Title: Lesley Burn
1Delivering the 18 weekpathwayPhysiological
- Lesley Burn
- Dr Kerry Tinkler
2Main Policy Drivers
- NHS Improvement Plan (2004)
- - 18 week wait by 2008 capacity
bottlenecks - - System improvement more productivity
- - Health as well as Health Services
Public Health - - Long Term Conditions shifting
boundaries - - Plurality of provision
- - Patient Choice a change of culture
- Commissioning a patient led NHS (2005)
- - move from provider driven to
commissioning driven - - new organisations and structures
- - needs based and front line driven
(access and choice) - - improved commissioning arrangements
(practice based ) - Our health, our care, our say (2006)
- - focus on prevention and health promotion
- - more care outside of hospital and in home
- - encouraging innovation and competition
- - joined up approach
3The challenge of 18 weeks
Implementation Plan direct access to diagnostic
services not included but still needs to be
included in work programmes for sustainable long
term provision
18 Weeks
GP Visit
1st OutpatientAppointment
Decision to treat
The time from the first outpatient to decision to
treat includes the most significant challenges
including all diagnostics and subsequent
4Diagnostic clearance times
Data published in early July 2006. 5 PM tests in
top 6
Diagnostic test clearance times
Most significant challenge to reducing diagnostic
waits to below 13 weeks
Demand expected to rise before Dec 2008
Source Pilot site data
Total sample size 100,000 waiters Unvalidated
data, from pilot study of 13 self selected trusts
therefore may not be representative".
5 What are Physiological
Measurement Services
6- Disciplines included
- - Audiology
- - Cardiology ( non invasive and invasive)
- - Gastrointestinal physiology
- - Neurophysiology
- - Ophthalmic and Vision Science
- Respiratory and Sleep physiology
- - Urodynamics
- Vascular technology
- Tests undertaken
- 300 different tests and procedures, accounting
for approx 10 million pa - Therapeutic intervention closely related to
diagnostic test in some disciplines
- Policy initiatives include
- Diagnostics/18 wk
- LTC neurology
- Screening programmes
- Care Settings
- Mainly secondary care based
- -Access often controlled
7Physiological Measurement services may be
distributed across organisations
- Discipline
- Audiology
- Cardiac physiology
- Gastrointestinal physiology
- Neurophysiology
- Ophthalmic and Vision Science
- Respiratory and sleep physiology
- Urodynamics
- Vascular technology
- Service department/organisation
- Stand alone/ENT
- Cardiology
- GI Med or surgery/Endoscopy
- Clinical neurophysiology/neurology
- Ophthalmology/Vision Science unit
- Respiratory Medicine/Sleep unit
- Urology/Medical Physics
- Vascular surgery/Imaging
8The work of Physiological Measurement departments
cross many patient pathways
IAGNOSTIC TEST (Simple, Routine, Specialist,
- Contra-indications to test investigation being
performed - Identification of pre-test requirements
- Appropriateness of referral related to
presenting symptoms - Clinical status assessment immediately prior to
test/investigation Preparation (can include
environments) - Calibration/verification and QA
- Maintenance/repair
- Operating safety ( impact on environments)
- Protocols/standards
- Patient specific modifications
- Technical acceptability
- QA of test performance/procedure
- Technical acceptability (limitations)
- Selection of result
- Linked to presenting symptoms/provisional
diagnosis - Pattern Recognition (sophistication?)
- Comparison with internal QA within sets of
results - Support Differential Diagnosis
10Complete PM diagnostic process undertaken by
range of healthcare professionals whose
contribution needs to be identified
.and others, eg. helpers
11 Physiological Measurement National
12Physiological Measurement Issues
- Underinvestment and lack of specific
commissioning arrangements (block contracts/no
separate tariffs) - Physiological Measurement not
a priority - Unknown Demand/increasing prevalence of
conditions and more guidelines - Repertoire of tests changing (new technology,
more complex tests) - PM diagnostics within patient pathways referral
criteria, activity linked to specialities,
patient outcomes, demand and requirements of
local health economy - Inefficient processes - waiting list management,
backroom functions, old ways of working (? Actual
capacity) - Workforce - ? affordable, no matching to service
needs or diagnostic test components - Leadership learning from others, sharing,
challenging, representation - Long term sustainability
13Physiological Measurement National Programme
Overarching workstreams
Supporting commissioners to provide streamlined
and efficient services for patients
Linking equipment to IT systems generation of
information to shape services
New models of care, including in primary care
with measures of impact
Physiological Measurement Framework to be
published in 2007 What is PM doc soon
A physiological measurement leadership strategy
and development of networks
Workforce toolkit of issues, priorities,
protocols and solutions
Pathway mapping to develop protocols based on
clinical governance and standards
144 Priority National Projects -all due to report
early in 2007others covering remaining 4 areas
may follow
- Audiology linked to National Audiology Action
Plan - Cardiology
- Peripheral neurophysiology
- Respiratory and Sleep related breathing disorder
measurements - Will focus on capacity and demand, good
practice and service models including workforce,
commissioning guidance and implementation
15Physiological Measurement Development sites
Physiological Measurement Strategy Group
Medics, scientists and other members of the MDT
commissioners, SHA, PCT,
Physiological Measurement Leadership Group and
Physiological Measurement Framework
Development ideas..
GI Physiology
Respiratory physiology
Royal Free
Vascular technology
University Hospital Birmingham
North Staffordshire
Royal Devon and Exeter
Pennine Acute
East Kent
Norfolk and Norwich
Service delivery
March 2006
16Identifying Development Sites
- Geographical spread
- Diversity of Trusts and environment
- Test all 8 areas of physiological measurement
- Internal team integrated within management and
clinical structures - Connections across the health economy
17Engaging with diagnostic servicesdevelopment
- Pathway mapping
- Capacity and demand analysis
- Analysing workforce functions
18Engaging with diagnostic servicestesting
- Improving service delivery
- Improving referrals across the whole pathway
- Workforce role redesign
- Working with commissioners
19Norfolk Norwich University Hospitals NHS Trust
- Training audiologists to remove ear wax.
- July 2006 One month audit of patients with
troublesome wax - attending the departments.
- 1366 patients were seen where wax could affect
procedures. - 11 (156) of those had wax.
- At least 100 could have had ear wax removed by an
audiologist. - Gain of 11 appointments per week.
20University Hospital of North Staffordshire NHS
Trust GI Physiology
- Process mapping to understand how the service is
delivered. - Active waiting list management.
- Waiting lists have reduced between February and
August 2006.
21University Hospital Birmingham NHS Foundation
Trust Cardiology
- Bundle tests and schedule them before the first
outpatient appointment so that test results are
available at consultant appointment. - Reduction in the number of days patients wait for
an opinion at consultant review. -
22Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust Urodynamics
- Creation of a dedicated centralised urodynamics
department within the integration of 2
gynaecology departments. - Service capacity has been increased to 10
sessions a week. - No waiting list for urodynamics diagnostics
capacity currently exceeds demand. -
23Royal Devon Exeter NHS Foundation Trust
- A level 3 technician role to provide support to
the glaucoma clinic. - Technician undertakes disc photography and other
investigations in the unit. - Releasing capacity especially in the glaucoma
pathway so ophthalmic practitioners can see
more patients.
24Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust Cardiology
- Community screening for ECG and 24 hour BP
monitoring. - Current pathway
25Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust Cardiology