Title: Pedagogy, Technology and eLearning
1Pedagogy, Technology and eLearning
- Jeannette Murphy
- Senior Lecturer in Health Informatics
- j.murphy_at_chime.ucl.ac.uk
Kalmar, Sweden, Sept 2005
- Setting the Scene
- Using technology to support learning and teaching
- Brief history
- Changes in Health Science education
- Pedagogy proceeds Technology
- Need for new learning resources
- Clinical Skills and eLearning
- Key Concerns
- Case Study Methodology
- Net-based Examinations
- Monitoring Student Progress
- eSeminars
- Interesting Initiatives (Time permitting)
- Reflections
3Using Technology to Support Learning Teaching
- In my life time
- Chalk, blackboards
- Banda machine
- Gestener machine
- Video player
- White Boards
- Overhead Projector, acetates
- Computer not networked
- Internet
4Computers early days
- Programmes on floppy discs
- Interactive video disc
- Compact disc, multimedia
- Networked machines
- Internet, browsers, search engines
5Computers Clinical Skills Labs
- St Bartholomews Hospital Medical School, London
- First clinical skills lab in the UK
- Collaboration between Clinical Skills
Co-ordinator and professor of medical informatics - Developed own software
- Installed computers in the skills lab
- Explored use of computers for assessment
- Online testing using QuestionMark
- OSCEs with computer stations
6Early Pioneers in UK
- David Ingram
- Simulation software MacPuf, MacPee - with
McMaster Medical School - Medical Images Database
- Cancer Patients and their Families
- Tropical Medicine Resource (with Welcome Trust)
- Tim de Dombal
- Acute Abdominal Pain
- Ali Mansour
- Simple Linctus
7Changing ParadigmsHealth Science Education
- Conceptions of Education and Training have
shifted over last 50 years - Learning Knowing about
- Acquisition of facts, information
- Didactic methods Teacher-led
- Learning Knowing how
- Emphasis on clinical skills
- Learning Knowing where
- Ability to locate and evaluate information
8New Educational Approaches
- Self-Directed Learning
- Problem Based Learning
- Clinical Skills Labs
- Simulators
- Simulated Patients
- Use of Mannequins
- Objective Structured Examinations (OSCEs)
- Videos of common procedures techniques
- Communication Suites
9Need for New Educational Resources
- Changes in educational methods and philosophy
require new types of learning resources - Books, charts, lecture notes, videos not enough
- Need resources to support independent study,
self-directed learning - Must not be linear need to be multimedia and
- Ensuring learning resources underpinned by sound
pedogogy - Need to avoid technology-driven solutions
- End users - must be able, motivated to use
resources - Resources must be cost effective
- Need to be able to deliver the resources to
targeted audience
- Before start to design the resource
- Start from assessment of learning needs
- Understand needs of learners
- Whats wrong with traditional resources and
delivery methods? - Specify Learning Outcomes
- Plan for Interactivity
- Devise Assessment Strategy
12Wheres the Evidence?
- Given recency of elearning, not many systematic
studies of what does / does not work - Mostly anecdotal and case studies of programmes
- Greenhalgh (2003) did a systematic review of the
literature - She and her colleagues developed first post
graduate course in primary health care
13Greenhalgh Findings
- Found only one randomised controlled trial
examining what works in online education (in
primary health care) - Eriksson in Scandinavian J Public Health, 2000
- Identified 15 guidelines for online education
(undergrad medical education) - Validity hard to assess
- Sensible, but no clear evidence base
14Topics to Consider
- Case study methodology on distance courses / via
e-learning - Net-based examination
- How to best monitor student progress during case
study work - Holding extended on-line seminars
15Case Study - Methodology
- In clinical domain, use of case studies very
popular - From earliest days of CAL, interest in using
computer to present case material - Many projects funded by health services,
universities, professional groups - Baud book, The Challenge of PBL, spelled out key
issues eg how select suitable problems, how
write cases
16Problem Based Learning
- Many clinical schools have adopted PBL
- Common Problem tutors revert to traditional
teaching methods - Especially when teaching clinical skills
- Using virtual patients presented online -- a way
of supporting PBL
17Electronic Presentation of Case Studies
- Much material online some free
- Examples
- Family Practice
- CyberPatient Simulator
- Trauma Scenarios (New Zealand)
- Geriatric Cases
19(No Transcript)
20CyberPatient Simulator - A case of a 54 year old
female with an a traumatic swollen leg
21User Makes Decisions receives immediate feedback
10 Decisions relating to case
22Trauma Scenarios
23Basic Case Details
24Another Trauma Site
25Resources Topic Outline Drug List Glossary
Post Test Annotated Bibliography
26Index of Patient Simulation Sites
27Maastricht PBL Cases
28Online Presentation of Cases
- Learning technologists seek to exploit multimedia
possibilities of the WWW - More realistic, more engaging than paper-based
cases - Use artificial intelligence so that the students
responses influence how case unfolds - Interactive student types in information and
receives feedback on decisions, actions
29Virtual Learning Environments(VLEs)
- By start of 21st century, many universities
implemented virtual learning environment (aka
managed learning environments MLEs) - Commercial Packages now available
- Blackboard
- WebCT
- Challenge find ways of introducing elearning, or
blended learning
30Method for Producing High Quality Cases
- Choosing right health problems
- What important enough to be in the curriculum?
