Title: Great Ormond Street Hospital NHS Trust
1Great Ormond Street Hospital NHS Trust
Improving Access to PICU for Elective
Surgery Tracy Parr Improvement
Facilitator parrt_at_gosh.nhs.uk April 2007
2Great Ormond Street Hospital NHS Trust
- Tertiary Childrens Hospital
- 353 In-patient beds
- 8 Operating theatres
- 34 Intensive Care beds (PICU/NICU/CCC)
- 41 Wards - large range of surgical specialities
- General and neonatal surgery
- ENT/Plastics/Cleft
- Neurosurgery/Craniofacial
- Urology
- Orthopaedic and spinal
- Maxillofacial/dental
- Population characterised by children with
multiple disabilities and co-morbidities
3Great Ormond Street Hospital NHS Trust
- Issues
- Senior managers away day identified cancellation
of surgery due to lack PICU bed as top priority
for the hospital - First approach obtain descriptive data
- 10 month period 53 cancelled operations as no
PICU bed - Massive impact on families planning for post op
Great Ormond Street Hospital NHS Trust
5Great Ormond Street Hospital NHS Trust
Variability of emergency admissions to PICU June
2004 Jan 2005
Variability of elective admissions to PICU June
2004 Jan 2005
6Great Ormond Street Hospital NHS Trust
7Great Ormond Street Hospital NHS Trust
8Great Ormond Street Hospital NHS Trust
9Great Ormond Street Hospital NHS Trust
- Highly predictable population - attempted to
reduce variation in elective admissions - Multiple specialties
- Part time consultants
- Little flexibility
10Great Ormond Street Hospital NHS Trust
- Examined threshold for booking PICU bed
- Low historic threshold perceived as being needed
for safety - Only 38 of booked and available beds for
elective surgery used wastage of staffed PICU
beds - Agreement to raise threshold and only book beds
for - Children in whom post-operative plan is for
ventilation due to type of surgery - Children with very high risk of needing IPPV post
operatively eg obstructive sleep apnoea, spastic
11Great Ormond Street Hospital NHS Trust
- Prospective audit of patients admitted to PICU
within 48 hours of surgery - Audit of booking indicators for patients booked
into and not using PICU bed - Cost savings calculated
- Support from float nurses trained in basic PICU
charting and observation competencies - Discharge planning on arrival
12Great Ormond Street Hospital NHS Trust
13Great Ormond Street Hospital NHS Trust
14Great Ormond Street Hospital NHS Trust
15Great Ormond Street Hospital NHS Trust
16Great Ormond Street Hospital NHS Trust
- Results
- Number of bookings reduced by 50
- Cancellations reduced by 65
- Number of patients using booked PICU beds
increased from 38 to 55 - Probably cannot increase all ward returners had
valid booking reasons - No patients admitted as emergencies
peri-operatively - Cost savings 160,000 per annum
- Hospital grapevine has new top priority
17Great Ormond Street Hospital NHS Trust
Great Ormond Street Hospital NHS Trust
- Lessons Learned
- Involvement of key people
- Reporting into executive team
- Importance of descriptive data
- Sustainability cancellations built into
performance indicators for PICU and ward
returners for anaesthesia - Has established a core cross disciplinary group
for examining other issues (eg intensive care