Knowledge of the patient - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Knowledge of the patient


The laboratory measurement of blood gases and pH involves the use of special ... Laboratory tests on blood samples include the measurement of arterial CO2 ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Knowledge of the patient

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  • Knowledge of the patients ability to take in
    oxygen and get rid of carbon dioxide is an
    important factor in patient care.
  • Some of the tests involved are done at the
    bedside, others require that blood or urine
    samples be taken to a laboratory, while in other
    cases, the patient will have to go to a pulmonary
    laboratory for tests.

  • In every case. we are concerned with the
    following questions
  • Can the patient inhale and exhale a sufficient
    quantity of air at the proper rate?
  • Are the gasesi.e.. oxygen (O2) and carbon
    dioxide (CO2)moving across the lung membranes at
    the proper rate?
  • Is the proper balance of O2 and CO2 being
    maintained in the blood?

  • The data required to answer these questions are
    obtained by pulmonary function testing and blood
    gas analyses.


Lung Capacities and Volumes
  • If the lungs are expanded to their maximum
    volume, we refer to the volume involved as the
    total lung capacity, or TLC.
  • If the patient is asked to empty the lungs as
    much as possible, the remaining volume is called
    the residual volume (RV).
  • The difference between the TLC and the RV is
    called the vital capacity (V C).

  • These volumes and some typical numerical values
    are shown in the figure.

  • The measurement of these volumes is of interest
    as a determinant of patient condition.
  • Note that normal breathing does not involve
    maximum lung effort.
  • The so-called resting tidal volume (RTV) is
    therefore used to measure the flow of air in and
    out of the lung under resting conditions.

  • The tidal volume is usually taken as a more
    normaI indication of the patients ability to

Measurement of Rate of Respiration
  • The preceding type of information is of interest
    in determining the patients lung volume and the
    ability of the chest muscles to expand and
    compress the lungs.
  • However, it provides no data on the rate at which
    the patient can breathe, or on the amount of
    oxygen that actually passes from the lungs into
    the blood.

  • The rate at which the patient can breathe can be
    measured by a number of tests, one of which is
    called the forced vital capacity or FVC test.
  • The patient takes a deep breath and blows it out
    as rapidly as possible.
  • The quantity of air expired in some given length
    of time (say, 10 seconds) can be used to evaluate
    the degree of restriction or obstruction of lung

  • Restriction refers to the result of any
    interference with the bellows action of the lung
    itself, e.g., by fluid accumulation or fibrosis
  • Obstruction in the passages leading to the lungs.
  • If. there is a question about whether either or
    both effects are present, the test is repeated
    after the administration of a bronchodilating

  • The measurement of the impedance of the chest by
    means of attached electrodes is sometimes used in
    the determination of the rate of respiration.
  • This method is also used to determine the amount
    of chest expansion.
  • Some of the older systems used devices that went
    around the chest at the pressure of expansion or
    contraction would be registered via a pressure
    gauge or mercury manometer.

  • More commonly, the heater-thermistor system is
    used in determination of respiration rate.
  • A number of other related tests are used to
    determine the rate at which patient can inspire

  • The major matter of interest is the determination
    of the problem is, i.e.,
  • Whether it is a
  • restriction,
  • obstruction, or
  • both.

  • Some specific tests and the acronyms used to
    designate them are

Description of Test Name of Test Acronym
Largest volume measured on complete expiration after the deepest inspiration without forced or rapid effort. Vital capacity VC
Vital capacity performed with expiration as forceful and rapid as possible Forced vital capacity FVC
Volume of gas exhaled over a given time interval during the performance of forced vital capacity test Forced expiratory volume (qualified by subscript indicating the time interval in seconds e.g. 10 indicates an interval of 10 seconds) FEVt FEV10
FEV expressed as a percentage of the forced vital capacity. Percentage expired (in t seconds) FEV
Average rate of flow for a specified portion of the forced expiratory volume test (usually between 200 and 1200 ml) Forced expiratory flow FEF
Average rate of flow during the middle half of the forced expiratory volume test Forced midexpiratory flow FEF
Volume of air that a subject can breathe with voluntary maximal effort for a given time. Maximal voluntary ventilation MVV
Other Pulmonary Functions
  • The term volume is used for a paramrter that is
    measured as a function of time, whereas the term
    capacity refers to a measurement that does not
    involve time.
  • For example, the vital capacity is the largest
    volume measured on complete expiration after
    complete inhalation, regardless of how long these
    take thus, no time parameter is involved.
  • The forced expiratory volume, on the other hand,
    is the total volume of air the patient expires in
    some fixed period of time, e.g., 10 seconds the
    time factor is very important for FEV evaluations.

