Title: The Lowe Syndrome Trust Care today' cure tomorrow
1The Lowe Syndrome TrustCare today. cure
2Here are some UK Lowe Syndrome Children
They are born with multiple handicaps including
Cataracts, Weak muscles, Kidney, Growth, Brain
and Bone disorders. This is due to a DNA mutation
that results in a low level of an essential enzyme
3There are also some UK Lowe Syndrome Adults
4Lowe Syndrome can occur with no family history
and affects children worldwide. The severity
varies with some children blind, unable to walk
and severe mental impairment.
5The Trust works with the USA Lowe Syndrome
Association and others and helps initiate and
fund medical research. We are helping to fund
research projects in USA , Gt Ormond Street
London, Imperial College London, University
College London and Dundee University Our hope is
the researchers and doctors will work together in
a worldwide effort to treat and cure lowe
6- The Trust has established a UK Medical and
Scientific - Advisory board which advises on research issues
and - research proposals received.
- Dr William vant Hoff, Consultant Nephrologist,
Great Ormond Street Hospital (GOSH) - Professor Robert Unwin, Professor of Nephrology
Physiology, University College London - Professor Shamshad Cockcroft, Lipid Signalling
Group, Department of Physiology, University
College London. - Dr Philip Beales, Hon Consultant in Clinical
Genetics, Institute of Child Health (ICH) - Professor Bruce Caterson, Professor of Research
in Orthopaedics and Biochemistry, Cardiff
University. - Dr Anthony Norden, Clinical Biochemistry,
Addenbrookes Hospital, Cambridge. - Professor Peter Cullen, Professor in Inositol
Signalling and Lister Institute Research Fellow,
Department of Biochemistry, University of
Bristol. - The Lowe Syndrome Trust Medical Advisors are
- Mike Harrison, Honorary Consultant in Pediatric
Dentistry, Guys Hospital - Dr David Taylor, Opthalmic Surgeon, GOSH.
7The Trustees are
- Lorraine Thomas
- Undine Reidy
- Carolyn Mitchell
- Catherine McNaught
- Jonathan Ross
- Patrons include
- Vanessa Feltz
- Tris Payne
- Tom Conti
- Penny Lancaster
- Jonathan Coleman
- Tony Hadley
- Richard Park
8We are helping to fund kidney Research at Gt
Ormond Street Hospital / ICH
9Dundee University Scotland
10Imperial College London
11The Charity is run by unpaid volunteers, unpaid
scientific and medical advisors and all funds are
donated by the public and though fundraising
12(No Transcript)
13A big thankyou to our sponsors
14Many thanks to all our supporters
15For further information and contacts