Title: Online surveys and qualitative analysis: a contradiction in terms?
1Online surveys and qualitative analysis a
contradiction in terms?
- Introduce off-the-shelf survey software and its
capabilities - Consider the nature of the output from such
surveys, and the degree to which some of it can
be open to interpretive approaches - Stimulate discussion
3Perseus - a little bit of magic
- Perseus Software Solutions an off-the-shelf
programme facilitating - Design of questionnaires
- Administration of surveys by email/WWW
- Collation of responses into MS Access
- Calculation of basic descriptive measures
- Presentation via Powerpoint
- Export into SPSS, Excel, etc
4Take a look
- Drafting of questionnaire
- Creation of slide presentation
- Note textual responses
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12How many personal computers (i.e. desktop or
laptop) does your business use?
13My experience
- Village webmasters (75 response rate)
- Broadband4Devon - small businesses in Devon (38)
- Survey of attitudes of UoP staff to education for
sustainable development (29) - Student attitude survey, module GGX2107 (51)
- Fixing dates for meetings, rehearsals, etc
14Discussion in literature
- Much interest in late 90s in methodological
issues - Sampling
- Response rates
- Ethical issues, including privacy,
confidentiality and informed consent - Security
- Technology
15Discussion in literature (2)
- Use of online processes for qualitative
approaches - Virtual ethnography (e.g. Hine 2000)
lurking around chat rooms, etc. - Online focus groups, Delphi, online interviews
(real-time and asynchronous), e.g. Jones (1999) - Content analysis of websites, blogs,
etc. (e.g. Technorati, Google)
16What about surveys?
- Is it possible to create circumstances where
survey software can be used to create rich data,
susceptible to interpretive analysis? - Implicit assumption in a random selection of
methods books that textual data gained through
surveys is merely an addendum to quantitative
data, to be coded as nominal data and analysed as
17Surveys in social research
- Standardized questions may not get at important
aspects of a social group, and usually there is
a limited range of responses a respondent can
make. - Surveys collect data on previously identified
variables limited conceptual flexibility. - Survey may not succeed for cultural or ethical
reasons - (Williams 2003 50)
18Example village webmasters
Warren and Skerratt 2003
19Example question from Phase 2
- 42. How important do you think the website is to
the future of the village? - (5-point scale from essential to irrelevant)
- 43. Can you outline the reasons for your response
to Question 42?
20Example output from Phase 2
- It is merely an information tool which is
available to a minority group of people. I have
seen the response to parish council meetings
where there have been 2 people from the public
attending. If they can not be bothered to attend
face to face meetings then what chance has a web
page have of having any important value to the
village. If this village was less populated (pop.
4400), then the community might feel a little bit
closer to one another and the web site
might have some higher significance!
21Example output from Phase 2
- The village sometimes seems to be full of
disinterested sheep-shaggers always has been and
always will be. Until computer monitors have
horns and woolly keyboards the Internet will be
derided as "a load of rubbish for over educated
wastes of space".
22Example output from Phase 2
- I derive enormous satisfaction from doing
something I enjoy (technically and creatively),
from being able to express the love I have for
this place to which we moved in 1967 and the
friendliness we experienced, and most of all the
almost incessant positive feedback - from people
casually saying how the maps helped them find
their way here, to people catching up with
long-lost friends and relatives, tracing the
place of their birth, even branches of their
family they didn't know existed - one woman was
enabled to put to rest the concern over not
knowing how her mother had died over 50 years
ago. Just last week, a man traced a long-lost pal
because he put his surname into Google, and it
took him to the Schmoose page to which his pal
had contributed - and he's in the middle of China
! Talking about China, one young man e-mailed
from an airport in the middle of China to say
that he couldn't see his parents in my pictures
of the village fete .. on the day it happened ..
and! asking were they at home !
23Questionnaire, Phase 4
- Seven statements posed, arising from Phase 2
responses, each of the form - Even if everyone in the village had access to the
internet, and were able to use it, the website
would still only represent/serve a part of the
community. - (5-point scale, strongly agree to strongly
disagree) - Please outline the reasons for your response
24Example output from Phase 4
25Example output from Phase 4
- '"Being able to use the Internet" is not the same
as feeling that it is the easiest and most
natural way to find information and exchange it
with banks, government agencies and whatever.
There must be at least half of our village
community who will never in their lifetimes use
the Internet voluntarily for a serious purpose.
Even the next generation is going to have a good
share of technophobes. We run a great risk of
making them a disadvantaged group through no
fault of theirs whatever.
26Example output from Phase 4
- I am never very keen on "Portal" systems. As the
number of possible services and transaction types
is enormous and likely to grow exponentially,
putting a portal in the way is going to be hell
for the portal builder. Not for me thanks! In
any case, for the village surfer, what is the
point of NOT going directly to the Inland
Revenue, the local planning authority, the Dept
of Social Security or wherever they want to get
to? The government or agency instructions will
always say "go to http//junk.agency.gov.uk" and
not "go to your village web site and see where
they tell you"! In other words I do feel
strongly that I could only subtract value from
such government services, rather than adding it.
27What have we got?
- Respondents seem more likely to write at length
online than in conventional surveys (evidence?) - Textual responses constrained by pre-specified
questions, but many are rich in content. - Researcher-respondent interaction limited, but
speed of electronic communication allows some
reactive probing. - Lack of the signals speed, body language,
facial expression, voice tone that can be
observed in an interview - but at the same time responses are unfiltered by
interviewer/transcriber - Reflexivity?
28Qualitative researchers
- use multiple methods to collect rich,
descriptive, contextually situated data in order
to seek understanding of human experience or
relationships within a system or culture. - Processes of analytical induction from the data
might then lead to the formulation of simple
explanatory hypotheses or, using systematic
approaches such as grounded theory, the
development of complex theories.
(Mann Stewart, 2000 2-3)
29I would not argue
- that textual survey data can fill the place of
conventional ethnographic techniques - but I do think there is a case for taking it
more seriously particularly when arising from
online processes as one source of qualitative
data. - What do you think?
30Perseus in FSSB
- The Faculty has a copy of Perseus Professional in
an open access room in Cookworthy - Contact Jackie Palmer, Learning Technologist,
SSB Specialist IT Team, Room 311 Cookworthy.
Phone (3)3277 email J.Palmer_at_plymouth.ac.uk
31One alternative (of many)
32(No Transcript)
33References (1)
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34References (2)
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