Title: End Time Prophecies
1 End Time Prophecies
Are we living in the last of this age? It
strongly appears that ALL of the players in the
cast are present.
2Revelation in Our Generation
- "Now as He (Jesus Christ) sat on the Mount of
Olives, the disciples came to Him privately,
saying, 'Tell us, when will these things be? And
what will be the sign of Your coming, and of the
end of the age?'" (Matthew 243). - One of the greatest proofs that the Bible is
inspired is the evidence of thousands of detailed
prophecies that were fulfilled to the smallest
particular throughout history. - For example Centuries before the events occurred
the ancient prophets foretold the rise and fall
of empires and cities including Babylon, Tyre,
and Nineveh.
3However More astonishing are the many prophecies
that have come to pass in the late 20th Century
and occurring now in the 21th century indicating
the fulfillment of the end of the age. A Brief
Explanation of Prophecy A major understanding
when addressing prophecy is expressed in this
phrase Oh, that is what God meant! The
following is an explanation of this
4Keep in Mind that Modern Day Events were
completely foreign to the prophets when the
prophecies were written!
How does one describe future events?
5After many of the Events of history occurred the
prophetic passages opened up in understanding.
- We can look and see many prophecies that were
obscure have now become VERY Obvious! - We didnt understand many times because the
things being described were unknown to us. - Psalm 22 describes a horrible death sequence
however not until Christ is crucified do we
genuinely grasp the fulfillment of this prophecy.
Afterward we can say, Oh, thats what God
meant! - Zechariah 1412 describes a plague that causes
the flesh to melt from peoples bodies almost
instantly. Not until modern times could we grasp
its meaning when chemical and nuclear weapons do
just that
6One More thing
- Although some of these prophecies have had
fulfillments in the past, such as wars and rumors
of war, pestilence like with the Black Plague,
they came and went without the other end time
prophecies being present like Israel was NOT in
their land. - Now, however, all of the players in the play are
on stagewe are only waiting for the curtain to
Black Death
7Listed here are 40 cast members of end time
events characteristics
- Israel returns to their land in 1948 (Isaiah
668).(Ezek. 43-6Ezek. 3710-14) Lev. 2618
Amos 9 14,15)) - Israels return was predicted to the day, month
year See pp. 164-170 Signature of God, Grant R.
Jeffrey (Ezek. 43-6) - The return of the exiled Jews by the thousands
from the four corners of the earth i.e. Russia,
Ethiopia, Europe, America (Zephaniah
310Isaiah 436 Ezekiel 3721) - The prosperity of the land of Israel (Isaiah
276 Joel 223 Isaiah 357). - Israels rain dramatically increased (Joel 323)
- The imbalanced focused attention to this small
country (Zech. 121-5 Zech 812)) - Miraculous Restoration of the Hebrew Language
(Zephaniah 39).
8- The weapons of mass destruction chemical,
biological Nuclear (Joel 23 Zech. 1412)) - The armies of the antichrist The growing
strength of European Economic Union (Revelation
1616). - The kings of the East and their 200 Million man
army China, Asia Minor, Indonesia (Revelation
1616 Revelation 915-16). - A military Highway across Asia the drying up of
the Euphrates River huge dams are in place and a
road is being constructed (Revelation 1612). - The rise of the revived Roman Empire Economic
European Community Daniel 240-44 Daniel 7 and
Revelation 13 and 17)
9- The technology to control buying selling
computers, internet, cell phones, IPODS
(Revelation 1316-18). - The ability to mark and trace (666) every human
being Sub-dermal micro chip (Rev. 1316,17) - The technology for the whole world to witness the
same event in REAL time TV satellite links
(Revelation 119-10). - The rise and need for a ONE world government
U.N. economic instabilities, stock market
issues (Daniel 714 Revelation 137,8). - The rise and need for society to be cashless
credit/debit cards bar codes (Rev. 1316,17)
Mark of the Beast
10- The increase in killer earthquakes since 1900s
every decade has had an increase in number
(Revelation 1618 Matthew 247). - The Seas Waves roaring climate issues, global
warming? (Luke 2125) - Deadly Pestilence World Wide famines Aids,
resurgence of infectious diseases, STDs, cancer,
etc. (Zechariah 1412 Revelation 68 Matthew
247 Revelation 65). - The increase in wars and rumors of wars ethnic
wars, racial tensions Ethnic cleansing, race
wars, civil wars, tribal conflicts have doubled
since 1989-National Defense Council Foundation
(Matt. 246,7) - The environmental threats Pollutions,
contaminates, deforestation, over fishing, over
farming, etc. (Rev. 1118 Rev. 168,9) - The rise of constant traveling upon the earth
Frequent flying miles, constant travel 24/7,
going to fro upon the earth (Daniel 124). - The incredible information revolution At no time
in history has our knowledge exploded doubling
every few years (Daniel 124).
Information Explosion!
11- The immanent rebuilding and establishing of the
ritual sacrifices by Israel in the Third Temple
(Ezek. 4314,15) - The Discovery of the Oil of anointingonce lost.
