Title: Coherent Detection with Arrays of PhotonCounting Detectors
1Coherent Detection with Arrays of Photon-Counting
- Jonathan B. Ashcom, Sumanth Kaushik, Richard M.
Heinrichs - 14th CLRC, 12 July, 2007
This work is sponsored by the Department of the
Air Force under AF Contract FA8721-05-C-0002.
Opinions, interpretations, recommendations and
conclusions are those of the authors and are not
necessarily endorsed by the United States
Experimental demonstration of coherent
(heterodyne) detection with an array of
single-photon detectors
- Laser radar with Geiger-mode APDs
- Dual-mode coherent/direct imaging laser radar
- Coherent detection with Geiger-mode APD arrays
- Results of experimental demonstration
- Application of theoretical model to system
33D Laser Radar at Lincoln Laboratory
- Laboratory demonstrations to fielded airborne
systems - ALIRT High coverage rate mapper
- Jigsaw Multiple looks for foliage penetration
- Direct detection mode round trip time of pulse
gives range to target - Array of detectors provide imaging capability
(Angle angle range) - Geiger-mode avalanche photodiode arrays (GM-APDs)
are enabling technology
Jigsaw image of helicopter
4Example 3-D Imagery Through Obscurants
5Geiger-Mode Avalanche PhotodiodePhoton-to-Digita
l Conversion
Geiger-mode operation biases diode above
breakdown, generating charge avalanche upon
generation of a single photoelectron Yields
single-photon- counting sensitivity Current
generated is enough to trigger CMOS timing
logic Result is digital time of photon arrival
with no amplifier noise
Single pixel
Digital timing circuit
Digitally encodedphoton arrival time
6APD/CMOS Photon Timing Arrays
Bridge-Bonded Si APDs
- Silicon APDs for ? lt 0.9 ?m
- 20-50 detection efficiency
- 10-kHz dark count rate
- Bridge-bonded to CMOS timing
- InGaAsP/InP APDs for ? 1 ?m and 1.5 ?m
- 20-50 detection efficiency
- 10-kHz dark count rate with TE-cooling (1 ?m )
- Bump-bonded to CMOS timing
- CMOS timing circuit
- 250 - 500-ps timing resolution
- 500 MHz and 1-GHz clocks
Bump-Bonded InGaAsP APDs
7Geiger-Mode APD Arrays Bonded to CMOS Timing
32 x 128 Array
32x32 Array Silicon (Visible), InGaAs (1-?m)
- Technology advantages
- Extreme sensitivity (single photon)
- Fine range resolution (lt 10 cm)
- Fully integrated - digital output of range image
- Scalable to large array sizes
8Coherent Laser Radar with GM-APDs
- Photon-counting detector arrays can be used for
coherent detection with the addition of a local
oscillator - Advantages of using GM-APDs for coherent
detection - Enables dual-mode laser radar
- Same laser, same detector for efficient direct or
coherent detection - Low LO power required
- Arrays already operate near shot-noise limit
- Scalability to large array size
- ROIC only produces digitally-encoded photon
arrival times
9Interference at Low Photon Flux
Spatial Two slit experiment
Temporal Heterodyne detection
f ?f
High photon flux
High photon flux
1/ ?f
distance x
Low photon flux
Low photon flux
distance x
10Ubiquitous Ladar System Concept
Amplitude Modulator
Amplifier/ Isolator Stages
Master Oscillator
Waveform Synthesizer
LO Shutter
APD Arrays
Amplitude Modulator
- LO shutter enables system to switch between
direct/coherent detection - CW master oscillator and amplitude modulators
create arbitrary waveform - Two arrays detect horizontal and vertical
polarizations of return
11Traditional Coherent Detection
Laser source
Target motion is encoded into phase of return
signal relative to reference local oscillator
Frequency reference
- Weak return signal is mixed at detector with
local oscillator (LO) frequency-shifted by - Detector generates current proportional to power
averaged over many optical cycles (
m, mixing efficiency
12Traditional Coherent Detection CNR
- Detected signal is current at , and noise
is shot noise from all noise sources
If LO power is increased above all other noise
sources, CNR becomes limited only by shot noise
of return signal
13Coherent Detection with Geiger-Mode APDs CNR
In absence of other noise sources, LO power
matched to return power yields half the shot
noise limit
- Despite potential 3-dB drop in CNR vs.
