Title: From picoseconds to galaxies
1From picoseconds to galaxies Building
electronics for Relativistic Heavy Ion
Collider and for Dark Matter Search
Wojtek Skulski Department of Physics and
Astronomy University of Rochester
- Introduction.
- Electronics for PHOBOS at RHIC.
- Time Equalizer electronics.
- Universal Trigger Module for on-line trigger.
- Research and student projects at UofR.
- Electronics for Dark Matter Search.
- Tiled Diffraction Gratings at LLE.
- Summary and acknowledgements.
3Electronics and software help achieve scientific
- My electronics and software developments are
driven by science. - Tools to help achieve scientific goals rather
than goals in themselves. - The tools are meant to be used in
mission-critical applications. - Therefore, no compromises are allowed concerning
their quality. - Electronics development required all of the
following - Schematic design, board layout and board
assembly. - Hardware testing and debugging.
- Software for embedded microcontroller.
- Firmware for on-board FPGA.
- GUI design and programming.
- The one-man show brings coherence to my
4Electronics for
5PHOBOS experiment at RHIC Relativistic Heavy
Ion Collider, Brookhaven National Laboratory
Scientific goals Investigate hot, dense
nuclear matter, that could have existed about
1msec after the Big Bang . Discover and
characterize quark-gluon plasma.
Time-of-flight counters (240 units) built at UofR
Fast trigger detectors made of scintillating
plastic phototubes.
Silicon tracking detectors (150,000 channels)
6Time Equalizer for
7Cerenkov T-zero detector arrays
- Developed by the UofR Time-of-Flight group Frank
Wolfs (PI), Wojtek Skulski, Erik Johnson, Nazim
Khan, Ray Teng. - Two circular arrays of 16 Cerenkov counters,
60ps resolution each counter.
8Situation before Time Equalizer
- Individual Cerenkov T-zero detectors have a very
good resolution of 60ps. - However, the time-of-arrival of signals from
individual detectors was not aligned in the
Counting House after propagation over long
cables. - The attainable spatial resolution would be
adversely affected. - What is plotted time-of-arrival of a signal,
translated to spatial domain (after taking the
detector geometry into account).
Detector 2.
Detector 9.
Interaction vertex definition (cm)
9The purpose of the Time Equalizer
- I proposed, designed, and built the Time
Equalizer in order to - Align timing signals from individual T-zero
detectors. - Preserve good timing resolution of individual
detectors. - Enable remote operation without entering the
experimental area. - Details
- Number of channels 16
- Signal in and out ECL
- Delay step 10 ps
- Number of steps 256
- Shortest delay range 2.5 ns (in 256
steps) - Delay range can be adjusted by swapping resistors
- Formfactor CAMAC
10Final version of the Time Equalizer
- Four such boards are installed at PHOBOS
Delay chips
CAMAC interface chip
CAMAC connector
11Response of an individual channel to a pulser
12Result improvement of vertex definition
- Detector delay not adjusted.
- Detector delay individually adjusted using Time
Interaction vertex definition (cm)
13Universal Trigger Module for
14Universal Trigger Module for PHOBOS
Goal vertex and centrality definition in real
- Analog signals Paddles, T0, ZDC.
- Logic signals from conventional NIM.
- Signal processing on-board FPGA.
- Accept/reject event within about 1 msec.
Centrality from paddle and ZDC.
Vertex definition from TACs. T0 OR Dt, Paddle
Dt, ZDC Dt.
Interaction vertex is located inside silicon
15The purpose of the Universal Trigger Module
- I proposed, designed, and built the UTM in order
to - Provide PHOBOS with a programmable trigger logic
module. - Base the level-1 trigger decision on both analog
and logic signals. - Meet stringent timing constraints for level-1
trigger. - Reduce the complexity of present random trigger
logic. - Details
- Number of analog inputs 8
- Number of logic I/O 41
- Architecture continuous waveform
digitizing - Time step 25 ns
- Digitizer precision 1024 ADC counts
(i.e., 10 bits) - Digital processing power 300,000 logic gates
16JTAG connector
ADC 40 MHz 10 bits (8 channels)
RAM 500 kB
Analog signal IN 8 channels with digital
offset and gain control
micro processor
ECL clock IN (optional)
Diagnostic OUT 40 MHz 10 bits
Logic connectors NIM 16 lines IN, 8 lines OUT
16 bidirectional TTL lines 1 in (pool of extra
logic I/O)
17Trigger latency
Input pulse
Trigger out (NIM level)
FIR filter
Trigger level 20 mV
18Status of the Universal Trigger Module for PHOBOS
- Technical requirements were met.
- Hardware, firmware, and software working and
tested. - One board loaned to University of Illinois at
Chicago (UIC). - Firmware will be customized at UIC for PHOBOS
trigger. - Master Thesis for Ian Harnarine, UIC.
19RD and student projects at Physics and Astronomy
20Single-channel, 12-bit DDC-1
Designed and built by WS. Used in several student
projects during last 2 years. A predecessor of
the Universal Trigger Module.