  • Another determination of importance is that of
    airway resistance, which is the ratio of pressure
    to the rate of air flow.
  • You can think of this flow (current) induced by a
    pressure (voltage) through a resistance R (Ohms
    law again).

  • Lung compliance is a measure of the change in
    lung as a function of a change in lung pressure.
  • Poor lung compliance is a sign of the condition
    known as stiff lung.

The Spirometer
  • The apparatus most often used for pulmonary tests
    is the water spirometer consists of a cone or
    bell that is designed to ride up and down in a
    cylinder of about 10cm diameter.
  • The bell is counterweighted to keep the pressure
    inside the cylinder at atmospheric level, the
    water provides a seal, and the bell moves up and
    down in response to the patients inhalation and
  • The vertical motion of the bell is recorded on a
    moving drum that is covered with calibrated chart
    paper. The rotation of the drum provides a time
    scale, and the resultant chart is called a

A typical spirometer is shown in the figure.
  • The water spirometer can serve as a good example
    of the impedance concept.
  • The tube leading from the patients mouth to the
    spirometer is a source of resistance, and the
    spirometer itself consists of a volume that must
    expand to contain the expired air.
  • If the resistance of the tube is toohigh or if
    there are leaks, the output impedance of the
    sourcei.e., that of the patient plus the
    tubewill be too high.

  • The total amount of air in the spirometer will be
    less than it should be, and the time required for
    the patient to exhale will be much too long (it
    may be considered equivalent to pumping up a tire
    with a pump that has a small and leaky hose).
  • If the patients respiratory system has high
    airway resistance, this will raise the output
    impedance of the source
  • this will appear as a deviation from the normal
    FEV1 values and as such is valuable for

  • The point here is that any leaks in the hose or
    in the patients mouth fitting may show up as a
    clinical problem on the spirogram and lead to a
    false diagnosis.

  • The water spirometer is a bulky instrument that
    is not well suited for in-the-bed measurements.
  • For such applications or for mass screening
    tests, it is common to employ the waterless
  • This unit is held in the patients mouth, and, as
    inhalation and exhalation occur, the time and
    rate of air flow are measured by one of a variety
    of flowmeters (the heated thermistor is one such

  • The rate of flow (liters per minute), multiplied
    by the time during which air flow occurs, yields
    the volume (liters).

  • Airway resistance has been noted as a cause of
    reduced flow during FEV measurements.
  • To separate this effect from any problem that
    might exist in the lungs themselves, it is common
    practice to measure both the rate of flow with a
    spirometer and the intraalveolar pressure in a
    body plethysmograph at the same time.

  • A high alveolar pressure in conjuction with a
    reduced flow would be a sign of excessive airway
  • The body plethysmograph is used for a number of
    other tests, including those for lung compliance
    and airway resistance, but the details of its
    operation are best left to specialized books on
    respiratory testing.

Oxygen-Carbon Dioxide Exchange
  • Another test of respiratory function is the
    measurement of the ability of the lungs to pass
    oxygen (O2) and carbon dioxide (CO2).
  • In one such test, the patient breathes a mixture
    of air and carbon monoxide (CO).
  • Carbon monoxide is used because it passes easily
    through the lung membrane and because no normal
    reserve of CO exists in the body to interfere
    with the measurements.
  • The CO level is not high enough to cause any
    patient injury.