(Exodus 3025,26 Daniel 924). . - The vessels for the future Temple worship are
made (Isaiah 22 Revelation 111,2 2
Thessalonians 23,4 Ezekiel 4416,17). . . - The rise of unnatural practices bisexuality
homosexuality, trans genders, male pregnancy
(Jeremiah 306,7) - The rise and legalization of Homosexuality Gay
marriage rights, accepted lifestyle protected by
law (Luke 1726-29) - The rise of extreme wealth and poverty The rich
are now billionaires? excessive hoarding (James
53) - The rise of disrespect and arrogance children
teenagers ruling households, absentee parents,
out of control schools (II Tim. 232,3)
Two-thirds struggle everyday...
12- Increase in violence The crime rate has soared
over 560 since 1960as in the days of Noah
(Matt. 2437 Gen. 613) - The increase in spiritualism, psychics, mediums,
and soothsayers Palm readers, Psychic readings,
spiritualism without the Bible (I Tim. 41) - The increase in immorality, pornography, drug
addictions, gambling, abortion (Rev. 218 II
Tim. 232,3) - The rise of the Northern Kingdom of Russia and
their immanent invasion of Israel (with un-walled
cities) with their allies the Arab Nations (Ezek.
13- The Gospel shall be preached in all the world
Radio, TV, Internet, booklets, Bibles, CDs
etc. (Matthew 2414). - The falling away of the established Church as it
grows cold Liberalism, embracing culture, loss
of authority in scripture, equating Christianity
with other religions (II Thess. 23 I
Tim.41-3) - Many False Christ's have already appeared but
more recently the following have claimed to be
Christ Rev. Sun Moon. David Koresh, Dalai Lama,
Hari Krishna (Matt. 244,5) - Israel is to be surrounded by enemies
Arab/Islamic league pledge to destroy Israel,
all countries on Israels borders (Psalm 834-8) - The fulfilled predictions about the present
Arab-Israeli Conflict (Psalm 832-8).
14The Following Pictorials Highlight The End of Age
Check it out! Put on your biblical glasses...
15"But you, Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the
book until the time of the end many shall run to
and fro, and knowledge shall increase." Daniel
One Airline alone has 30,000 flights a
year! Frequent flyer miles are of modern times
World Travel has leaped in volume!
16"But you, Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the
book until the time of the end many shall run to
and fro, and KNOWLEDGE shall increase." Daniel
We are the Information Generation.
Trans Gender
Gay Marriage
As in the days of Sodom Gomorrah so shall it
be in the days of the coming of the Lord.
Rampant, defiant, willful, aggressive,
boisterous, blatant, rebellious, practice of
homosexuality and
male pregnancy
18One Billion with serious malnutrition
In a world of modern technology, transportation
and communications, the thought of even one place
experiencing a famine seems unbelievableyet,
many such places exist and continue to surface.
Why? Racial war, civil war, rebellions, religious
fighting(Matt. 247)
Much food is in the fallow ground of the poor,
And for lack of justice there is waste. Proverbs
35 million with acute hunger
19Landfills, nuclear waste, trashing our world...
Global Warming, pollution, oil spills, over
fishing/farming, over mining, environmental
issues are MODERN concerns that reflect biblical
signs of the end of the age(Rev. 1118 Rev.
Oil Spills
Endangered species
20 "And there will be signs in the sun, in the
moon, and in the stars and on the earth distress
of nations, with perplexity, the sea and the
waves roaring Luke 2125
Seas and Waves will Roar!
Unusual weather patterns, strange earthquakes in
diverse places causing tidal waves, devastations,
flooding, and loss of lifeincrease in severe
weather storms such as hurricanes, tornadoes,
volcanic eruptions
21There will be pestilences Matt. 247
Drug Resistant viruses
Pestilence, disease, infections, were supposed to
be wiped out by mans medical, technological, and
industrial growth, what happened?
Diseases once conquered reappearing
False Christ Rev. Sun Moon Rev. Jim Jones David
Koresh Hari Krishna Whos next?
Corruption in the Media
Corrution in Governments
Corruption in Business
Corruption in Religion
23 Your gold and silver are corroded, and their
corrosion will be a witness against you and will
eat your flesh like fire. You have heaped up
treasure in the last days. (James 53)
The extreme wealth between the have and the
have not continues to expand. Two-thirds of the
world subsides on less than 20 of the worlds
incomeIt is to our shame that we pay some
millions while paying others in cents
CEO's of Corporations
Rock Stars
Movie Stars paid Millions a year
24Teenage Fighting
Counter-Culture dress
Violence in civilized cultures is sky rocketing!