JTAG connector
ADC 65 MHz 12 bits
Variable gain amp
Signal IN
USB processor connector
Signal OUT
Fast reconstruction DAC 65 MHz 12 bits
21Education and RD projects at Physics and
- S.Zuberi, Digital Signal Processing of
Scintillator Pulses in Nuclear Physics
Techniques, Senior Thesis, Department of Physics
and Astronomy, University of Rochester. Presented
at Spring APS meeting, April 2003, Philadelphia,
PA. - Awarded the Stoddard prize for the best Senior
Thesis in the Department. - D.Miner, W.Skulski, F.Wolfs, Detection and
Analysis of Stopping Muons Using a Compact
Digital Pulse Processor, Summer Research
Experience for Undergraduates, Department of
Physics and Astronomy, University of Rochester
2003 (unpublished). - P.Bharadwaj, Digital and analog signal
processing techniques for low-background
measurements, summer project 2004. - F.Wolfs, W.Skulski, (UofR), Ian Harnarine,
E.Garcia, D.Hofman (UIC), Developing an efficient
triggering system for PHOBOS at RHIC, ongoing.
22Particle ID from CsI(Tl) Senior Thesis by Saba
Best Senior Thesis 2003 Dept. of Physics and
Astronomy University of Rochester
Traditional slow-tail representation 1 cm3
CsI(Tl) phototube Single-channel digitizer
DDC-1 at 48 Msamples/s 12 bits natTh
radioactive source PID TAIL / TOTAL
Note energy-independent PID
23Detection and analysis of stopping m-mesons
- Daniel Miner
- University of Rochester
- Summer 2003 REU
- Example of pulse processing
- analysis
- Table-top experiment
- Several observables from
- one signal
Experiment control and data display
BC-400 5 x 6 phototube
Digitizer board
24Detection and analysis of stopping
m-mesonsDaniel Miner, 2003 Summer Research
Experience for Undergraduates
Waveform from a BC-400 5x6 scintillator shows
m-meson capture and subsequent decay. After 4
capture correction the measured and accepted
lifetimes agree to within 0.35.
Time between leading and trailing pulses
Waveform from plastic scintillator
Measured lttgt 2.12 0.04 ms Literature lttgt
2.19703 0.00004 ms
m-meson decay
Stopping m-meson
25Electronics for Dark Matter Search
26The biggest mystery where is almost Everything?
- Most of the Universe is missing from the books
- should we blame Enron?
We are here
Source Connecting Quarks with the Cosmos, The
National Academies Press, p.86.
27The 1st smoking gun galactic rotation is too
- Gravitational pull reveals more matter than we
can see.
Rotation curve of the Andromeda galaxy.
Orbital velocity.
Prediction based on visible matter.
Distance from the center.
Source Connecting Quarks with the Cosmos, The
National Academies Press, p.87.
28The 2nd smoking gun large-scale gravitational
- Light from distant sources is deflected by
clusters of galaxies. - Visible mass cannot account for the observed
lensing pattern. - Reconstructed mass distribution shows mass
between galaxies.
Reconstructed mass distribution.
Observed lensing.
Source Connecting Quarks with the Cosmos, The
National Academies Press, p.89.
29Who are the suspects? How to find them?
- Nobody knows, but there are candidates predicted
by the theory - Axions light particles that may explain CP
violation. - Neutralinos heavy particles predicted by SUSY.
- We focus on the latter.
- The neutralino is neutral, weakly interacting,
and as massive as an atom of gold. - Occasionally it will bounce off an ordinary
nucleus and produce some ionization. - We will wait for the occasion at Boulby mine in
the UK. - We will use a two-phase liquid xenon detector
named Zeplin.
30Underground low-background laboratory
Cosmic particles stopped by 1 km of rock.
Dark Matter particles penetrate freely.
31The principle of 2-phase xenon detector
Gas inlet
1.5 cm
2.5 cm
S1 scintillation in liquid Xe. S2
electroluminescence in gas Xe.
Quartz PMT
Figure from J.T.White, Dark Matter 2002.
Figure from T.J.Sumner et. al.,
http//astro.ic.ac.uk/Research/ Gal_DM_Search/rep
32Recorded signal from a 2-phase xenon detector
Primary scintillation in liquid phase.
Secondary scintillation in gas
phase (electroluminescence).
- Signal/background discrimination is derived from
ratio S1/S2 and from S1 shape. - Objectives measure the areas of S1 and S2
pulses and analyze the shapes. - The intelligent waveform digitizer is an ideal
tool to meet the objectives.
- Low noise (see next slide).
- Large dynamic range.
- On-board user-defined data processing.
Figure from T.J.Sumner et. al.,
33UTM has intrinsic noise below 1 mV
Gain1, noise below 1 LSB
Gain8, noise 3 LSB (peak-peak)
Waveforms recorded with UTM
34Low noise translates to low threshold 5keV
1-inch NaI(Tl)
Pulse-height histogram measured with UTM
35Dynamic range 18 bits, resolution lt 0.2 keV
Short filter, pulser resolution 0.37 keV
Long filter, pulser resolution 0.16 keV
Maximum ADC gain
Maximum ADC gain
Pulser peak 179,000 gt 18 bits
36Plans for Dark Matter electronics
- Motivated by excellent performance of the UTM,
- I proposed to develop a digitizer board for
Dark Matter Search. - 16 channels, 12/14 bits, 65 megasamples per
second. - On-board Digital Signal Processor (800
mega-operations per second). - Remote control and diagnostics.
