- In USA gt 10,000,000 annual ER visits
- Average cost of 200 per patient
- Hollander et al Wound Registry Development and
Validation. Ann Emerg Med, May 1995.
3Causes of traumatic wounds
Cause of wound No. of Patients
Blunt object 42
Sharp object 34
Glass 13
Wood 4
Bite 6
Human 1
Dog 3
Others 5
4Distribution of traumatic wounds
Location of Wound No. of Patients ()
Head and Neck 51
Trunk 2
Upper Extremities 34
Lower Extremities 13
- Karcz Malpractice claims against emergency
physicians in Massachusetts 1975-1993. Am J
Emerg Med 1996. - wounds claims 19.85, and 3.15 total
expenses (1,235,597) - American College of Emergency Physicians.
Foresight Issue 49, September 2000 Laceration
mismanagement failure to diagnose a retained
foreign body is the 2nd most common malpractice
claims against emergency physician -
6Condition Claims Total dollars paid
1- Missed fracture 14 17
2- Wound care 12 8
3- Missed MI 10 24
4- Abdominal pain 9 4
5- Missed meningitis 3.5 8
6- Spinal cord injury 3 8
7- SAH / Stroke 3 6
8- Ectopic pregnancy 2 8
7What patients want?
- Adam Patient Priorities With Traumatic
Lacerations. Am J Emerg Med, October 2000.
8Aspect of Care All Participants (n 679) Facial Lacerations (n 78) Other Lacerations (n 263)
Normal function 28 27 26
Avoiding infection 20 14 23
Cosmetic outcome 17 33 14
Least pain 17 11 18
Length of stay 10 8 10
Compassion 5 4 5
Cost 1 1 1
Days missed 2 1 3
Total 100 100 100
- History
- Mechanism
- Time
- FB
- Medical conditions
- Allergies
- Tetanus status
- Exam
- Size
- Location
- Contaminants
- Neurovascular
- Tendons
10Universal Precautions
- CDC published guidelines on use of universal
precautions. - Use of protective barriers
- eg. Gloves/ gowns/ masks/ eyewear
- Will decrease exposure to infective material.
- Use latex free gloves
- Since March 1999, FDA reported
- 2,330 latex allergic reactions
- including 21 deaths
12- Bodiwala Surgical gloves during wound repair in
the accident and emergency department. Lancet
1982. - randomized 337 patients to gloves or careful
hand-washing, no gloves - INFECTION GLOVES NO GLOVES
- None 167 (82.7) 170 (82.5)
- Mild 27 (13.4) 27 (13.1)
- Severe 8 (4.0) 9 (4.4)
13- Caliendo Surgical masks during laceration
repair. J Am Coll Emerg Phys 1976. - Alternated face mask / no mask for 99 wound
repairs - Mask 1 / 47 infected
- No mask 0 / 42 infected
- Â
14Local Anesthesia 2 main groups
- 1- Â Esters
- Cocaine
- Procaine (Novocain)
- Benzocaine (Cetacaine)
- Tetracaine (Pontocaine)
- Chloroprocaine (Nesacaine)
- 2-Â Â Amides
- Lidocaine (Xylocaine)
- Mepivacaine (Polocaine, Carbocaine)
- Bupivacaine (Marcaine)
- Etidocaine (Duranest)
- Prilocaine
- Â Â
15Properties of commonly used local anesthetics
Agent Class Max. save dose mg/kg Onset (min) Duration (hrs)
Procaine Ester 7 2-5 0.25-0.75
Procaine Epi 9 0.5-1.5
Lidocaine Amide 5 2-5 1-2
Lidocaine Epi 7 2-4
Bupivacaine Amide 2 2-5 4-8
Bupivacaine Epi 3 8-16
16Why Lidocaine?