- In PBL curriculum, problems chosen for study
define the basis of the curriculum - Way problems are studied defines the curricular
emphasis (eg organ based, system based) - Indices of educational importance
- McMaster staff emphasise prevalence of problem
31Selecting Problems
- Educational Priorities must also be taken into
account - E.g. clinical logic, prototype value, urgency,
treatability, interdisciplinary input - MacDonald at McMaster has developed a method for
assessing problems to determine whether to
include in the curriculum
32Method of Weighting
- Criteria include
- Priority of the Problem common, uncommon, rare
- Priority Health Problem Indices
- Severity Score
- Effectiveness Score
- Produced a list of priority health problems for
use by medical curriculum planners
33Free to academics but you must first register to
use it http//www.jclinpbl.org/high/index.htm
34Questions to Audience
- What are key features of high quality case study?
- What problems do you face in developing cases to
use in distance learning? - Can existing cases be adopted?
- How much work involved? How much time required?
- Opportunities to collaborate? Can same case be
used for different groups? Different levels? - Role of Tutor?
35Topic 2 Student Assessment
- Purpose determine if students have met course
learning objectives - Formative and summative assessment
- Formative may be continuous
- Both may be online
- Norm-based and criterion-based
36Student Assessment
- Traditional approaches, face-to-face teaching
- Quizzes
- Essays, term papers, reports
- Projects
- Portfolios
- Student Presentations
- Peer Evaluations
- Interviews, Vivas
- Participation in Seminars, Group Discussions
- Examinations
37On-line Assessment
- Some traditional methods transfer readily
- Web-based learning also offers some new
opportunities e.g. design web site, access
on-line resources during test, prepare e-folios
or web-based journal - Problems arise in conduct of on-line examinations
38Net-Based Examinations
- Advantages
- Immediate test score feedback to learner
- Immediate statistical evaluation of objective
test question quality - Concerns
- Plagiarism
- How do identify checks?
39Net-Based Examinations
- Issues to address
- Security
- How validate the identity of person taking the
test - Possible Solutions
- Live video-conferencing with proctors
- Students sit exams on campus, or other sites,
under supervised conditions - Students sit exams at home with approved proctors
- Regional test centres established
40Net-Based Examinations
- Issues to address
- Academic Standards
- Making sure test same range of skills, knowledge,
competencies as with traditional programme - Creating interesting, valid, reliable exams
- Not just objective, multiple choice
- How test clinical skills?
- How test knowledge management?
- How assess communication skills?
41Questions to Audience
- Your experiences?
- Your concerns?
- Views of your students?
