Title: 15 Minute Electronic Submission Overview 040309
1NIH Electronic Grant Application
2- Getting Started with Electronic Submission
3Finding Grant Opportunities
- How Do You Find Grant Opportunities?
- All applications must be submitted in response to
a Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) - FOAs are posted online in the NIH Guide for
Grants Contracts and at www.Grants.gov (under
Find Grant Opportunities)
NIH Guide http//grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/inde
4Finding Grant Opportunities
- Parent Announcements
- Parent FOAs are your ticket to applying for
investigator-initiated research - Use the Parent electronic application package for
your chosen grant program (i.e. R01, R03, R21
Parent FOAs
Parent announcements listed at
5NIH Two System Process
- Grants.gov
- Grants.gov hosts standardized federal forms SF424
(RR) and agency-specific forms (PHS 398) - Electronic application through Grants.gov using
these forms is mandatory for most FOAs.
Grants.gov checks the application for
federal-wide requirements.
- eRA Commons
- NIH retrieves the data from Grants.gov and checks
the application against NIH-specific requirements - eRA Commons allows applicants to electronically
track the status of submissions and to
receive/transmit application and award information
- Grants.gov
- Be sure your organization is registered! (one
time) - U.S. organizations obtain EIN from IRS (foreign
applicants see next slide) - Request DUNS from Dun Bradstreet
- Register with Central Contractor Registry (CCR)
identify the eBiz Point of Contact (POC) - Register the Authorized Organization Reps (AORs)
who can officially sign the application and
submit - Visit http//www.grants.gov/applicants/get_regist
Grants.gov registration can take up to 8 weeks
for international organizations. START NOW!
7Registration - International
- Tips for Foreign Organizations
- If you do not have an EIN number use 44-4444444
on the application - You will need a NATO Commercial Government
Entity (NCAGE) Code prior to registering with
CCR. The form and instructions can be found at
http//www.dlis.dla.mil/Forms/Form_AC135.asp - Organizations with an address containing APO,
FPO, or AE do not need an NCAGE code - A few countries may have trouble accessing the
CCR website. If so, phone 1-269-961-5757
For more details visit http//era.nih.gov/Electro
- eRA Commons Register Your Organization
- Register your organization (one time) register
your Signing Officials (SO) - SOs register and create separate accounts for the
Project Directors/Principal Investigators
(PDs/PIs) - May be completed simultaneously with Grants.gov
registration (as soon as the DUNS is obtained) - Register at
- https//commons.era.nih.gov/commons/registration/
Allow 2 4 weeks to complete organization registr
ation in the eRA Commons
- eRA Commons PD/PI Registration
- The PD/PI needs to work with the SO to get
registered in the eRA Commons - The PI and SO need separate accounts because each
has different privileges - PIs have one account that follows them throughout
their careers. They can view all applications
where they are listed as PI. The same account
may be affiliated with multiple organizations. - SOs can view all applications submitted on behalf
of the organization
Allow 4 5 business days to complete PI
registration in the eRA Commons
10Software Requirements
- Grants.gov Forms Viewer Software (Free)
- Adobe Acrobat Reader (recommended versions on
Grants.gov site) - http//www.grants.gov/resources/download_software
.jsp - PDF generation software list provided on
Grants.gov website http//www.grants.gov/agencies/
11Preparing Your Application
- Download the Application Package and Instructions
at the same time. NIH-specific instructions are
denoted by the HHS logo - Save the application to your hard drive
remember to save it after each change - The application includes specific data fields as
well as multiple attachments - All attachments must be saved as PDF documents
12Preparing Your Application
- Avoiding Common Errors
- NIH requires all application attachments to be in
PDF format - The eRA Commons Username must be entered in the
Credential, e.g. agency login field for each
PI. This field is located on the RR Senior/Key
Person Profile(s) form. - The Organization Name must be included for all
Senior/Key Persons listed - Senior/Key Person effort listed on the RR Budget
form must be greater than zero
For more information visit http//era.nih.gov/Ele
13Submit Your Application
- Registration with Grants.gov and eRA Commons must
be complete prior to submission - Only the AOR may sign submit the application on
behalf of the organization - Grants.gov provides a Tracking Number and a
Date/Time stamp when you click Submit save
this information
14On Time Submission
- All registrations with Grants.gov eRA Commons
must be complete - Initial submission must have a Grants.gov
timestamp on or before 500p.m. local time of
submitting organization on the receipt date - Errors in the application must be corrected
within 2 business days of the receipt date
15Errors Warnings
- Errors stop processing and will keep your
application from being accepted by NIH - Warnings provide caution for you to ensure the
item is correct, but will not stop processing - Changed/Corrected applications may be submitted
to Grants.gov again to address errors/warnings in
the two business days after the receipt date. - Initial application must have been on time
- you must include a cover letter explaining
your changes
Limited Time!
16Tracking Your Application
- It is the applicants responsibility to track the
application - Grants.gov will send status emails to the AOR.
eRA Commons will send status emails to the
Signing Official, PI Person to be contacted
listed on the application - Log into eRA Commons to check application status
do not rely on emails. If it is error-free, you
will have an assembled application to view
17Application Viewing Window
- Applicants have two weekdays (M-F, not including
U.S. federal holidays) to view the assembled
application. If no action is taken, it
automatically proceeds to NIHs Division of
Receipt and Referral. - Signing Official has option to Reject
- PI will receive e-mail notification if SO rejects
application - If Rejected after receipt date for any
reasonother than a Grants.gov or NIH system
issue, the submission is subject to the NIH late
18Finding Help
- eRA Commons Help Desk Online Help Ticket
http//ithelpdesk.nih.gov/eRA/ Phone
301-402-7469Hours Mon-Fri, 7a.m. to 8 p.m. EST - Support for Commons Registration, Application
Status, Post-submission questions - Grants.gov Contact Center Toll-free
1-800-518-4726Hours Mon-Fri, 7 a.m. to 9 p.m.
ESTEmail support_at_grants.gov - Support for PureEdge Forms, PureEdge with a
Mac, Grants.gov Registration -
19Online Resources
- Overview of Electronic Submission
http//era.nih.gov/ElectronicReceipt/ - Frequently Asked Questions http//era.nih.gov/Elec
tronicReceipt/faq.htm - Avoiding Common Errors http//era.nih.gov/Electron
icReceipt/avoiding_errors.htm - Training Resources, Videos, Quick Reference
Materials http//era.nih.gov/ElectronicReceipt/tra