- Less painful
- Rapid onset
- Less cardiotoxic
- Less expensive
17- Morris Comparison of pain associated with
intradermal and subcutaneous infiltration with
various local anesthetic solutions. Anesth Analg
1987. - 24 volunteers
- each injected with 5 anesthetic agents and NS
- visual analog pain scale
- Etidocainegt Bupivacainegt Mepivacainegt NSgt
Chloroprocainegt Lidocaine (least painful) - Â
18Methods to reduce pain of Lidocaine local
- 1-Small-bore needles
- 2-Buffered solutions
- 3-Warmed solutions
- 4-Slow rates of injection
- 5-Injection through wound edges
- 6-Subcutaneous rather than intradermal injection
- 7- Pretreatment with topical anesthetics
191-Small-bore needles
- Edlich, 1988
- 30-gauge hurts less than a 27-gauge
- 27-gauge hurts less than a 25-gauge, etc.
20Â 2-Buffered solutions
- with sodium bicarbonate at a ratio of 110
- change in the pH of the anesthetic solution does
not increase wound infection rates - No compromise to anesthesia effect
21Studies on buffered lidocaine
Study Number Pain score
McKay, 1987 24 Volunteers Reduced
Christoph, 1988 25 Volunteers Reduced
Bartfield, 1990 91 Patients No Difference
Orlinsky, 1992 61 Patients Reduced
Brogan, 1995 45 Patients Reduced
Fatovich, 1999 135 Adults 136 children No Difference
223-Warmed solutions
Study Number Temp. (C) Pain score
Brogan, 1995 45 Patients 20 vs 37.6 Reduced
Martin, 1996 40 Volunteers 20 vs 37 Reduced
Colaric, 1998 20 Volunteers 20 vs 37 Reduced
23Warming and Buffering have synergistic effect
- Mader, 1994 and Bartfield, 1995 Effect of
warming and buffering on pain of Lidocaine
infiltration. - Warming and Buffering have synergistic effect in
reducing pain - Temp. used 40 and 38.9 C vs room temp.
244-Slow rates of injection
Study Number Injection Rate Pain score
Krause, 1997 29 Volunteers 0.1ml/sec vs 1ml/sec Reduced with slow rate
Scarfone, 1998 42 patients 1ml/5sec vs 1ml/30sec Reduced with slow rate
255-Injection through wound edges
Study Number Pain score
Kelly, 1994 81 patients Reduced
Bartfield, 1998 63 patients Reduced
266-Subcutaneous rather than intradermal injection
277- Pretreatment with topical anesthetics
Study Number Agent Pain score
Bartfield, 1995 54 Patients Lidocaine Reduced
Bartfield, 1996 57 Patients Tetracaine Reduced
288- Digital / Regional nerve block
- A critical skill for all ED physicians
- Save time
- Decrease possibility of systemic toxicity
- Less painful than local infiltration
- Do not cause the volume-related tissue distortion
29Topical Anesthetic instead of local
- Tetracaine 25 cc of 2 solution
- Adrenalin 50 cc of a 11000 solution
- Cocaine 11.8 gm
- Pryor, 1980 and Hegenbarth, 1990
- topical TAC vs lidocaine infiltration, in
laceration repair - No significant difference in anesthetic efficacy
- Down sides are
- Not reliable when used below the head
- Tissue toxic, Case reports of death and seizures
- Corneal damage
- Intense vasoconstriction avoid in digits, nose,
pinna and penis - Must be mixed by hospital pharmacist
- Not approved by FDA
- Expensive up to 35 / dose
31LAT, LET, or XAP
- Lidocaine 15cc of 2 viscous
- Adrenaline 7.5cc of 11000 topical
- Tetracaine 7.5cc of 2 topical
- Ernst-1995, Blackburn-1995, Ernst-1997 showed
effective anesthesia if left in place for 15 to
20 minutes - Schilling-1995 and Amy-1995 As efficacious as
TAC - 5 / dose
- Much less potential for significant toxicity
32Lidocaine with Epinepkrine
- In animal models, there is theoretic concern for
increased risk of wound infection - Tissue ischemia and necrosis if injected in
33Skin and Wound preparation
- 1- Hair removal
- 2- Disinfecting the skin
- 3- Debridement
- 4-Wound Cleansing and Irrigation
- 5-Soaking
341- Hair removalTo shave or not to shave!