  • The CO normally passes very rapidly through the
    lungs and is absorbed by the blood.
  • In the test, the level of CO in the exhaled air
    is measured by the respiratory technician and
    compared with a standard value.
  • If the exhaled air is high in CO, the patients
    ability to exchange gasesincluding O2 and CO2is

Helium Washout Test
  • A test of the physical condition of the lungs
    involves having the patient breathe a mixture of
    air and helium until an equilibrium mixture of
    helium has been distributed to all areas of the
    patients lungs.
  • Helium does not pass through lung tissue, and the
    only loss of this gas will occur by expiration.

  • After the equilibration period, the flow of
    helium is cut off, and the patient breathes pure
  • During this period, the expired air is analyzed
    for helium, and the rate at which the helium is
    washed out is determined.

  • If the patient requires an excessively long time
    to wash out the helium, this is taken as a sign
    that certain areas of the lung are open but
    inactive, in the sense that no expansion or
    contraction of these portions occurs during
  • This is often seen in emphysema, where the
    enlarged areas are totally ineffective for gas

  • If the physician suspects that a problem is
    specific to only one lung, he may ask for a
    bronchospirometric test.
  • This involves passing a doublelumen catheter into
    the trachea.
  • One catheter tip is passed into each of the
    bronchi. and a balloon at the end of the catheter
    is inflated to insure that all the air entering
    or leaving the lung passes through the catheter.
  • Under these conditions, the gas flow,
    composition. and pressure can be measured for
    each of the lungs.

  • The test involves the injection of a radioactive
    substance into the blood vessels leading to the
    pulmonary area.
  • Postinjection scanning with radiation detectors
    provides a measure the blood flow to the lungs.

  • The gas content and the pH of the blood are often
    the earliest indicators of a change in patient
  • At one time, it was necessary actually to take
    blood samples to the laboratory for blood gas and
    pH testing.
  • The laboratory measurement of blood gases and pH
    involves the use of special electrodes that
    provide an electrical output proportional to the
    fraction of a particular chemical species
    (hydrogen, carbon dioxide, oxygen, or whatever)
    in the blood.

Blood Oxygen Measurements
  • Arterial blood is almost always taken for oxygen
    analysis, and it is vital that the sample get to
    the laboratory before the oxygen level changes.
  • If the patient is receiving oxygen therapy, this
    should be noted, because it will affect the
    physicians evaluation of the data on blood
    oxygen level.

  • The PO2 is a measure of the actual partial
    pressure of oxygen in the blood its normal range
    is around 95 to 100 mm Hg.
  • When chronic pulmonary disease is present, the
    PO2 level can fall as low as 70 to 75 mm Hg
    without evidence of hypoxia.

  • Arterial saturation SO2, is the ratio of the
    actual oxygen content to the content that would
    exist if the blood were saturated with oxygen.
  • Blood saturation will only occur if the patient
    breathes 100 O2 for some length of time.

  • The change in arterial O2 content when the
    patient breathes a gas mixture that is high in O2
    is often used as a measure of the patients
    ability to pass O2 across the pulmonary membrane.
  • The correlation of PO2 and SO2 test data with
    other respiratory function data provides
    information for diagnostic purposes.

  • In some cases, special electrodes designed to
    respond to a specific dissolved gas like O2 have
    been inserted in the arteries for continuous PO2
  • Their use is not yet as common as either the
    method of taking laboratory samples or the ear

  • A major use of the Oximeter is in monitoring
    infants who were born prematurely or have
    respiratory problems.
  • For the continuous bedside measurement of the
    blood oxygen or PO2 level, it is possible to use
    the ear-probe Oximeter, which determines the
    amount of O2 combined as oxyhemoglobin.

  • In this device, a quartz-iodine lamp is used to
    generate white light.
  • The light is split into eight wavelengths in the
    red and infrared regions.
  • This energy is passed through the pinna, or top
    part of the ear, and the absorption of light at
    each wavelength is measured.

  • The absorption of light by hemoglobin increases
    with wavelength (going from the red to the
    infrared), while the absorption of oxyhemoglobin
    decreases in the same optical region.

  • The Oximeter can determine the PO2 in the blood
    to within about 1 if the patient is in the
    normal range (95-100mm Hg).
  • In the range of 70-75 mm Hg, its accuracy falls
    to about 3, but this is usually quite adequate.

