Title: Occupational Medicine and Epidemiology in Czech Republic
1Occupational Medicine and Epidemiology in Czech
- 1Prof. Daniela Pelclová MD, Ph.D.
- 2Kveta Švábová, MD, Ph.D.
- 1Assoc. Prof. M. Tucek, MD, Ph.D.
- 1Dept. of Occup. Medicine, Charles University,
- 2School of Postgraduate Education,
- Prague, Czech Republic
2Teaching of Occupational Medicine in Czech
3Pregraduate Medical Education6 Years
- 5th year
- 3 weeks of Hygiene and Epidemiology
- (incl. 1 week of Occupational and Environmental
Hygiene) - State Examination
4Pregraduate Medical Education6 Years
- 5th year
- 1 week of Occupational Diseases
- (incl. in-Patients Department)
- Final text, Examination
5Postgraduate Education4 years
- Specialisation in Occupational Medicine
- Duration 4 years
- Full-time
- 2 years Internal Medicine
- 2 years Occupational Medicine
62 years Occupational Medicine - 1
- 1 year minimum
- 3 months Dept. of Occupational Diseases,
- 3 months Occupational Health Services,
- and 3 months at Dept. of Occupational Hygiene
(State Institute of Public Health) Occupat.
72 years Occupational Medicine - 2
- 10 months additional training dermatology,
orthopaedics, allergology, travel medicine,
urgent medicine, psychiatrics, rehabilitation,
82 years Occupational Medicine - 3
- 3 weeks specialised course at the School of
Postgraduate Medicine lectures about all fields
of Occupat. Medicine - Attendance of all workshops and seminars at
University and Regional Occupational medicine
9Specialised Occupat. Med. Courses at the School
of Postgrad. Med.
- Exposure-diseases associations in occupational
groups identifying, verifying, and quantifying
risks in different groups of subjects in - Construction sector
- Agriculture
- Health Care
- Wood Industry
- Glass Production
10Specialised courses at the School of Postgraduate
- Exposure-diseases associations in occupational
groups - Foreign Workers
- Managers
- Women
- Apprentices
- Epidemiology of Occupational Cancer
112 years Occupational Medicine - 4
- Dissertation work and publications in
Occupational Medicine and Epidemiology
12Dissertation work and publications
- Prospective exposure measurements, follow-up of
workers, markers of health damage - Retrospective occupational diseases in a
factory, region, etc.
13Examples of Dissertation Works - 1
- Working conditions and musculoskeletal findings
in women in a large scale food stock - Electromagnetic field and neuropsychological
findings in radar operators - Exposure to isocyanates, lung functions and
occupational diseases in lamination textile
workers in South Bohemia - A comparison of occurrence of occupational and
non-occupational asthma in West Bohemia
14Examples of Dissertation Works - 2
- Health status and subjective problems in cyanide
manufacture - Cytostatic drugs and conventional cytogenetic
findings in healthcare personnel - An occurrence of occupational skin disorders in
Central Bohemia - Results of the follow-up of workers exposed to
vinyl chloride monomer
15Trends in Occupational Diseases in Czech Republic
- Population 10 million
- Working population 5 million
- Teaching Occupational Medicine
- The basics of Occupational Medicine and of
Epidemiology during Pregraduate Education - More advanced during Postgraduate Education
- Dissertation work/Publication is a part of the
Final examination.
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21Occupational Diseases in Industrial Branches
in Men and Women in the Year 2005
22Thank you Dept. of Occupat. Medicine, Charles
University, Prague