- Seropian, 1971
- 406 clean surgical wounds
- If shaved pre-op, 3.1 infection rate
- If depilated, 0.6 infection rate
- Â
- Howell, 1988
- 68 scalp lacerations repaired without hair
removal (93 within 3 hours of injury), no
infection at 5-day follow-up
352- Disinfecting the skin
- An ideal agent does not exist either tissue
toxic or poorly bacteriostatic - Simple scrub water around wound should be
sufficient - No studies have demonstrated the impact of
cleaning intact skin on infection rate, however
it is important to decrease bacterial load to
minimize ongoing wound contamination. - Avoid mechanical scrubbing unless heavily
contaminated (increase inflammation in animal
36Solution Antimicrobial activity Mechanism of action Uses Tissue toxicity
N. Saline - Washing action Cleanse surrounding skin / irrigation -
Povidine-iodine 10, 1 Germicide Cleanse surrounding skin, ? Irrigation contaminated wounds
Chlorhexidine 1, 0.1 Bacteriostatic Cleanse surrounding skin
Hydrogen Peroxide Bactericidal Cleanse contaminated wounds
Hexachlorophene Bacteriostatic Cleanse surrounding skin
Nonionic detergents - Wound cleanser Wound cleanser -
373- Debridement
- Devitalized soft tissue acts as a culture medium
promoting bacterial growth - Inhibits leukocyte phagocytosis of bacteria and
subsequent kill - Anaerobic environment within the devitalized
tissue may also limit leukocyte function
38- Dhingra V Periphral Dissemination of
Bacteria in Contaminated Wounds Role of
Devitalized tissue Evaluation of Therapeutic
Measures. Surgery, 1976. - Animal study, devitalized wounds contaminated
with 3 Bacteria, treated with NS jet irrigation
or debridement at 2, 4, 6 hr - Debridement more effective in reducing bacteria
count and infection rate
394-Wound Cleansing and Irrigation
- Decreasing wound contamination and hence
infection, "the solution to pollution is
dilution." - Indications
- Methods
- Pressure
- Solution
- Volume
- Side effects
401- Indications
- Any contaminated or bite wounds
- Animal and human studies demonstrate irrigation
lowers infection rates in contaminated wounds -
- Hollander JE et al Irrigation in facial and
scalp lacerations Does it alter outcome? Ann
Emerg Med 1998. Â - 1,923 patients 1,090 patients received saline
irrigation, and 833 patients did not - Nonbite, noncontaminated facial skin or scalp
lacerations who presented less than 6 hours - No difference in wound infection rate or
- cosmetic appearance
412- Methods
- Bulb syringe
- IV bag /- pressure cuff
- Syringe and needle
- Jet lavage
42(No Transcript)
433- Pressure
- lack of clinical studies
- recommend irrigation pressures in the range of 5
to 8 psi - High-pressure irrigation is defined as more than
8 psi (use of a 30- to 60-mL syringe and a 18-20
gauge needle) - Animal studies Rodeheaver, 1975 Stevenson,
1976, high-pressure irrigation reduce both
bacterial wound counts and wound infection rates
444- Solution
- Ideal solution must be
- Not toxic to tissues
- Does not increase rate of infection
- Does not delay healing
- Does not reduce tensile strength of wound healing
- Inexpensive
45- Dire DJ A comparison of wound irrigation
solutions used in the emergency department. Ann
Emerg Med 1990. - 531 patients were randomized into 3 groups, and
irrigated with - NS, 1 PI, or pluronic F-68
- No difference in wound infection rate
- NS has the lowest cost
46- Lineaweaver Cellular and bacterial
toxicities of topical antimicrobials. Plast
Reconstr Surg, 1985. - 1 povidone-iodine
- 3 hydrogen peroxide
- 0.25 acetic acid
- 0.5 sodium hypochlorite
- assayed in vitro using cultures of human
fibroblasts and Staphylococcus aureus - All agents tested killed 100 percent of exposed
47- Then he looked at different dilutions
- povidone-iodine 0.01, 0.001, 0.0001
- sodium hypochlorite 0.05, 0.005, 0.0005
- hydrogen peroxide 3.0, 0.3, 0.03, 0.003
- acetic acid 0.25, 0.025, 0.0025
- ONLY antiseptic not harmful to fibroblasts yet
still bacteriostatic was Povidone iodine 0.001
48- Moscati Comparison of normal saline with tap
water for wound irrigation. Am J Emerg Med 1998.