42Topic 3 Monitoring Student Progress
- Purpose of monitoring to identify
- Weak students, those who are struggling, liable
to fail - Advanced students, who need to be stretched
- Dysfunctional group dynamics
- Deficiencies in course materials
- Problems with course design
- Common problems and those specific to
individuals, groups
43Moderating Case Studies
- Tutor most active at start (eg weeks 1 and 2)
- Tutor Roles
- Group facilitator
- Mentor, Guide
- Quality Assurance
- Moderator
44Monitoring Student ProgressOn-line
- Various Approaches
- email contact
- Reflective learning logs
- eFolios
- eSeminars
- Teleconferencing, video conferencing
- Discussion boards
- Mini surveys
- Quizzes
45Monitoring Student ProgressOn-line
- Pulse Checks
- Students asked on regular basis (e.g. every 4
weeks or 3 times during the semester) to post or
email their pulse - Where they are
- How they are doing in the course
- What improvements or changes they think should be
made - Office Hours
46Types of Monitoring
- Synchronous v Asychronous
- Real-time e.g. virtual chat, teleconferencing
- Time delayed - e.g. discussion boards
- Groups v Individuals
- Keeping track of progress of individuals
- Keeping track of group progress, group dynamics
47Monitoring of Case Study Work
- Basics ensure able to access material and
understand how organised and what expected to do
explain assessment methods - Decision - work alone or work in groups,
syndicates, teams - Set timetable, deadlines what expected to be
done, by what date
48Monitoring of Case Study Work
- Set ground rules for communicating email,
attachments, e-seminar, student common room - What to monitor?
- Monitor log in, access etc (software tools
available) - Monitor contributions frequency, quality
- Monitor reflective learning logs, e-folios
- Monitor output, presentations e.g. video
- Must be careful not to overload learners or
tutors - Students must be told in advance what aspects of
performance being monitored, for what purpose - Issues of privacy, confidentiality need be
addressed (Freedom of Information Act, data
protection, retention of information) - Students may need to give explicit consent
50Questions to Audience
- Providing Feedback
- How much feedback?
- How frequently?
- Balance between general and specific?
- How much time should tutor devote to providing
feedback? - Should students be asked to provide feedback to
one another? - In your experience, what methods of monitoring
do/do not work?
51Topic 4 eSeminars
- On-line seminar vital part of online course
- Require planning
- Moderators (seminar leaders) need to be trained
- E-Moderators preside over electronic meetings or
conferences or seminars
- Skills Needed
- Management
- Coaching
- Observing
- Mentoring
- Facilitating
53Getting Started
- Getting Started
- Introducing participants, welcoming them, setting
ground rules, making clear what expected
54Goals for e-Moderators
- Assist learners to feel confident in
communicating online on unfamiliar topics - Increase online comfort by starting informal
and non controversial discussion - Start with topics which are not too daunting
- Set clear goals
- Promote trust, sharing
55Extended On-line Seminars
- Make clear aims and objectives
- Make sure all participants know one another
- Announce start time and end time
- Provide ground rules for seminar
- Brief yourself before hand about participants
(create mental pictures) - Do not dominate the session
56Extended On-line Seminars
- Be clear on your role what you will and will
not do - Consider appointing one participant to act as
scribe or reporter - Provide information, feedback, guidance to
participants before and after the event - Summarise discussion midway and at the end
57Extended On-line Seminars
- Try ensure everyone participates
- Do not allow individuals to dominate the
discussion - With large groups, may consider setting up
syndicates or learning sets - Allow time for questions
- Make students feel they are part of a class
- Try to foster a sense of community
58Questions to Audience
- How time consuming is it to moderate eSeminars?
- Has your approach altered as you gained
experience? - How much help and support do new students need?
- Does this method of learning suit some types of
students more than others?
59Interesting Initiatives - University of Sydney
- Developed Problem-based Learning Cases for
medical students - Site recognises where each student is up to in
the program and which PBL group they are in - Essential case material links for the week are at
top of the window and are timed for individual
release so dont preempt students weekly PBL
discussion - All materials available retrospectively
60University of Sydney
- Each case contains
- Student online assessment (formative) and staff
tutor guide - Student evaluation forms
- Essential case materials needed to guide thinking
about the weeks basic and clinical science
issues - Trigger, Results, Patient Data
62Case Summary Mr Sarichs chest pain
- John Sarich is a 55 year-old newsagent who has
been brought to the Emergency Department of a
city hospital by his wife with a half hour
history of continuing chest pain. He is
overweight and smokes 20 cigarettes a day.
Investigations showed an ECG consistent with
anterior myocardial infarction. He underwent
successful urgent coronary angioplasty and
stenting, and his subsequent in-hospital course
was unremarkable.
