Title: Health Care Simulation
1Health Care Simulation
- Brendan Flanagan FANZCA
- Southern Health Simulation Centre
- Melbourne
2Simulation in Health Care
- Verbal
- Role play
- Standardised patient
- Screen-based
- Part-task Trainers
- Computerised Mannequin
- Virtual Reality
3Standardised Patients
4 Laerdal MicroSim
5Part Task TrainersNot True Simulators But Widely
- Part-task trainers, e.g.
- IV arms, skeletons, airway trainers
- ResusciAnne equivalent (CPR, ACLS)
- Harvey (cardiac auscultation)
6Late 1990s - Early 2000sNew Manufacturers for
- Laerdal SimMan (Mannequin-based)
7Procedure / Surgery Simulation and Part-Task
- Important in many medical domains
- surgical, endoscopic, cath. procedures
8Development of Simulation CENTRES
- Facility
- simulation room(s), control room(s), debriefing
room(s) - support room(s)
- part-task trainers, VR, standardised patients
- offices
- Core faculty
- interdisciplinary
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13Human Factors (CRM) Training
... increases the percentage of crews rated as
above average and decreases the percentage of
crews rated as below average.
- Helmreich, RL et al Aviation, Space Environ.Med.
61576-579 (1990)
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15Health Care is a Very Complex Demanding
16Simulation in Health Care vs. in Other Industries
- Unlike other industries we dont build human
beings -- we dont even get the manual! - Pt. simulators inherently less realistic
- But thenthere is no average patient
- In other industries training assessment is
built into the work over a whole career not
(yet) in health care
17 Patient Simulation Where Are We Now?
- Patient simulation is a maturing new endeavour
- not the end, not the beginning of the end,
maybe the end of the beginning! - Manufacturers of diverse products
- Diverse curricula target populations
18Domains using simulation
- Undergraduate Postgraduate
- Paramedics Emergency Medicine
- Anaesthesia, Surgery
- Primary Care Practitioners
- Intensive Care Medicine/ Arrest Teams
- Obstetrics/ Neonatal
- Interventional Radiology Cardiology
- Endoscopy
19Australian Centres
- Melbourne x 2, Sydney, Perth
- RACS in Melbourne
- Brisbane
- Flinders Royal Adelaide Hospital
- Sydney hospitals
- 28 SimMen around Australasia
- inc. 7 Defence Forces installations
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21 Patient Simulation Where Are We Going?
- Simultaneous innovation and consolidation of
approaches - VISION Simulation completely embedded in fabric
of health care for education, training,
performance assessment, research, device
certification, and other applications
22Some mutually important topics!
- Team Training
- Training Transfer
- Human Factors
- Performance Assessment
- Synthetic Environments
- Simulator Fidelity Analysis
- Knowledge Elicitation and Capture
- Validation, Verification and Accreditation
- Cost Benefit Analysis of Simulation Systems
- Policy Issues
- 1-day Health Medical Symposium
- 2000, 2001, 2003
- 2004 a 3-day meeting
- local international keynote speakers
- live feed to Perth simulation centre
- shared haptovisual environment with Stanford
- Standards workshops
24The Way Forward?
- Society
- name
- Australian/A NZ/Asia-Pacific
- Health Care (v. Medical)
- mission/vision
- structure
- relationship with SIAA
25The Way Forward
- Steering Committee to pursue these and
related issues - No web page as yet
- www.simtect.com for time being
- Input/questions/comments to b.flanagan_at_southernhea