 - lacerations were made on each animal and
inoculated with standardized concentrations of
Staph. aureus - irrigation with 250 cc of either NS from a
sterile syringe or water from a tap - no difference in bacterial count in 2 groups
49- LammersBacterial counts in experimental,
contaminated crush wounds irrigated with various
concentrations of cefazolin and penicillin.
Richard Lammers, American Journal of Emergency
Medicine, January 2001. - An animal bite wound model was created
- inoculated with 0.4 mL of a standard bacterial
solution - each wound was scrubbed for 30 seconds with 20
poloxamer 188 and then irrigated with 100 mL of
one of 4 solutions NS(control) cefazolin
penicillin G (LD) CZ PCN (ID) and CZ PCN
(HD) - No differences in the bacterial counts or
infection rates
50- Kaczmarek, 1982 Cultured open bottles of
saline irrigating solution - 36/169 1000cc bottles were contaminated
- 16/105 500cc bottles were contaminated
- Â
- Brown, 1985 Approximately one in five of the
opened bottles use for irrigation were
514- Volume
- Irrigation volume not studied
- use 50 mL to 100 mL of irrigant per cm of
525- Side effects
- Increase tissue inflammation (very high pressure
irrigation), but benefit outweigh risk - Splatter (use your hand or plastic shield)
53(No Transcript)
545- Soaking
- Lammers Effect of povidone-iodine and saline
soaking on bacterial counts in acute, traumatic
contaminated wounds. Ann Emerg Med, 1990. - Contaminated traumatic wounds within 12 hours of
injury - 33 wounds randomized into
- soaking in either 1 PI, NS, or covered with
dry gauze (control) for 10 min. - Bacterial counts not changed in PI control
groups, but increased in NS group - Infection rate PI12.5 (1/8), control 12.5
(1/8), NS71 (5/7)
55Foreign Bodies
- Glass, metal, and gravel are Radiopaque
- Wooden objects and some aluminum products are
radiolucent - Glass is accurately visualized on 2-view
radiographs if it is 2 mm or larger - and gravel if it is 1 mm or larger
56Â Wound Closure
- Time
- Delayed primary closure
- Options
- Suturing method
- The Golden Period the time interval from injury
to laceration closure and the risk of subsequent
infection, (is highly variable) - Morgan WJ The delayed treatment of wounds of the
hand and forearm under antibiotic cover. Br J
Surg 1980. Â - 300 hand and forearm lacerations
- closed lt 4hr had infection rate 7
- closed gt 4hr had infection rate 21Â
58- Berk WA Evaluation of the "golden period"
for wound repair 204 Cases from a third world
emergency department. Ann Emerg Med 1988. - evaluation in a third-world country - 204
patients - lt19 hours to repair 92 satisfactory healing
- gt19 hours to repair 77 satisfactory healing
- Exception head and face lacerations had 95.5
satisfactory healing, regardless of time - Â
59- Baker The management and outcome of lacerations
in urban children. Ann Emerg Med 1990. - 2,834 pediatric patients
- No difference in infection rate for lacerations
closed less than or more than 6hrs
60Delayed primary wound closure
- High risk wounds that are contaminated or contain
devitalized tissue - Wound is initially cleansed and debrided
- Covered with gauze and left undisturbed for 4 to
5 days - If the wound is uninfected at the end of the
waiting period, it is closed with sutures or skin
61- Dimick, 1988 Delayed Primary Closure
- Wound left open for 4 or 5 days until edema
subsides, no sign of infection, and all debris
and exudates removed - gt90 success rate in closure without infection
- Final scar as same as primary closure
- Nonabsobable suture
- Absorbable suture
- Tissue adhesive
- Adhesive tapes
- Staples
63Nonabsobable suture
Material Knot Security Wound Tensile Strength Tissue Reactivity Workability
Nylon (Ethilon) Good Good Minimal Good
Polypropylene (Prolene) Least Best Least Fair
Silk Best Least Most Best
64Â Absorbable suture
Material Knot Security Wound Strength Security(d) Tissue Reactivity
Surgical gut Poor Fair 5-7 Most
Chromic gut Fair Fair 10-14 Most
Polyglactin (Vicryl) Good Good 30 Minimal
Polyglycolic acid (Dexon) Best Good 30 Minimal
Polydioxanone (PDS) Fair Best 45-60 Least
Polyglyconate (Maxon) Fair Best 45-60 Least
65Tissue adhesive
- N-butyl-2-cyanoacrylate, Histoacryl blue (HAB),
GluStitch - First described in 1949 and first used medically
in 1959 - Antibacterial effect
- Cost 5 per single-use ampule
- Reduction in cost (Canadian ) per patient of
switching from nondissolving sutures 49.60
66- S. Mizrahi Use of Tissue Adhesives in the Repair
of Lacerations in Children. Journal of Pediatric
Surgery,April, 1988. - 1500 pediatric patients with simple laceration in
ED, closed with HAB - Infection 1.8
- Dehiscence 0.6
67Tissue adhesive
- Octylcyanoacrylate (OCA), or Dermabond
- Approved by FDA in 1998
- Antibacterial effect
- Cost 25 per single-use ampule
- Greater strength than HAB
68Which laceration?
