Inter-Agency Guidelines
- Royal College of Physicians, Jobcentre Plus /
- British Society of Rehabilitation Medicine, 2004
- www.rcplondon.ac.uk/pubs
11ABI Vocational Service Guidelines
- Guidance and support in returning to previous
employment, education or training. - Vocational/employment assessment to determine
alternative avenues of employment or training. - Vocational rehabilitation to prepare for return
to alternative employment, education or training. - Supported employment for those requiring ongoing
support and/or additional training. - Permitted work, voluntary work or alternative
occupational / educational provision.
12Brain injury vocational rehabilitation provision
Work Psychol.
Adult Educ.
Care Manager
Work Prep.
Access To Work
Shelt. w/shop
Vol. Work
Permit. Work
Voc. Train.
New Job
Old Job
Day Activity
13Inter-Agency Guidelines Implementation
- Development of local inter-agency protocols
- NHS, JCP, SSD, vocational/educational providers
- Key staff to establish ongoing service links
- (e.g. NP/OT regular consultation with WP/DEA)
- Development of ABI vocational training
- awareness vocational needs specialist skills
training - Need to review future provision for VR for ABI
- (NHS/SSD) NSF-LTC DWP Framework for VR
14The National Service Framework for Long-term
Conditions (NSF-LTC)
- Specific focus on long-term neurological
conditions in people of working age but also
wider focus on issues common to long term
conditions -
- (Department Health, 2005)
- (www.dh.gov.uk/longtermnsf)
15What are National Service Frameworks ?
- NSFs are blueprints for care which
- Set national standards and define service models
- Highlight current best practice
- Put in place strategies to support implementation
and delivery - Establish performance measures to monitor progress
16The NSF for LTC aims to
- promote quality of life and independence by
ensuring that people with long-term neurological
conditions receive co-ordinated care and support
that is planned around their needs and choices.
- transform health and social care across the care
pathway, from symptom onset diagnosis through
acute care rehabilitation to long-term
community support and, when required, end-of-life
17Quality Requirements Structure
- Aim
- Quality requirement
- Rationale
- Evidence based markers of good practice
18QR1. A person-centred service
- Quality requirement
- People with long-term neurological
conditions are offered integrated assessment and
planning of their health and social needs. They
are to have the information they need to make
informed decisions about their care and treatment
and, where appropriate, to support them to manage
their condition themselves.
19 QR1 Markers of good practice outline
- timely integrated assessment by all relevant
agencies leading to individual care plan - covers current anticipated needs - holistic in
nature - held by person regularly reviewed (incl.
self-assessment) - named point of contact for everyone for complex
needs named person responsible for co-ordinating
input - care assessment/planning for life transitions to
provide continuity of care (e.g. transfer to
adult services across geographical boundaries
change in social circumstances).
20 cont. QR1 Markers of good practice outline
- Arrangements for providing information
- timely, quality assured, culturally appropriate
information on service provision, on the
condition and how to manage it and on wider
social inclusion issues. - professionals, people with LTNC and carers
receive training on effective ways to provide
use information. - access to education and self-management
programmes, tailored to individual need
21QR2. Early recognition, prompt diagnosis and
- Quality requirement
- People suspected of having a neurological
condition are to have prompt access to specialist
neurological expertise for an accurate diagnosis
and treatment as close to home as possible.
22 QR2 Markers of good practice - outline
- improved access to neurological expertise (e.g.
through training, shared protocols, MD neurology
clinics) - diagnostic services effectively designed with
sufficient capacity, consistent with NICE and
other guidelines - improved access to appropriate treatments
guidelines, early integrated assessment/care
planning information - prompt access to ongoing specialist neurological
advice and treatment including specialist nurse
practitioners - improved access to treatment review
23QR3. Emergency and acute management
- Quality requirement
- People needing hospital admission for a
neurosurgical or neurological emergency are to be
assessed and treated in a timely manner by teams
with the appropriate neurological and
resuscitation skills and facilities.
24 QR3 Markers of good practice - outline
- complies with NICE other standards/guidelines
- local hospitals have resources for treatment
review (ie. staff, facilities, links protocols)
- protocols comply with NICE guidelines (eg HI)
- transfer to neuroscience / SCI centres when
needed (capacity - staff facilities) return - local hospitals suitable wards, facilities
staffing for ongoing care, supervision or rehab.
25QR4. Early and specialist rehabilitation
- Quality requirement
- People with long-term neurological
conditions who would benefit from rehabilitation
are to receive timely, ongoing, high quality
rehabilitation services in hospital or other
specialist setting to meet their continuing and
changing needs. When ready, they are to receive
the help they need to return home for ongoing
community rehabilitation and support.
26 QR4 Markers of good practice - outline
- rehabilitation complies with NICE guidelines
takes account of other nationally accepted
guidelines - improved access ( re-access) to rehab. provided
- early, at appropriate intensity, by co-ordinated
team - trained staff support people carers in applying
skills in ADL - person, family and rehabilitation team work to
agreed goals - seamless transition of care through integrated
working - specialist rehabilitation for very severe /
complex needs
27QR5. Community Rehabilitation Support
- Quality requirement
- People with long-term neurological
conditions living at home are to have ongoing
access to a comprehensive range of
rehabilitation, advice and support to meet their
continuing and changing needs, increase their
independence and autonomy and help them to live
as they wish.
28 QR5 Markers of good practice outline
- access to flexible programmes focussed on
individual goals beyond basic care which promote
participation in life roles - local multi-disciplinary rehab. and support in
community by professional with the right skills
and experience - - joint working, access to specialist
expertise available long-term - support people and their family and carers to
- live with, develop knowledge and skills to
manage condition - achieve sense of well-being / long-term
psychological adjustment - maintain function prevent deterioration as
condition progresses
29QR6. Vocational rehabilitation
- Quality requirement
- People with long-term neurological
conditions are to have access to appropriate
vocational assessment, rehabilitation and ongoing
support to enable them to find, regain or remain
in work and access other occupational and
educational opportunities.
