Title: Allocation of sampling effort for pelagic variables
1Allocation of sampling effort for pelagic
Siv Huseby and Johan Wikner 1Umeå Marine
Sciences Centre, Umeå University,
Aim Determine the number of samples required for
desired precision of a status value Determine
the allocation of samples between waterbodies,
stations and replicates
Quality factors measured in August
2006 Chlorophyll-a, Phytoplankton biomass,
Bacterial growth, Oxygen, Total- and inorganic
nutrients, Temperature, Salinity Zooplankton,
Bacterial biomass, Carbon dioxide fixation,
Cyanobacteria, Dissolved organic carbon, Humus, pH
2Preliminary result for Chlorophyll-a and Oxygen
Number of measurements required for detecting a
true difference from a class limit with 80
Variation model random, normal, gradient (Chla
AB4) random, normal (O2 AB1)
3Study area and design
9 randomly selected waterbodies within 4
stratified sub-areas
2 randomly selected stations per waterbody
2 depth, one hose or haul per station
Previous estimates of variation between hoses and
hauls applied
4Spatial variation in a water type
5Distribution of the variability
6Current insights
- Marked difference in magnitude of variation
between quality factors - Quality factor dependent models for geografic
variation should be applied - 18 sampling stations require a sampling effort
corresponding to 30 k