Title: Dale W' Bratzler, DO, MPH
1Patient Safety and QualityPowering Up
Dale W. Bratzler, DO, MPH President and
CEO Oklahoma Foundation for Medical Quality
2 3Problems with Healthcare Financing
- 2.4 trillion in 2008 projected to reach 3.1
trillion in 2012 - 4.3 times the amount spent on national defense
- 17 of GDP
- Annual premium that a health insurer charges an
employer for a health plan covering a family of
four averaged 12,700 in 2008 - Workers contributed 3,400 (an increase of 12
from what they contributed in 2007 - Healthcare costs and debt a rising cause of
bankruptcy and foreclosure
4Whats driving the costs?
- Contrary to popular belief..
- Rising costs not being driven by aging of the
population, high cost of prescription drugs, or
defense medicine and liability costs - Higher costs for physicians and hospitals
- Much more use of specialty services, costly
diagnostics, and costly procedures - Payment system that rewards volume of care and
use of technology - Administrative overhead costs, marketing, and
investor profits for third party payment
5Volume-based Payment
- Lack of accountability for the overall quality
and costs of careand for local capacity - Inadequate information on the risks and benefits
of many common treatments and the related
assumption (on the part of most patients and many
physicians) that more medical care means better
medical care - A flawed payment system that rewards more care,
regardless of the value (or quality) of that care.
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8Problems with health status?
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10Problems with quality of healthcare?
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12New Directions
- Health reform
- Comparative effectiveness
- Medical home Accountable Care Organizations??
- Health information technology
- Measurement
- Greater focus on outcomes and costs
- Transitions of care
- Community interventions
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15Effective Health CareIs the evidence being used?
16The Medical Home or Accountable Care
Organizations (ACOs)
Many of the deficiencies in U.S. health care are
reflections of the disjointed and poorly
coordinated care that patients receive as they
move across settings and among providers more
frequent and flawed care transitions, failures of
communication, and errors. Current organizational
forms, payment methods, and regulatory and
quality assessment systems reinforce this
fragmented system.
Fisher ES, et al. Health Affairs 26, no. 1
(2007) w44w57.
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20Health Information Technology
- The promise..
- Improve health care quality
- Prevent medical errors
- Reduce health care costs
- Increase administrative efficiencies
- Decrease paperwork
- Expand access to affordable care
- Expanded focus on patient outcomes, costs, and
efficiency - Move away from processes of care
- Capture data on care management from electronic
sources - Claims and EHRs
- Focus on care across settings
22Community Interventions
- While current payment policy divides a patients
care into silos (hospital, physician office, home
health, nursing home, etc) all have some
accountability for patient outcomes - Does the patient really care about which
Compare website there pressure ulcer, medical
error, or adverse event is reported on if it
affects them??
23Focus on Care TransitionsNew Target for CMS
Improvement Efforts
- The term care transitions refers to the
movement patients make between health care
practitioners and settings as their condition and
care needs change during the course of a chronic
or acute illness.
24- 19.6 (1 in 5) Medicare beneficiaries
rehospitalized within 30 days - Medicares cost of unplanned rehospitalizations
in 2004 was 17.4 Billion - Heart failure is the most common reason for 30
day rehospitalizations (26.9) representing
almost 8 of all rehospitalizations. - Heart failure is also the most frequent cause of
rehospitalization among all surgical
rehospitalizations - 52 of discharged heart failure patients had no
associated outpatient visit within 30 days - Jencks SF, Williams MV, Coleman EA.
Rehospitalizations among Patients in the Medicare
Fee-for-Service Program. N Engl J Med
25How do we address the problems and impending
- Focus on leadership
- Improvement and real change must be supported at
the highest level of management - CEOs have to be visible leaders of the culture of
quality and safety - Boards of Directors must take responsibility
- Focus on Teamwork
- Collaborative sharing in networks of our peers
26Does leadership play a role in overall hospital
quality?Can you create metrics of
leadership?Can you measure the culture of an
organization?If you can measure leadership and
the culture of quality, can you use that
information to change organizational culture?
27The need for teamwork
- Replace autonomy with team-based care
- No single healthcare practitioner, regardless how
smart or hardworking, can ensure correct and safe
healthcare there is too much to know, too much
complexity, and too little time - Use of protocol-based care
- Standardization of processes
- Opt out policies for things that should be
routine - Lessons from other industries implement
programs such as TeamSTEPPS in your institution.
- Cost, access, quality, and variation in
healthcare service use and delivery are driving
national and local policy - Health reform - in some format is likely if
not inevitable - There must be a greater emphasis of
accountability in healthcare best quality at
the lowest cost