  • Instrument response is almost instantaneous, and
    the device can be left in place for long periods
    of time.
  • It is important that patients blood circulation
    be adequate
  • If the blood flow to the ear is impaired, the
    device cannot be used.
  • In this case, laboratory analysis techniques will
    be required.

  • The employment of special indwelling CO2 sensors
    has been investigated, but they are not yet in
    general use.
  • Laboratory tests on blood samples include the
    measurement of arterial CO2 tension (PCO2) and
    the CO2 combining power of plasma or serum.
  • This latter test is usually performed on venous
    blood (which is why in blood sampling, both
    arterial and venous blood may have to be taken),
    and it serves as a measure of the patients
    alkali reserve.

pH Measurement
  • Once again, the blood pH can be measured by
    indwelling catheters, but it is usually done in
    the laboratory.
  • Respiratory acidosis, or excess acid in the blood
    (low pH), may be caused by a high level of CO2 in
    the blood due to inadequate alveolar ventilation.

  • Metabolic acidosis occurs when there is excess
    production of organic acids or a sugar imbalance,
    as in diabetes.
  • In metabolic acidosis, the body will attempt to
    compensate by means of hyperventilation to remove
    CO2 from the blood.
  • Compensation may lower the blood acid level, but
    it does not solve the primary problem the excess
    of nonvolatile, organic acids.

  • In many cases, this test is a reliable indicator
    of metabolic disturbances.

  • The measurement of pH is a good example of a
    simple idea that requires a good deal of
    electronics before it can be used in practice.
  • It depends upon the fact that blood and in fact
    all body solutions contain ions (charged atoms of
    hydrogen, calcium, carbonate, etc.).

  • If two electrodes made of two different materials
    are inserted into the solution one electrode will
    become positive with respect to the other.
  • The ions respond to the resultant electrostatic
    field, the positive ions move to the negative
    electrode and the negative ions to the positive

  • The resultant voltages are characteristic of the
    ions involved and their number
  • If we measure the hydrogen ions we call the
    result pH.
  • If we measure the oxygen ions we call the result
    PO2 and so on.

  • All of this sounds easy but in practice we note
    first that these electrode systems have a very
    high output impedance.
  • This means we have to measure their voltages with
    a meter having an even higher input impedance.

  • Another factor here is that different electrodes
    are used to measure different ions
  • The pH electrode sees only hydrogen ions,
  • the oxygen electrode is sensitive to oxygen ions.
  • All of these gadgets are subject to damage and
    blinding by fibrin or other deposited material.

  • The instructions for cleaning, storage, and
    operation should be carefully observed.
  • Good data require good instruments.

  • Respiratory alkalosis, or a high level of alkali
    in the blood (high pH), may be due to
    hyperventilation that produces a deficit of CO2.
  • This is usually compensated by the kidney, which
    releases bicarbonate to the blood to yield more

  • Metabolic alkalosis may be due to excessive
    intake of alkaline salts, a deficit of potassium,
    or a loss of organic acids.
  • In this case, the patient will be encouraged to
    hypoventilate and retain CO2 to restore the
    acid-base balance.

  • A plot of maximum exhaled volume versus time will
    indicate a reduced vital capacity in patients
    with stiff lung.
  • Airway obstruction does not reduce the vital
    capacity, but it will extend the time required
    for complete exhalation.

  • Some diseases, e.g., atrophic emphysema, may
    increase lung compliance and produce an
    excessively large volumetric flow during
  • Hypertrophic emphysema, or chronic obstructive
    pulmonary edema, reduces the contractability of
    the lungs so that they become permanentIy
  • In this case, a reduced volumetric flow is

  • Atelectasis, which is lung collapse in adults or
    incomplete lung expansion at birth, is manifested
    by a decrease in total lung capacity.
  • In some cases, the lung capacity will increase if
    the lungs are momentarily inflated by the
    application of a positive pressure. i.e., a
    pressure above atmospheric pressure.

  • A decrease in lung diffusion, as manifested by
    impaired gas exchange, may indicate a collagen
    disease or the blocking of pulmonary capillaries
    by emboli.

  • In many cases, a patient will have more than one
    respiratory problem, which will make the
    diagnosis more complicated.
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