Title: Estonian Health Care System
1Estonian Health Care System
- Jevgenia Makarova
- Kristel Kaur
- Tallinn 2006
2(No Transcript)
3Geographical and historical figures
- Area 45.215 km²
- Bordered by the Russian Federation to the
- east and Latvia to the south
- Population 1,4 million
- Male 46 female 54
- Urban 69 rural 31
4Geographical and historical figures
- Life expectancy
- male 66,3 years female 76,7 years
- Birth rate 8,7 / 1000 population
- Average salaries 500 Euro
- Average pension 150 Euro
5Geographical and historical figures
- 1940 occupation of Estonian Republic by
- 1991 independence of the Estonian
- Republic
- ? total reform of the health care system
- Todays number of acute hospitals 19
6North-Estonian Regional Hospital
- Inpatient and outpatient treatment. 24-hour
first aid. -
- 613 beds altogether.
7North-Estonian Regional Hospital
- Departments of general surgery, neurosurgery and
neurology, cardiovascular surgery, cardiology and
critical coronary care unit, trauma section and
orthopedics, internal medicine, eyes, ear, nose
and throat, thoracic surgery, urology,
maxillae-facial surgery, intensive care unit.
8North-Estonian Regional Hospital
- Consultative Clinic of the Mustamae Hospital.
- The doctors of this clinic work at the Mustamae
9North-Estonian Regional Hospital
- Psychiatric Hospital
- Inpatient and outpatient treatment of all mental
diseases. There is also a modern paid department
of non-psychotic disabilities with sauna, private
rooms etc where it is possible just to cure your
stress or any other problems.
10East-Tallinn Central Hospital
- There are the biggest Gynecologic and Maternity
Clinic in Estonia and one of the best equipped
and modern eye disease centers in Estonia. -
- Also has trauma center.
11Tallinn Children's Hospital
- Inpatient and outpatient departments of
pediatrics, ear-nose and throat diseases,
traumatology and orthopedics, surgery,
hemato-oncology. - All the doctors are highly educated and speak
12Tartu University Clinicum
- Clinic of Cardiovascular and Total Surgery
- Surgical Clinic
- Ear Clinic
- Eye Clinic
- Children's Clinic
- Women's Clinic
15- Cardiology Clinic
- Lung Clinic
- Dermatology Clinic Neurology ClinicPsychiatric
ClinicInternal Diseases ClinicDental Clinic
16 17Medicover Swedish-Estonian Medical Center
- 24-hour Hotline for emergency medical care
medical exams for adults and children screenings
and diagnostic tests mammograms annual flu
shots dentists(including 24-hour emergency
dental care) ambulance service home visits
gynecological and pregnancy care, etc.
18Family Physician
- All persons insured with the Health Insurance
Fund have a family practitioner. -
- A person not residing in Estonia may also visit
a family practitioner.
19- A person needs a referral from the family
practitioner to visit a medical specialist. -
- No referral is needed to visit a psychiatrist,
gynaecologist, dermatovenerologist,
ophthalmologist, dentist, pulmonologist (for
tuberculosis treatment), infection specialist
(for HIV/AIDS treatment), surgeon or orthopaedist
(for traumatology).
20- The amount of the patients financial
participation in the following cases - out-patient examination a family practitioner
can charge a visit fee of up to EEK 50, when
making a home visit - specialised medical care a visit fee up to EEK
50 - transportation by ambulance in the case of
emergency free of charge - hospitalisation an in-patient fee of up to EEK
25 per day and for up to 10 days per
21There is no in-patient fee
- for children below the age of 19
- in cases related to pregnancy and childbirthÂ
- in the case of intensive care.
22- It is possible to register with a family
physician by submitting an application to the
physician selected. It is also possible to change
the physician to this end one should submit an
application to the new family physician. -
- When visiting the new physician one should
present an abstract of his/her medical record.
23Primary care
- During the Soviet era, paediatricians worked as
primary care doctors in special childrens
polyclinics. It was common for patients to bypass
polyclinics and health centres, visiting
specialists directly.
24- Primary care is organized as the first level of
contact with the health system.
25- Each family doctor has a list of registered
patients. - These lists cannot contain
- fewer than 1200 or more than 2000 patients
(except in specific cases such as - occur in some rural areas or on some islands).
- The average patient list size is
- 1600.
26- Family doctors usually operate in rented
premises (sometimes in facilities - which used to be polyclinics), although some
doctors have taken out loans to - build new facilities.
27- Family doctors are required to have at least 20
visiting - hours a week, and practices should be open for
at least 8 hours a day. In primary - care, patients should be able to see their
family doctor on the same day for acute - problems patients with chronic conditions have
the right to see their family - doctor within three days.
28The 2002 results show that all patients
withacute problems are able to access their
family doctor on the same day, and that97 of
patients with chronic conditions see their family
doctor within threedays.
29- The national immunization programme is defined
by the Minister of Social Affairs and implemented
by the Health Protection Inspectorate.
Immunization is the responsibility of family
doctors, although school doctors are also allowed
to undertake it.
30- All family doctors are required to work with at
least one family nurse, even - though there is a shortage of trained family
31- Nursing will take place in cooperation with the
patient's GP and with a social worker from the
municipal government if necessary.
32- Home nursing and care services are offered only
in Tallinn.
33- The services are free for patients in the extent
allocated from the budget of the City of Tallinn.
34Target group
- Patients who have left nursing hospitals or
long-term treatment wards or other hospitals who
need nursing care and not active treatment. - Patients in whose case nursing care prevents
hospitalisation - Patients who are unable to move
- Chronically bedridden patients with serious
physical problems - People with reduced mobility
- Patients who have complicated nursing care needs
that cannot be met by social workers or family
members - Terminally ill and dying patients
35- Patients in an acute psychotic state will not be
taken in nursing care. Â
36Performed procedures
- Distribution and administration of medicaments
- Taking blood pressure
- Reading pulse
- Measuring temperature
- Measuring blood sugar with a glucometer
- Inserting a catheter in the bladder, inserting a
permanent catheter, maintenance of catheters - Change of dressing and care for ostomy
- Micro-enemas
- Removal of stitches from wounds
- Removal of casts
- Prevention of bedsores
- Care for wounds, incl. bedsores
- Position therapy
- Rehabilitation therapy at home
- Counselling
37(No Transcript)
38- Nursing schools and their curricula have been
developed to meet the standards of vocational
high school and a bachelors degree.
39- Besides basic nursing training, Estonian medical
schools also offer higher vocational training for
midwives, optometrists, pharmacists, mid-level
health protection specialists, radiology
technicians, physiotherapists, dental technicians
and lab technicians, as well as vocational-level
training for long-term nursing specialists.
40University of Tartu Faculty of Medicine for
nurses with some work experience.
- These graduates are seen as the main resource
for further training of basic and specialist
41- Nurses professional associations have been
working to standardize the different nursing
42- The greatest shortage of nurses is in specialist
areas, such as surgical nurses. Reasons for the
shortfall include poor salaries, high levels of
work-related stress, low job satisfaction and low
professional status.
43- Nurses professional associations have been
working to standardize the different nursing
44- Some efforts have been made to raise the status
of nurses by increasing their responsibilities
and introducing continuing education to the
profession. The new Health Services Organization
Act gives nursing care a legally well-defined
status on a par with primary, specialist and
emergency care.
45- In hospitals, nurses and nursing are
increasingly being acknowledged independently, by
doctors as well as by patients.
46- Thank you for your attention!