Mr Sarich was discharged on long-term drug
treatment to reduce his risk of future heart
attack, and was referred to a comprehensive
cardiac rehabilitation program to establish and
maintain lifestyle modification (diet, exercise,
smoking cessation).
63Interesting Initiatives - MATADOR
- MATADOR Trauma team training in a virtual
emergency room. 2003 - Nordic research project to explore use of
distributed virtual environments to enhance
quality of training in emergency medicine. - Developed a multi-user simulator
- Tested by 24 medical students and professionals
- Won silver medal in Swedish IT competition
64MATADOR Project
- Training tool designed to assess leadership,
teamwork and communication within a trauma team - Participants collaborated to save a trauma victim
- Allowed geographically remote participants to
train and collaborate as a team in a clinically
realistic environment
65Interesting Initiatives - Glasgow Simulation Lab
- School of Nursing has PBL curriculum
- Teachers inclined to revert to traditional
methods when teaching clinical skills - Decided to embed learning objects within web
pages as substitute for lecturers providing
instruction and demonstrations - Aim was to encourage students to explore, analyse
and make decisions
66Student-Centred Learning
- Both PBL and eLearning put students in charge of
the learning process - Share common problems
- Role of educationalist similar facilitator
- In clinical skills lab, must achieve balance
between giving instruction and promoting enquiry
67ICU Learning Environment
- Mannequin attached to equipment (monitor,
ventilator) - Simulate and display clinical data
- Students nursed George Morgan for 6 weeks
- Adopted a minimum instruction approach
- Students had to investigate, explore, learn from
one another - Provided scenario resources, email links and
online multimedia quizzes
68UK Health Education Partnership
- Royal College of Nursing collaboration with
several universities in UK to produce elearning
materials - Hosted by University of Ulster
- Aimed at nurses who do not have a degree
- Students pay for modules
- Modules delivered through WebCT
69UKHEP - modules
- Commission authors to write material
- Work with learning technologist
- 8 Modules currently available
- Site provides all learning materials, online
discussion, assessment
71Issues to Consider
- Increased Staff work-load
- Time to design course
- Time to participate, monitor, give feedback
- Time to update course
- Time to redesign course in light of feedback
- Time to evaluate course
- Time to evaluate students
72Dangers Potential Losses
- Human contact
- Key part of education, meeting other people
faculty members and other students - Students talk about loneliness of lost distance
learner - Social Interaction
- Direct, unmediated communication important to
developing good social and communication skills
- Baud D Feletti G (eds) (1991)The Challenge of
Problem Based Learning, Kogan Page - Cotterill SJ et al (2005) Design, implementation
and evaluation of a generic e-portolio the
Newcastle experience. On ePortfolios website - www.eportfolios.ac.uk
- Devlin M (2002) On-line assessment in James, R,
McInnis C Devlin M (eds) Assessing Learning in
Australian Universities - Doherty C et al (2004) Using ELearning Techniques
to Support Problem Based Learning Within a
Clinical Simulation Laboratory. MEDINFO
proceedings. - Eriksson in Scandinavian J Public Health, 2000
- French D et al (1999) (eds) Internet Based
Learning An Introduction and Framework for
Higher Education and Business, Kogan Page. - Greenhalgh T et al (2003) Transferability of
principles of evidence based medicine to improve
educational quality. BMJ. - Hovenga EJS Mantas J (eds) (2004) Global Health
Informatics Education, IOS Press.
- Kenny NP Beagan BL (2004) The patient as text
a challenge for problem-based learning, Medical
Education38,no10, pp 1071-1079 - Maier P Warren A (2000) Integrating Technology
in Learning and Teaching a practical guide for
educators, Kogan Page. - ONeil CA, Fisher CA Newbold SK (eds) (2004)
Developing an Online Course Best Practices for
Nurse Educators, Springer
- Orange G Hobbs D (eds) (2000) International
Perspectives on Tele-Education and Virtual
Learning Environments, Ashgate. - Royal College of Nursing (2003) Electronic
learning An RCN guide for nurse educators - http//www.rcn.org.uk/members/downloads/electroni
c-learning.pdf - Salmon G (2000) E-Moderating The Key to Teaching
and Learning Online. Kogan Page.