Title: Science QuestionsHypotheses
1Science Questions/Hypotheses
- Determining of the decoupling between nutrient
supply and carbon export
2What do marine biogeochemists need to know about
- Biology determines the timescale with which
inorganic nutrients and carbon are transformed
into organic material - What determines an HNLC versus HC areas?
- There is a temporal decoupling between organic
matter formation and its removal from the
surface - How long does it take to create sinking material?
- Should Iron Experiments have expected to see
export? - Biology determines the penetration of export
through the surface ocean - DOM vs POM, interactions with mineral, particle
lability, particle sinking speeds (size and
density) - Elemental stoichiometry is variable
- N2-fixation, denitrification, carbon
overconsumption, flexible physiology.
3How can we move from a phenomenological model to
a truly mechanistic/predictive model?
- Jerrys Goal - There are a few things we think
that we know, and one way to make projress is to
leverage that information through the adjoint to
learn about the multitude of things that we know
nothing about
4We can use the framework to test the best model
- Model complexity improves portability
- Only simple models can be fully constrained
- In the simplicity extreme Model zooplankton
cannot be well-constrained from existing
observations - Zooplankton dynamics are important
- Predator-Prey oscillations exist in nature
- Beyond zooplankton, we need to model bacteria,
viruses, aggregation, and higher order
top-down-control - It is necessary to distinguish between
phytoplankton functional groups - It is necessary to distinguish between
phytoplankton size classes - It is necessity to include iron
- A single form of irradiance and co-nutrient
limitation is more suitable than others
(photo-adaptation, photo-inhibition, variable
ChlN, optics/depth spectra)
5The adjoint between-site comparison provides an
objective framework for establishing the
robustness of models
- Cost_AS Cost_EqPac ltlt Cost_ASEqPac
6The empirical and mean models provide a means to
test whether our biological prejudice helps the
- Which model gets the mean?
- Which model gets the best data variance?
7The testbed provides a quantitative framework to
understand the relative role of supply (i.e.
bio-optics, phytoplankton physiology) and loss
(i.e. ecology)
- Are initial results suggest that the adjoint
allows us to control supply rather than loss is
that because supply is the most important, or
because the experiment is ill-concieved this
will be tested partially with the cross-site
robustness. - Currently we are trying to parameterize the most
certain parameters - Perhaps we should try the opposite (as Jerry was
trying), and fix the certain parameters and try
to fit to the least certain ones. - Should we attempt the optimization of only growth
parameters versus only loss parameters? - Assimilating fluxes only may give a very
different priority to the optimization (grazing
vs growth) - Other experiments?
8The timescales of ecosystem interactions provide
important constraints on the biogeochemical
- The adjoint can be used to estimate these rate
constraint - Growth and grazing rates
- Extent of decouplign between growth and grazing
- Evolution timescale of bloom to provide timing of
export - Sinking velocity to depth
9What are the most important data constraints?
- Assimilating rates and fluxes versus standing
stocks which are more important to model
fidelity? - Are export fluxes redundant in adjoint
simulations forced by the nutrient concentrations
and upwelling velocities?
10Can we discern whether something non-resolved is
- Are there some ways in which all of the models
fail beyond our lack of understanding beyond the
physics? - Are we all compensating for the same model or
data deficiency in the same way - Is mass non-conservation apparent?
11What data sets can we ask observationalists to
- What do we need to make the models robust?
- To what extent are the models failing through the
mismatch by over-fitting the models to poor data? - To what extent are we underestimating the power
of complex models because we lack the data to
constrain them? - To what extent can we get around that through
applying external, a priori contraints?