Many American teenagers are unruly and arrogant,
disrespectful to authority in generalmany
parents are to blame(Matt. 2437 Gen. 613)
Abortions by the millions
Drug addiction
Teenage Gangs
Child Abuse
25Rwanda, Bosia,
Dalfur, Sudan,
- "But as the days of Noah were, so also will the
coming of the Son of Man be. Matt. 2437 - And God said to Noah, The end of all flesh has
come before Me, for the earth is filled with
violence through them and behold, I will destroy
them with the earth. Genesis 613
Ethnic Cleansing
26You shall hear of wars and rumors of wars
Matt. 246,7
Time Magazine reported 67 conflicts being fought
(most of them are ethnic wars) in one year. The
National Defense Council Foundation reported
conflicts have doubled since 1989
Vietnam, Iran-Iraq, Iraqi Wars, Serbian-Croation
conflict, Afganistan,
Algerian Colombian, Burma, Yugoslavian,
India-Pakistan,Yugoslvain, Burma, Congo, etc...
27Israel MUST be in their land at the return of
Christin 1948 after 1,900 years in exile God
fulfilled His promise
Israels agricultural has surprised the world.
One report states that 90 of the citrus consumed
in Europe comes from Israeli orchards!
Those who come He shall cause to take root in
Jacob Israel shall blossom and bud, And fill the
face of the world with fruit. Isaiah 276
28Israel has plans to Rebuild the Temple. It will
not take 49 years as the second Temple did to
build it. They could build it within a year.
Contrary to popular belief the Dome of the Rock
seen here is NOT on the location for the building
of the New Temple.
29 Now the number of the army of the horsemen was
two hundred million I heard the number of them.
Revelations 916
Directly East
When this prophecy was written there were not
200 million people in the earth!
China and her allies boasted of a 200 million man
army only recently.
30Directly to the North of Israel is Moscow. This
formidable force has only come to power in modern
times and allied herself with the Arab nations
just as the prophecy predicted
"Persia, Ethiopia, and Libya are with them, all
of them with shield and helmet "Gomer and all
its troops the house of Togarmah from the far
north and all its troopsmany people are with
you. Ezekiel 385,6
European Economic Community is the REVIVED ROMAN
"And in the days of these kings the God of
heaven will set up a kingdom which shall never be
destroyed and the kingdom shall not be left to
other people it shall break in pieces and
consume all these kingdoms, and it shall stand
forever. Daniel 244
A fire devours before them, And behind them a
flame burns The land is like the Garden of Eden
before them, And behind them a desolate
wilderness Surely nothing shall escape them.
Joel 23
It appears in scripture that this is inevitable
however Jesus Christ returns to prevent the world
from destroying itself!
33The Second Coming of Jesus Christ occurs to stop
the antichrist and his armies from destroying
Israel and mankind! He will return to establish
the Millennial reign.
Contrary to popular belief the world does NOT
come to an endbut a new age is ushered in.
34How should We respond?
- Distressed? Perplexed? Afraid? Panicked? These
certainly are reasonable however they strongly
indicate our weakness in knowing and trusting
God. Sinners who dont know God will respond as
this verse says - mens hearts failing them from fear and the
expectation of those things which are coming on
the earth, for the powers of heaven will be
shaken. Luke 2126 - If you believe what youve just seen why not?
- If you do not know where you are going why not?
- But let me give you a better response
35There is Great Comfort in Christ
- God is letting us know what is going to happen
and giving us signs when they are about to
happen. - "Now when these things begin to happen, look up
and lift up your heads, because your redemption
draws near." Luke 2128 - Do Not Worry
- "But the very hairs of your head are all
numbered. Do not fear therefore you are of more
value than many sparrows. Luke 127 - God knows our need and has already provided for
our escape from the terrible things coming upon
the earth. - "Do not fear, little flock, for it is your
Fathers good pleasure to give you the kingdom.
Luke 1232 - God has every intention of delivering His own and
giving them His kingdom. The Apostle Paul
revealed a special event called the Rapture I
Cor. 1552 that is to take place that
essentially removes His children from the wrath
of God that is going to be poured out during the
final seven years of this age. - Therefore, we should WITNESS about these
36- We should respond by learning these powerful
prophetic proofs that the Bible is true and then
relay them to others who dont know them. - We should draw closer to God trusting His
providence and grace to carry us through. - "I will never leave you nor forsake you.
Hebrews 135 - We should realize that God is in ultimate control
of every believer! - Our faith should be strengthened in Gods Word
because as these prophecies manifest we know that
God told us about them to encourage us that
despite what is happening around us God is our
shield and defense. - If you do not know Christ and have never been
born again, now would be a good time! - John 33 Jesus answered and said to him, "Most
assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born
again, he cannot see the kingdom of God. - RECEIVE SALVATION by praying along these lines
- Dear God I believe in Jesus Christ who died for
my sins I ask for forgiveness and repent from my
sinful ways. Please save me. Amen. - Romans 1013 For "whoever calls on the name of
the LORD shall be saved."
37Want to know more?
- The Signature of God/The Handwriting of God, by
Grant R. Jeffrey - Revelation in our Generation? Website
_our_generation - 12 Signs of Soon Coming the End of the World by
Ed R. Meelhuysen, PresidentThe Bible Research
Company - Twelve Signs That We Are Very Near the End of
the World. I strongly believe that we are very
close to the beginning of the time of Tribulation
... Website www.bibleplus.org/12signs.htm