Title: Future of CARE CARE V Organizers Perspectives
1Future of CARECARE V Organizers Perspectives
- Kåre Birger Hagen and Ingvild Kjeken
- National Resource Center for Rehabilitation in
Rheumatology - Diakonhjemmet Hospital, Oslo, Norway
2There is a future for CARE
- Research on interventions for the treatment of
arthritis is dominated by studies of
pharmaceutical and surgical interventions - Surveys indicate that interventions such as team
care, patient education and exercise are
important to many patients (Tallon et al
2000)(Hammond et al 1998)(Vetiene 2005) - There is a mismatch between the amount of
published work on different interventions, and
the degree of interest of consumers
3There is a future for CARE
- To our knowledge, CARE is the only international
network for patients, researchers and opinion
leaders with a focus on team care
4Welcome to Oslo april 2008
5Future of CARE
- Aims of CARE
- Roles and topics
- Organization
- Funding
6Key issues from CARE I - IV
- Methodological issues
- Models of team care
- Knowledge transfer/implementation
- Patient perspective
- Education and training
- Recruit and mentor next generation of
rheumatology care researchers
7Aims of CARE
- CARE is a network where researchers, opinion
leaders, policy makers and patients/consumers
within rheumatology cooperate to optimize the
management of people with arthritis by - Identify research needs
- discuss, develop and evaluate research
methodology - documentation and evaluation of team care
interventions - discuss, develop and evaluate methods for
knowledge transfer and implementation
8Organization of CARE
Optimize the management of people with arthritis
Biannual conferences where working groups present
results and discuss next steps
2 Research methodology
3 Models of care
4 ImplementationKnowledge transfer
1 Identify areas for future research
Network for researchers and patients/consumers
within rheumatology
9Common for all working groups
- A mixture of researchers and patients
- Collaborate on research projects and report back
on CARE conferences - Each working group selects a chair person who
cooperates with the local committee in organizing
a session on CARE V
10Working group 1 Identify areas for future
- Sum up current research within key areas
- Identify areas where research is needed
- Recommend priority for future research/studies
11Working group 2Research methodology
- Consider and develop research designs relevant to
team care - Identify core outcomes for team care
- Design new or improve outcome measures when
needed - Recommend core set of instruments for team care
12Working group 3Models of care
- Develop an analytical framework to describe and
classify components and models of team care - Develop a common standard for reporting
structure, process and outcomes of team care - Evaluate models of team care across countries
13Working group 4 Knowledge transfer/implementation
- Describe, develop and evaluate methods and
strategies for knowledge transfer - Recommend strategies for effective implementation
of research into practice
14Organization of CARE
- International committee
- Chair (4 year period)
- Co-chairs (organizers of current and next CARE
conference) - Two representatives from each working group
- Mixture of patients and health care
15Organization of CARE
- National committee CARE V
- Professor Tore K. Kvien, Department of
rheumatology, Diakonhjemmet hospital - Kåre Birger Hagen, Ingvild Kjeken and Heidi
Zangi, National resource center for
rehabilitation in rheumatology - Norwegian Rheumatism Association
16Funding of CARE
- Pharmaceutical industry
- Patient organizations
- Other non-commercial sources
17(No Transcript)