- Low cost per channel.
- Integration with existing infrastructure (VME).
- Status schematic 75 finished.
- Prototype can be ready this Winter.
- Applications other than Dark Matter.
- Gamma-ray spectroscopy, neutron/gamma
discrimination. - Arbitrary waveform processing.
37Tiled Grating Assembly at LLE
38Adaptive Optics Control Software for Tiled
Diffraction Gratings Laboratory for Laser
Energetics, University of Rochester
- Goal align positions of tiled diffraction
gratings in a closed loop.
- Interferogram acquired from the CCD camera.
- Calculation of tip, tilt, and piston.
- Calculation of actuator steps.
- Recording of history of tip, tilt, and piston.
- Acquisition and recording of Far Field.
- Open-ended and modular design
- New features added as needed.
- Internal variables and matrices available
- for inspection.
- Intuitive GUI and graphics.
- Robust run-time crash does not happen.
39Adaptive Optics Control System for Tiled
Diffraction Gratings Laboratory for Laser
Energetics, University of Rochester
Record of a control run with motors engaged. Two
out of three motors (motors A and B) were driven
by (50,-50) steps, then software was allowed to
take control.
- Development of TGA software at LLE has been a
success. - Software is intuitive, open-ended, and robust.
- Electronics development required all of the
following - Schematic design, board layout and board
assembly. - Hardware testing and debugging.
- Software for embedded microcontroller.
- Firmware for on-board FPGA.
- GUI design and programming.
- Time Equalizers are being used in a
mission-critical application. - Waveform digitizers are under development for
PHOBOS, Dark Matter - Search, in-beam spectroscopy, and other
demanding applications. - Several student projects and table-top
experiments were completed.
41Possible applications at LLE
- Software control and data processing systems
that are robust, - open-ended, and graphically rich.
- Time Equalizer accurate alignment of fast
timing pulses. - Waveform digitizers and digital signal
processors. Their function - is defined by embedded firmware and software
(FPGA and DSP). - Pulse-height spectroscopy.
- Pulse shape analysis.
- Particle discrimination (e.g., gamma/neutron).
- Real-time processing of arbitrary waveforms.
- User-defined data acquisition and processing.
- SkuTek Instrumentation.
- Joanna Klima, WS (Principal Investigator for
electronics). - University of Rochester.
- Frank Wolfs, Ray Teng, Tom Ferbel (Physics), Jan
Toke (Chemistry). - Joachim Bunkenburg, Larry Iwan, Terry Kessler,
Charles Kellogg, - Conor Kelly, Matthew Swain (LLE).
- Robert Campbell (BAE Systems).
- Wolfgang Weck and Cuno Pfister (Oberon
Microsystems). - PHOBOS Collaboration.
- Students.
- Erik Johnson, Nazim Khan, Suzanne Levine, Daniel
Miner, Len Zheleznyak, Saba Zuberi, Palash
Bharadwaj. - My work was supported by grants from NSF and DOE.
43Time Equalizer design specs
- Board form factor CAMAC single
width - Number of channels 16
- Signal in and out ECL
- Individual connectors ribbon in and out
- OR connector LEMO twinax
- Shortest possible delay tpd 6.5 ns
- Shortest possible delay step 10 ps
- Number of steps 256
- Shortest delay range 2.5 ns (in 256
steps) - Delay tempco 7.5 ps/degree C
- Delay jitter 10 ps nominal
- Single step size 10 ps nominal
- Max trigger rate per channel in the MHz range
- Output pulse width 3 ns minimum
(to specs in September 2001)
44Universal Trigger Module specs
of analog input channels 8. of
analog output channels 1. of logic
inputs NIM 16. of logic
outputs NIM 8. of in/out
lines TTL 161. Fast interfaces
USB, parallel. Slow interfaces
RS-232, SPI, I2C. Waveform memory
12 msec. On-board microprocessor 8 bits,
4 MIPS. Microprocessor memory 0.5
MB. Packaging NIM, single or double
width. Real-time triggering (e.g., PHOBOS
trigger), table-top acquisition systems, research
projects, algorithm development.
45About myself
Education Warsaw University, Warsaw,
Poland M.Sc. 1980 Physics Warsaw University,
Warsaw, Poland Ph.D. 1990 Physics Work
experience University of Rochester Oak
Ridge Natl Laboratory Lawrence Berkeley
Natl Laboratory Warsaw University (Poland)
Soltan Institute for Nuclear Studies (Poland)
X-Ray Instrumentation Associates (industry)
SkuTek Instrumentation (own company). Specialties
Nuclear Physics, programming, electronics,
and tiling -) Other specialties Downhill
skiing, hiking, sailing.