Title: FutureScan
3FutureScan Trends 5.0 Very Major Impact 1.0
Very Minor Impact
4FutureScan Education Subcategories
5.0 Very Likely 1.0 Very Unlikely
4A Increasing use of electronic forms of
education, including online. 4B Increasing need
for technologists to be multidisciplinary. 4C
Emphasis on importance of life long learning. 4D
Influx of non-traditional students. 4E
Increasing need for information access
skills. 4F More need to understand and apply
reports of research results. 4G Need for more
emphasis on flexible learning skills, and on
5Programs must find ways to incorporate new
technologyinto the curriculum
Increased emphasis on CT in the draft of the
entry-level radiography curriculum.
Fusion Imaging PET/CT Ultrasound/CT PET/MR Mol
ecular Imaging Theranostics Tomotherapy
6R.T. education will become more like medical
school, promotingcritical-thinking capability
Case-based learning will enhance student
understanding and adaptability.
7Educators will need to provide skills that
facilitate lifelong learning
It is essential that education provides students
with solid search and retrieval skills that
ultimately will be more useful than rote
memorization of information.
Clear distinctions must be made between
information, knowledge and understanding.
8Although information grows and is nearly
infinite, the supply of teachers is distinctly
Teachers should be sages of experience, not
simply knowledge.
9Educational programs must accommodate needs of
nontraditional students
Entry-level curricula strengthened with general
education provides students with the academic
skills, analytic ability and general knowledge
necessary to flexibly meet the challenges of
their personal, civic and professional lives.
The ASRT Education and Research Foundation awards
more than 200,000 in grants and scholarships.
Seven Royce Osborn Scholarships were awarded in
2006, totaling more than 28,000
Financial support for Royce Osborn Scholarships
comes from individual scholarship patrons and
sponsorship from the American Registry of
Radiologic Technologists.
10Evolution of Care Delivery
11Chris Amies, Ph.D. Vice President,
Innovation Siemens Medical Solutions, OCSG