Title: A Highly Optimized AJAXHTML Databinding SQL Web Client
1A Highly Optimized AJAX/HTML Databinding SQL Web
Client By Paul Grosch
Why a SQL Web Client?
- I am a web database developer with 7 years of
data-centric intranet application development
experience. I have noticed a recurring problem
with modern day web applications large amounts
of tabular data leads to poor user experience.
This includes the display, edit, sort and search
of large recordsets. The SQL Web Client is a
practical example of a web application with these
requirements. In addition - it has a powerful interface to quickly produce
large datasets for testing - it has the potential to be a useful open source
project - it is database independent
3Problem Analysis Conceptual Solution
Common obstacles for thin clients wielding large
ltscript languagejavascriptgt DataBoundTable.dat
aPageSize200 function Page(command) switch
(command) case 'first' DataBoundTable.firs
tPage() break case
'up' DataBoundTable.previousPage() break c
ase 'down' DataBoundTable.nextPage() break
case 'last' DataBoundTable.lastPage()
break lt/scriptgt
ltscript languagejavascriptgt DataBoundTable.dat
aPageSize200 function Sort() //sort xml
into a string var s XMLDataIsland.transformNode
(XSLSortSchema.XMLDocument) //load string back
into dataisland xmldata.XMLDocument.loadXML(s)
//rebind DataBoundTable.dataSrc"" DataBoundTa
ble.dataSrc"xmldata" lt/scriptgt
ltxml srcGetData.aspx?tabledoctor
idDataIslandgt lt?xml version1.0
encoding"UTF-8" ?gt ltdgt ltr aID bLast
c"First" d"Middle" e"Specialty" f"StartDate"
/gt ltr a1437982 bMaly" c"Kurt" d"J"
e"Anesthesiology" f"10/10/2004 120000" /gt ltr
a1437983 bAbdel-Wahab" c"Hussein" d"M"
e"Cardiology" /gt ltr a"1437984" b"Brunelle"
c"Janet" e"Dermatology" /gt ... ... lt/dgt lt/xmlgt
lttable dataSrcDataIsland dataPageSize200gt lt
trgtlttdgtltinput typetext datafldagtlttdgt
lttdgtltinput typetext datafldbgtlt/tdgt
lttdgtltinput typetext datafldcgtlt/tdgt
lttdgtltinput typetext dataflddgtlt/tdgt
lttdgtltinput typetext datafldegtlt/tdgt
lttdgtltinput typetext datafldfgtlt/tdgt lt/trgt lt/t
lt?xml version1.0 encoding"UTF-8" ?gt ltdgt ltr
aID bLast c"First" d"Middle"
e"Specialty" f"StartDate" /gt ltr a1437982
bMaly" c"Kurt" d"J" e"Anesthesiology"
f"10/10/2004 120000" /gt ltr a1437983
bAbdel-Wahab" c"Hussein" d"M" e"Cardiology"
/gt ltr a"1437984" b"Brunelle" c"Janet"
e"Dermatology" /gt ... ... lt/dgt
- Network/server latency
- Minimize data transferred (attribute based
schema). - Browser parse/render time separate data/display
elements - Use (xml data island, databound html table).
- Browser script parse/execution time
- Dont loop through data in script (DOM methods).
- Browser not interactive during load or long
running scripts - Leverage asynchronous behaviors (HTML
Databinding). - Paging at the web app or database
- Cache data locally, page resultset (HTML
Databinding). - Sorting and searching typically require a server
request - Sort and search locally (XSLT transforms).
ltscript languagejavascriptgt function
Save() var nlInserted _xmlDataIsland.documen
tElement.selectNodes("r_at_mf 'i'") lt/script
4Architectural Overview (HTML Databinding)
Client (Internet Explorer)
Databinding Event Model and DHTML
XML Data Island
Server ASP.NET
XMLHTTPRequest Object and DHTML
Feature List and demo
- Spreadsheet like single table edit access
- SQL Editor
- Sequence generation
- Stateful transaction management
- SQL History
- Paging
- Sort, Resize, Hide
- Large recordset handling
Comparisons Refining the Project Focus
7Comparision 1 (HTTP Post) Comparison
Client (Browser)
Server ASP.NET
8Comparison 2 (AJAX Client Cache) Comparison
Client (Internet Explorer)
DHTML Event Model
XHTML DOM Document
Server ASP.NET
XMLHTTPRequest Object and DHTML
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16XHTML Client (Browser)
DHTML Event Model
Server ASP.NET
XSLT Transforms
XML Responses
XML Diffgrams
XMLHTTPRequest Object and DHTML
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