Title: Substance Abuse
1Substance Abuse
2Youth Risk Behavior Survey1999
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6Remember. . .
- These statistics understate the problem.
- The data comes from teens who are still in school.
7Care is determined by the stage of use.
8Stage 1
- use of drugs is in a social setting
- use is in response to peer pressure
- learns the euphoric high
- obtains drugs from friends
- often inept
9Stage 2
- maintains own supply
- seeks euphoria
- modulates dose for desired effect
- gets high with each use
- use may be affecting daily life
10Stage 3
- loss of control- compulsive use
- cant cope without drugs
- future orientation is to next high
- in trouble with the law, school, and family
- often use multiple substances
11Stage 4(rarely seen in teens)
- uses drugs to prevent negative effects of
withdrawal - needs to use to feel normal
- flattened affect and thought processing
difficulties - often no home or work life left
- Genetics
- Personality
- Family environment
- Educational progress
- Community background
caught in the act/ drunkeness
antisocial behavior
"monotype illness"
toxidromal symptoms
school failure
14Clues or tips that the teen may be using
15 Smoking shows that peer pressure overcame the
patients protective knowledge.
Primitive peer pressure
16 Haircuts, tattoos, jewelry, and clothing may
indicate the patient identifies with the drug
Punk Flamingos
17High Times is a monthly magazine which encourages
the recreational use of marijuana
Literature demonstrates interest in the drug
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19Decreasing academic performance may indicate a
change in priorities.
20Peer group is important.If peers are users, it
is likely the patient uses as well.
Butterflies from the wrong side of the meadow
- Confidentiality should be granted for stage 1
use. - Consider involving the parents if the teen is
stage 2 and not compliant with treatment or
22- Begin with general lifestyle questions
- Home/family relations
- Education/employment
- Activities-clubs, peer relationships
- Dietary/ drugs
- prescriptions/ OTCs
- tobacco
- alcohol
- marijuana
- other illicit drugs
- Sexuality/ suicidal ideation/depression
- allows development of physician/patient
relationship - provides basis for risk assessment
- start with least threatening
- moving to increasingly more threatening
- moving from socially acceptable
- to socially tolerated
- to socially disapproved
- to overtly illegal
- completes risk assessment
- Do you go to parties? What happens at these
parties? Do you drink? Get drunk? Get high? - Do you drive after using? Have you ridden with a
driver who was drunk or stoned? Could you call
home for a ride? What would your parents say? - Do you go to concerts? Do you drink or get high?
Who drives after the concert? - Have you recently dropped some of your old
friends and started going with a new group? Why?
24- After using, have you ever forgotten where you
have been or what you have done? - Do you feel that lately you are moody, bitchy,
or irritable? Do you find yourself getting into
more arguments with friends and family? Do you
find yourself being physically abusive to others? - Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? How is it
going? More arguments? Have you recently broken
up? - Do you think your drinking or drug use is a
problem? Why?
25Confusing the issues
- You really dont think Id use the stuff, do you?
- I am just keeping it for a friend.
- All of the kids do it!
- You (adults) take a drink or a smoke and as a
kid, I should be allowed a little fun now and
26Parent interview...
- Does your teen spend many hours alone in his
bedroom apparently doing nothing? - Does your child resist talking to you or isolate
himself from the family? - Has your daughters taste in music undergone a
dramatic change? - Has there been a definite change in your sons
attitude toward school?
27- Does your daughter always seem unhappy and unable
to cope with frustration? - Has your son shown recent pronounced mood swings
with increased irritability and anger? - Has your childs personality changed from being
considerate and caring to being selfish,
unfriendly, and unsympathetic? - Does your teen seem confused/ spacey?
- Have money or valuable items disappeared from
your home?
28- Does your son neglect homework or chores?
- Have your daughters friends changed?
- Has there been a change in your teens appearance
(I.e., sloppy, poor grooming or hygiene)? - Have there been excuses and alibis made? Has
there been lying in order to prevent
confrontation or getting caught? - Do you feel like you have lost control of your
child? - Has your son begun lying to cover up the source
of possessions and money? - Have you noticed the use of mouth washes, eye
drops, incense, or other curious items?
29Drug testing
- is not a substitute for a good history and
physical. - should not be done secretly.
- misses many commonly abused substances.
- misses almost all substances if used ? 4 days
prior. - can be defeated.
30- no consent is required for emergent life
threatening illness or altered mental status. - the teen should grant verbal consent.
- parental consent is not required.
- Testing, in of itself, fails to address the
- Anticipatory guidance should be done with all
patients throughout adolescence.
Where all the young farm animals go to smoke
32Care should be determined by the stage of use.
- Stage 1 should be dealt with by the primary
caretaker. - It is important to educate the teen on the
dangers of the substance, the role of peer
pressure, and other related at risk behaviors.
33- Stages 3 4 should be referred to an
individual or program experienced in substance
34- Stage 2 can be dealt with by most primary
caretakers. Often this requires involvement of
the family.
35- Drug use is the first problem to be dealt with!
Criminy! Kevins oozing his way up onto the
tableSome slugs have a few drinks and just go
36 Expect Parental reactions of terror, outrage,
bewilderment, sadness, and denial.
- Do
- give parents time to think
- not give them more than they can handle
- educate them about drugs/ paraphernalia
- have them list problems secondary to drug use
37- Do not confront the teen when he is high!
Dammit! I resent being treated as if I were
38- Take charge of the users life. Specific rules
should be set and specific consequences for
violations should be discussed. - As the teen earns the familys trust, the rules
are gradually softened.
39- Immediate cessation of use.
- Termination of contact with using friends.
- Parties/ concerts only with supervision.
- Appropriate curfew.
- No use of the car.
- Limited spending money.
- Restitution for stolen items.
- No verbal or physical abuse.
- Drug testing weekly.
40- Treatment does not always lead to a cure.
Often the patient will have repeated
exacerbations followed by remissions. This does
not constitute a failure in treatment!