Title: Histotechnology
1"You are your own raw material. When you know
what you consist of and what you want to make of
it, then you can invent yourself." - Warren B.
2Man is the maker of his own happiness..
Dr. Venkatesh M. Shashidhar. Senior Lecturer in
Pathology Fiji School of Medicine
4Study of Disease (Pathology)
- Epidemiology
- Etiology - Causes
- Pathogenesis - Evolution
- Morphology - Structural Changes
- Clinical Significance Functional Changes
- Management Medicine, Surg, Speciality
- Prognosis
- Prevention
5Four aspects of Pathology
- Etiology - Study of Causes
- Pathogenesis - Step by step evolution
- Morphology - Structural Changes
- Clinical Significance
6Branches of clinical Pathology
- Histopathology
- Cytopathology
- Haematology
- Forensic Pathology
- Immunology
- Chemical Pathology
- Genetics
- Toxicology
- Microbiology
Anatomic Pathology
7Learning Pathology
- General Pathology
- Common changes in any tissue.
- Systemic Pathology
- Specific changes in specific organs.
- Dr. Venkatesh M. Shashidhar
- Associate Professor of Pathology
- Fiji School of Medicine
- The technique of processing the tissues
submitted for histopathological study until the
preparation of the stained section on a glass
microscopic slide ready for study is known as
Histotechnology - And persons specializing in this technique are
known as Histotechnologists.
10Surgical Specimen
- Clinical Details
- Adequate specimen
- Proper Fixative
- 110 proportion
- 10 buffered Formalin
11Garbage in ! Garbage out !
Communication Team spirit is vital for the
patient !
12Gross Examination
- Description
- Specimen weight measurement (approx)
- Consistency
- Photo
- Cut section
13Taking Samples
- Edge of lesions.
- Wall of cysts.
- Include normal areas.
- Avoid necrotic area.
- Whole specimen if small.
- Direction, mark
14Inking the Margins
- To mark surgical margin.
- Spread of lesion
- Malignancy
- Adequacy of removal
- Different colors to identify margins
- Specimen bits are placed in porous cassettes
- Not more than 5mm thick
- In 10 formalin
- 1mm/hour fixation
- 6 hour
16Fixation function (Formalin)
- Preservative
- Provides stability
- Protects from infection
- Prevents autolysis
- Permits sectioning and staining
17Tissue Processing
- To make tissue firm for slicing with molten wax.
- Multiple stages - gradual change in conc.
- Water ? Formalin ? Alcohol ? Xylene ? Paraffin ?
Slides ? Alcohol ? Water ? Stain.
18Automated Tissue Processor
- Paraffin block with embedded tissue
- consistency to cut
- Paraffin blocks taken for sectioning
- Microtome
- 3-10 microns
- Ribbon of sections
- taken on hot water bath
21Picking up sections
- Floating sections onto slides
- Common float artefact
22Microscope slide preparation
- Taking the section onto slide
- Flat, no air bubbles, no stretch or breaks.
23Automated Tissue Processor
24Automatic slide stainer.
25Automated Staining
- Routine stain HE
- Hematoxylin (basic)
- Eosin (acidic)
- Nucleus is acidic and cytoplasm is relatively
basic - Special stains
- Clearing - xylene
- Thin glass coverslips to protect the section
- Using mounting media (Eg. DPX, Resins, Canada
balsam etc.)
- Reporting typing dispatch. gt90. (3-5 days)
- lt10 need further..
- Additional sections
- Deeper / Thinner sect.
- Special Stains/tech.
- Repeat grossing.
- Reference..
- Discussions with Clin.
28Time line
- Histopath - Long and complex processing.
- 1st day receive, register, if early -
grossing. - 2nd day Grossing, blocks - fixation.
- 3rd day Processing cutting staining.
- 4th day slides seen by pathologist.
- 5th day reporting routine gt70
- 6th day - Secretery type and record.
- gt7 days Deeper, thinner, sp. Stain, repeat
29Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you
want to test a man's character, give him
power..! Abraham Lincoln
- No tissue processing.
- Fixation (alcohol) Staining - gt2 days.
- PAP stain Non hematologic cancer.
- Leishman stain Haematology.
- Not a confirmatory test.
- Exfoliative Non-exfoliative (FNAC)
31PAP HistLow grade squamous intraepithelial
lesion (LSIL)
32Low grade squamous intraepithelial lesion (LSIL)
33PAP Smear - Abnormal
34Frozen Section
- Rapid 5-15 minutes.
- Rapid Freezing(-20 to -70) to harden.
- Liquid nitrogen Freezing microtome.
- Cell architecture damage ice crystals.
- No thin section possible - gt5micron.
- Rapid H E stain.
- Imprint cytology enhances quality.
35Freezing Microtome.
36Rapid HE staining
37"Real knowledge is to know the extent of ones
ignorance." -- Confucius
38Special Techniques
39Light Microscopy
- Kohler Illumination
- Condenser
- Objectives
- 2 to 4x - Low power
- 100x lens Oil Imm.
- Eye piece of 10x and objective of 40x 400 times
40Normal Stomach
41Normal Skin
42Normal Skeletal Muscle
43Normal Kidney
- Grossing
- Fixation
- Processing
- Embedding
- Sectioning
- Staining
- Mounting
45To recognize ones own weakness and errors and
draw back from them is the only way towards
46Some Special Techniques
47Frozen Sections
- Freezing acts as embedding agent by forming
minute ice crystals within cells. - More rapid (5min),
- Liquid nitrogen.
Freezing Microtome
- Antigen antibody reaction
- Ab Tagged with marker
- Simple Dye
- Enzyme (peroxidase)
- Fluorescent Dye
- Radioactive Dye
Marker Sec. Antibody Pri. Antibody Tissue
49Melanoma ve for HMB-45
50B cell Lymphoma CD20
51Breast Cancer Estrogen Receptor Antigen
Tamoxifen Sensitive
52Polarized Microscopy
- Under Polarized light, Some materials have the
property of "birefringence" which is the ability
to pass light in a particular plane. - Eg. Crystals, fat, fibers. Amyloid etc.
53Cardiac Amyloidosis
54Urine Oval Fat Bodies
55Fluorescent Microscopy
- Property of materials that causes them to absorb
light at a shorter (UV) wavelength, and to emit
light at a higher (visible) wavelength - Auto-Fluorescence
- Immuno-Fluorescence
56ANA Diffuse Pattern
57ANA Nucleolar Pattern
58Electron Microscopy
- Electron beam instead of light.
- Magnified images are typically from 1000X to
50,000X. (Light microscope is 10-1000x). - Gluteraldehyde fixative.
- Glass knives.
- Specimen is mounted on a metal grid.
59Membranous GN
60Minimal Change GN
61(No Transcript)