30 QR6 Markers of good practice outline
- co-ordinated multi-agency vocational
rehabilitation taking account of national
guidance/best practice - local rehab. services review needs work with
agencies to provide basic vocational assessment,
guidance support refer on to .. - specialist vocational services for complex needs,
providing specialist vocational assessment
counselling, job retention and workplace support
VR programmes advice for local services. - routine evaluation/monitoring of long-term
31QR7. Providing equipment and accommodation
- Quality requirement
- People with long-term neurological
conditions are to receive timely, appropriate
assistive technology / equipment and adaptations
to accommodation to support them to live
independently help them with their care
maintain their health and improve their quality
of life.
32 QR7 Markers of good practice outline
- assistive technology provided and maintained in
accordance with agreed standards and guidelines - integrated community assistive
technology/equipment services work closely with
neurology rehab. services - equipment needs documented in integrated care
plan - specific funding arrangements for assistive
technology - social services work closely with housing /
accommodation and Supporting People services
33QR8. Providing personal care and support
- Quality requirement
- Health and social care services work
together to provide care and support to enable
people with long-term neurological conditions to
achieve maximum choice about living independently
at home.
34 QR8 Markers of good practice outline
- health and social services work together to
provide full range of accommodation, care and
support options - care in all settings provided by appropriately
trained staff who receive support / advice from
specialist services - health social services work together to help
the person remain as independent as possible as
condition progresses - equitable access to services based on need and
support for people in applying for funding, care
and support
35QR9. Palliative care
- Quality requirement
- People in the later stages of long-term
neurological conditions are to receive a
comprehensive range of palliative care services
when they need them to control symptoms offer
pain relief and meet their needs for personal,
social, psychological and spiritual support, in
line with the principles of palliative care.
36 QR9 Markers of good practice outline
- specialist neurology, rehabilitation and
palliative care multi-disciplinary teams work
together - specialised generalised palliative care
services at home or in specialised setting
according to choice needs - staff providing care and support in later stages
of a long-term neurological conditions have
appropriate training - neurologists/neurorehabilitation teams in
palliative care skills - all staff in management of LTNCs and in
palliative care
37QR10. Supporting family and carers
- Quality requirement
- Carers of people with long-term neurological
conditions are to have access to appropriate
support and services that recognise their needs
both in their role as carer and in their own
38 QR10 Markers of good practice outline
- carers have choice on extent of caring role and
are offered integrated assessment, written care
plan and contact person - involving carers in care planning/delivery
(partners in care) - flexible, responsive and appropriate services for
carers (emergencies children breaks), all
culturally appropriate - help with adjustment to changes (especially
cognitive or behavioural) , when appropriate on
condition-specific basis - staff training in carer awareness, education and
training which involves carers in planning and
39QR11. Caring for people with long-term
neurological conditions in hospital or other
health and social care settings
- Quality requirement
- People with long-term neurological
conditions are to have their specific
neurological needs met while receiving care for
other reasons in any health or social care
40 QR11 Markers of good practice outline
- in other care settings integrated neurological
care plan available to all staff close liaison
with usual care team - neurological needs met in all settings planned
admissions (pre-admission interviews) emergency
admissions (protocols for liaison) consultations
between teams - consultation with person ( families/carers)
about care - neuroscience, neurorehabilitation spinal injury
services provide advice training for staff in
other settings
41 5. Next Steps Implementing the NSF-LTC
- Suggested early action for Primary Care
Trusts - Setting up managed neuroscience clinical networks
- (incl. leadership, financial accountability)
- Stakeholder event to agree local priorities
- Setting up a local implementation team
- Setting up integrated planning commissioning
arrangements with Social Services other PCTs - Influencing provision of housing-related support
42Clinical neuroscience networks
- Key stakeholders might include
- PCTs specialised commissioning groups
- acute trusts foundation trusts mental health
trusts - neuroscience centre and spinal cord injury centre
- community and home care providers
- rehabilitation services
- local authority services (SSD, housing,
transport, FE) - voluntary and independent sector organisations
- people with neurological conditions carers
43Other possible early actions
- Assessing/auditing services, skills training
needs - using LTC self-assessment tool for PCTs and SSD
- auditing local services across all local
organisations - analysing and profiling skills of local workforce
- identifying key training needs for all agencies
- Redesigning services
- redesigning services and considering new patterns
of working and skills mix (e.g. integrating
trust local SSD staff in specific
multi-disciplinary teams). -
44NSF-LTC Good practice guide
- Managing LTCs self assessment tool
- Tackling the issues - guidance papers
- Care coordination for people with LTNCs
- Local provision of information
- Service models for LTNC
- Evaluated examples of good practice
- (website guide - www.dh.gov.uk/longtermnsf)
45NSF-LTC Implementation 2005/06
- Department of Health
- Project Team National Leads
- National Stakeholders Group
- Neurological Advisory Panel
- Professional groups
- Working parties / professional standards / audit
etc. - Regional / Local Action
- SHA Leads Neuroscience/Neurological Networks
- PCT Leads local implementation groups
46NSF-LTC Neurological Advisory Panel
- Discussions have focused on
- Policy integration / differentiation
- Incorporation into inspection process
- Development of specific clinical indicators
- Putting the NSF-LTC on PCT and LA agenda
- Commissioning issues
- Development of an minimum dataset for LTNCs
- Development of models of service provision