- Short (lt 6-8 cm)
- Low tension (lt 0.5 cm gap)
- Clean edged
- Straight to curvilinear wounds that do not cross
joints or creases
- Jagged or stellate lacerations
- Bites, punctures or crush wounds
- Contaminated wounds
- Mucosal surfaces
- Axillae and perineum (high-moisture areas)
- Hands, feet and joints (unless kept dry and
70Advantages of Adhesive vs Sutures
- Faster repair time
- Less painful
- Eliminate the risk for needle sticks
- Antibacterial effect
- Does not require removal of sutures
71Study Material No. Cosmetic outcome Time (min) Complications
Simon, 1996 HAB vs Suture 61 2 months- same 7 vs 17 1 infection (HAB)
Simon, 1997 HAB vs Suture 61 2 months/ 1yr - same _ _
Quinn, 1997 OCA vs Suture 130 3 months- same 3.6 vs 12.4 Infection 0 vs1 Dehiscence 3 vs 1
Singer, 1998 OCA vs Suture 124 3 months- same 5.9 vs 10 1 infection 2 dehiscence (OCA)
Osmond, 1999 OCA vs HAB 94 3 months- same 0 2 dehiscence (HAB)
72Adhesive tapes
- Seldom recommended for wound closure in the ED
- Require the use of adhesive adjuncts (eg,
tincture of benzoin) - May be used with tissue adhesive or after suture
removal to decrease tension
73(No Transcript)
- Consider staples for linear lacerations not
involving the face or other cosmetically
sensitive areas - Frequently used for scalp, trunk, or extrimities
lacerations. - Optimally, two operators perform this procedure
- Brickman KR Evaluation of skin stapling for
wound closure in the emergency department. Ann
Emerg Med 1989181122-1125. - 87 ER patients with 87 lacerations (2/3 scalp,
trunk, and extremities) - 65 closed in 30 seconds using staples
- No infections
75- John T. Kanegaye
- 88 child with scalp lacerations, nonabsorbable
suture vs staples - Shorter overall times for wound care and closure
395 vs 752 sec - Total cost based on equipment and physician time
23.55 vs 38.51 - F/U rate 91, with no cosmetic or infectious
complications in either group
76Suturing methods
- Simple interrupted
- Simple running
- Horizontal mattress
- Vertical mattress
- Running subcuticular (intradermal)
77Simple Interrupted
- Most common
- Easy to master
- Can adjust tension with each suture
- Stellate, multiple components, or directions wound
78Simple Running
- Minimize time of suture repair
- Even distribution of tension
- Low-tension, simple linear wounds
- Removed within 7 days to avoid suture marks
- Optimal suture material is nonabsorbable
79(No Transcript)
80Horizontal Mattress
- Cause wound edges eversion
- Single layer closure with significant tension
- Decrease repair time, less knots required
- Need delayed suture removal, so risk of suture
81(No Transcript)
82Vertical Mattress
- High-tension wounds
- Prone to skin suture marks if left in too long
83(No Transcript)
84Running Subcuticular (Intradermal)
- Best for areas where cosmetic result is of utmost
importance - Time-consuming
- Difficult to master
- Low tension wounds
- Absorbable suture
85(No Transcript)
86- McLean, 1980
- 51 patients with continuous, running
- 54 patients with interrupted stitch
- Two infections in each group
- Â
87(No Transcript)
88(No Transcript)
89(No Transcript)
90(No Transcript)
91(No Transcript)
92(No Transcript)
93(No Transcript)
94(No Transcript)
95Topical AB
- Dire DJ Prospective evaluation of topical
