Title: Western IRB WIRB
1Western IRB (WIRB)
All you need to know as a GWU investigator
- Irb forum - January, 11 2007
- GWU Office of Human Research
- Ross Hall, Suite 613
2Why is GWU outsourcing to wirb?
- To ensure that all industry sponsored trials are
reviewed carefully and in full compliance with
all state and federal laws. - To ensure studies receive an IRB review are
reviewed in a timely manner.
3Will this affect GWUs Federal Wide Assurance
- Using WIRB will not change GWUs obligations
under its existing FWA. - GWU remains responsible for ensuring compliance
with the IRBs determinations and with the Terms
of its FWA. GWU OHR will continue to ensure this
through the Post Approval Monitoring Program. - WIRB will report its findings and actions to
appropriate officials at GWU.
4What research activities will be eligible for
review by wirb?
- Only new industry-sponsored clinical trials are
eligible to be reviewed by WIRB.
5What is an industry-sponsored clinical trial?
- Protocol for the project is designed and written
by a pharmaceutical or device sponsor or another
for profit entity/company that holds
theĀ INDs/IDEs for the protocol. - A controlled study involving human subjects,
designed either to - test drugs, devices, diagnostics, treatments,
interventions or preventative measures including
testing for an unapproved indication, - evaluate the safety and effectiveness of new
drugs, devices, diagnostics, treatments,
interventions or preventative measures or - collect data to increase knowledge that would
lead to enhanced safety and efficacy of a drug,
device, diagnostic, treatment, intervention or
preventative measure, AND
6Types of research not eligible for review by Wirb
- planned emergency research
- Xenotransplantation
- gene transfer
- embryonic stem cell research
- investigator-initiated research (regardless of
funding source) - research that must be conducted under the purview
of the Insitutional Biosafety Committee (IBC) or
Radiation Safety Committee.
7What to submit to Ohr prior to sending the
studies to WIRB?
- You must register studies in the OHR prior to
submitting to WIRB. - Submit a copy of
- Completed WIRB Initial Submission Form
- GWU OHR WIRB Sign-Off Sheet with the PIs
original signature (this may be scanned or hard
copy original) - Submit via e-mail to ohrirb_at_gwumc.edu or via hard
copy to Ross Hall, Suite 613. - A GWU IRB will be assigned to the study and the
signed GWU OHR WIRB Sign-Off Sheet will be
returned to you via e-mail as a PDF. This form is
part of the required documents submitted to WIRB.
WIRB will not review the study unless they
receive the GWU OHR WIRB Sign-Off Sheet.
8GWU Sign Off Sheet To be signed by both the PI
and OHR designee. This form will soon be
available on the OHR website. This may be
submitted as a PDF via e-mail or as a hard
copy. This document MUST have the original PIs
9WIRB Websitewww.WIRB.com
- All forms for WIRB are located on their web page.
- If you have any questions about the forms you may
contact either WIRB or OHR and we will be glad to
assist you. - WIRB Contact
- Phone (360) 252-2500 or 1-800-562-4789
- E-mail clientservices_at_wirb.com
- OHR Contact
- Phone 202-994-2715
- E-mail OHRIRB_at_gwumc.edu
at www.WIRB.com All forms are downloadable in
both PDF and Word format.
11What about other research studies?
- All other university research will be reviewed by
GWU IRB. - All investigator initiated clinical trials
research, regardless of funding will be reviewed
12Is WIRB going to review emergency use?
- No. However, if an emergency request turns into
an industry-sponsored clinical trial, then that
trial can go to WIRB.
Is wirb going to review patient Registries?
- Yes. However, the primary goal of the registry
must be to to collect data on long-term safety
and efficacy, and it must be managed by the
industry sponsor rather than the GWU.
13What about the Radiation Safety and/or Biosafety
review for a clinical trial?
- The GWU OHR will continue to review these aspects
of all clinical trials.
14What are the advantages of an outside IRB?
- The turn-around time for review and approval
may be much faster. - Conflict of interest is eliminated.
- With decreased administrative burden, GWU OHR
staff can dedicate additional resources to
quality improvement activities associated with
the human subjects protections program
15What are the fees charged by WIRB?
- WIRB charges a separate fee for each review
activity - initial review
- continuing review
- review of modifications
- See the WIRB Fee Schedule available on line
- http//www.wirb.com/shell.php?contentcontent/wirb
16Who pays the WIRB fees? are those fees
negotiated as part of the contract with the
- GWU and the GWU-IRB are not responsible for
paying fees associated with WIRB review
activities. - Researchers should arrange payment directly with
the industry sponsor. WIRB can bill the sponsor
directly. WIRB fees are NOT negotiated or
referenced in any agreements between the GW
Office of Research Services and sponsors.
17What if the sponsor refuses to pay the WIRB fees?
- If the sponsor refuses to pay the billed amounts
after the study has been reviewed by WIRB, the
investigator or his/her department will be
responsible for the fees. - Please note
- The financial specifics of the contract are
still being negotiated.
18What if my sponsor requires review by a local IRB?
- The agreement between
- GWU and WIRB anticipates
- that WIRB will undertake activities to allow it
to assure knowledge of the GWU local research
19Can I use the wirb consent form templates?
- Yes, you may use either the GWU or WIRB
templates. However, there is required
information from the GWU template that must be
added to the WIRB document. This is underlined
in the GWU template.
What about HIPAA?
- Use the GWUMC HIPAA forms, and include them in
your application packet to WIRB. They will be
reviewed and approved by WIRB.
20If I need a Certificate of Confidentiality, who
signs it?
- The GWU Institutional Official. Send these
requests to the Office of Health Research in Ross
Hall, Suite 712
How can I document training completion for WIRB?
- You must obtain training through the GWU
web-based CITI program. WIRB will verify your
completion by communication with the GWU OHR.
21After receiving WIRB approval, what about
- You may apply directly to WIRB, without going
through the GWU OHR. Use the appropriate forms
and instructions that are posted on the WIRB web
22Where do I send adverse event reports or reports
of unanticipated problems?
- Send them to WIRB
- Use forms provided on the WIRB web site.
- If you are reporting an on-site adverse event
that is unexpected and serious, report them to
WIRB and send a copy to the GWU OHR, within 24
23If my trial is placed on hold, suspended, or
terminated, should I notify the GWU OHR?
- Yes. The GWU OHR must be notified immediately.
- It does not matter whether the hold, suspension,
or termination was initiated by the researcher,
WIRB, the sponsor, the FDA, or any other agency.
24Who should subjects contact if they have
concerns, questions, or complaints?
- They may contact the GWU Human Protections
Administrator. This is stated in the research
consent form contact information.
25- Questions?
- Thank you!
- Please join us next month on 2/8/2007
- Our topic will be
- EXEMPT Research