traditional coherent detection, GM APD arrays
provide unique advantages - Single detector for coherent and direct detection
simplifies dual-mode radar systems - LO power savings Traditional coherent detection
requires milliwatts of LO power per detector - Clear path to scale-up to very large arrays
14GM-APD Detection of Signal and LO Photons
- Once one APD has registered the arrival of a
photon (or dark count), it is inactive until it
can be reset - To increase dynamic range, groups of pixels are
used as one coherent detector (macropixel). Each
macropixel can represent one image element
(angle-angle pair)
Luu and Jiang (Appl. Optics 45, 3798) developed
expression for CNR in presence of saturation (NP
total number of photon buckets available)
15Experimental Demonstration
- As a proof of principle, simplified laboratory
demonstration was assembled - 1-mm cw laser is split into two paths
- One arm is frequency-shifted by 40 MHz
- Beams attenuated to pW of detected power and
recombined on APD array, producing a beat note
Detector intensity image
Reference Photodiode
Variable attenuator
40-MHz Acousto-optic modulator
Attenuated signal projected onto array in dark box
1.06 mm microchip laser ( 10 kHz linewidth)
Focal plane package
16Coherent Detection with Geiger-Mode APDs Data
Laser source
Frequency reference
Arrival times
Signal Processing
Histogram of arrival times
Power spectral density
- Collection of GM APDs acts as a single coherent
detector - Histogram of arrival times gives intensity vs
time - FFT or digitally mix with i.f. to obtain
frequency/phase - Time resolution of clock (2 GHz) determines
17Example Power Spectral Density
With LO and signal blocked, PSD is due to dark
counts only
LO on detector increases noise power due to shot
Signal (a.u.)
Signal (a.u.)
15 LO photons
LO and signal blocked
LO and signal blocked
Frequency (MHz)
Frequency (MHz)
Signal-only PSD is similar to LO-only, as powers
are matched
Mixing signal and LO results in beat frequency at
40 MHz
LO and signal
Signal (a.u.)
Signal (a.u.)
15 Signal photons
LO and signal blocked
LO and signal blocked
Frequency (MHz)
Frequency (MHz)
18Carrier-to-Noise Ratio Results
- Measuring the CNR from power spectra at many
different power levels allows characterization of
performance and dynamic range of detector
Array Filled
Coherent CNR (dB)
Number of return photoelectrons
19CNR Results Comparison to Theory
- Very good agreement with saturating-pixel model
with independently-measured DCR, mixing
efficiency, and pixel number - Validation of theory allows performance analysis
with various system parameters - Pixels per macropixel, LO power, DCR
Array Filled
Saturating-pixel theory, uniform illumination
Detector intensity image
Coherent CNR (dB)
Saturating-pixel theory, nonuniform illumination
DCR 175 kHz/pixel m 0.4
Number of return photoelectrons
20Effect of Increasing Local Oscillator
- Increasing LO power recovers 3 dB penalty in
unsaturated regime - Optimal LO power varies with return power, and
can be obtained from saturating-pixel model
10 Return photons
1024-pixel array
Shot noise limit (mNR)
50 Return photons
CNR/Shot noise limit
200 Return photons
CNR (dB)
400 Return photons
PLO optimized
3 dB
Number of return photons
Number of local oscillator photons
- Coherent detection has been demonstrated in the
photon-counting regime using an array of
Geiger-mode APDs - Agreement between experimental results and
saturating-pixel theory support our current
understanding of the process - Initial lab results provide confidence for
development of multi-mode coherent/direct
detection laser radar systems