antibiotics for preventing infections in
uncomplicated soft-tissue wounds repaired in the
ED. Acad Emerg Med, 1995. Â - prospective, randomized, double-blinded,
placebo-controlled (426 Lacerations) - Bacitracin - 5.5 infection (6/109)
- Neosporin - 4.5 infection (5/110)
- Silvadene - 12.1 infection (12/99)
- Placebo 4.9 infection (5/101)
- Chrintz, 1989 1202 patients with clean
wounds - Dressing off at 24 hours - 4.7 infection
- Dressing off at suture removal - 4.9
- Goldberg, 1981 100 patients with sutured
scalp lacerations allowed to wash hair with no
infection or wound disruption -
- Noe, 1988 100 patients with surgical
excision of skin lesions allowed to bathe next
day with no infection or wound disruption
- More than 250,000 cases annually worldwide with
50 mortality - 100 cases annually in USA
- About 10 in patients with minor wound or chronic
skin lesion - In 20 of cases, no wound implicated
- 2/3 of cases in patients over age 50
98Study Setting Age No Protective AB
Ruben, 1978 Nursing Home Elderly 49
Crossley, 1979 Urban gt 60yrs F 59, M 71
Scher, 1985 Rural Elderly 29
Pai, 1988 Urban 34-60 yrs, all Females 5
Stair, 1989 ER gt 65 yrs 9.7
Alagappan, 1996 ER gt 65 yrs 50
99Recommendations for tetanus prophylaxis
History of Tetanus Immunization Td TIG Td TIG
Uncertain or lt3 doses Yes No Yes Yes
Last dose within 5 y No No No No
Last dose 5-10 y No No Yes No
Last dose gt10 y Yes No Yes No
3 doses
100Infection Rate
- Galvin, 1976 4.8
- Gosnold, 1977 4.9
- Rutherford, 1980 7.0
- Buchanan, 1981 10.0
- Baker 1990 1.2
3 doses
101Antibiotic Therapy
- Cummings P Antibiotics to prevent infection
of simple wounds A metaanalysis of randomized
studies. Am J Emerg Med 1995. - 7 randomized trials (1,734 patients)
- Assigned patients to AB or control
- Patients treated with AB slightly higher
infection rate
102Prophylactic Antibiotics
- Bite wounds
- Contaminated or devitalized wounds
- High risk sites eg. Foot
- Immunocompromised
- Risk for infective endocarditis
- Intraoral through and through lacerations
- DM
- Lymphedema
- Indwelling prosthetic device
- Extensive soft tissue injury
- Deep puncture wounds
103Prophylactic Antibiotics
- Amoxicillin, Clavulin
- Keflex
- Erythromycin
- recommended course is 3 to 5 days
104Level of Training and Rate of Infection
- Adam Level of Training, Wound Care Practices,
and Infection Rates, American J Emerg. Med, May
1995. - Wounds were evaluated in 1,163 patients
- Medical students 0/60 (0)
- All resident 17/547 (3.1)
- Physician assistants 11/305 (3.6)
- Attending physicians 14/251 (5.6)
105Level of Training and Cosmetic outcome
- Adam Association of Training level and
Short-term Cosmetic Apperance of Repaired
Lacerations, Academic Emerg. Med, April 1996. - Retrospective study, 552 patients
- achieving optimal cosmetic score
- Medical student 50
- R1 54
- R2 66
- R3 68
- Physician assistance 70
- Attending physician 66
106Points to Take Home
- Laceration mismanagement failure to Dx. FB is
2nd most common malpractice - Be aware of different methods to reduce pain from
Lidocaine infiltration - In contaminated wounds with devitalized tissues
debride and irrigate - You have a wide options for wound closure
- Always check tetanus status
- AB only for high risk wounds