Title: Collaborative Strategies for Designing Successful Web Sites
1Collaborative Strategies forDesigning Successful
Web Sites
- Adaptive Path
- www.adaptivepath.com/workshops/tour2002/
- Lane Becker ltlane_at_adaptivepath.comgt
- Peter Merholz ltpeter_at_adaptivepath.comgt
- Jeffrey Veen ltjeff_at_adaptivepath.comgt
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3Our goal...
To develop an experience based on the patterns
inherent in your stuff that empowers users to
accomplish their goals.
4Successful design comes from two approaches...
- Top-down
- Figure out what users need
- Derive mental models
- Focus on user research
- Bottom-up
- Figure out what you have
- Develop content model
- Domain of traditional IA
5Yak yak yak yak yak yak yak yak yak yak yakYak
yak yak yak yak yak yak yak yak yak yak yak yak
yak yak yak yak yak yak yak yak yak yak yakYak
yak yak yak yak yak yak yak yak yak yak yak yak
yak yak yak yak yak yak yak yak yak yak yakYak
yak yak yak yak yak yak yak yak yak yak yak...
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7Ah Ha!
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9Current State Analysis What To Do
- Walk through the existing site
- Pay attention to details of implementation
- Dont think like a user but dont forget the
user either
10General Rules
- Use existing documentation
- Use the knowledge in peoples heads
- Final Goal Blueprints of the existing site
11Levels of Current State Analysis
- Architecture review looks at overview of
structure - Captures high-level relationships between
sections - Content audit looks at broad categories
- Sampling of pages
- Sufficient for most projects
- A more detailed content inventory looks is more
thorough - Make a big list of every piece and its URL
- Give each piece a unique ID
- Use this for CMS and other migration projects
12High Level Architecture Review
- An overview of how content is structured
- Identify organizational schemes
- Map the site
- Outline
- Diagram
- Refine content types (content types will be very
important in a little while)
13Q Can you automate the architecture review?
14Typical Site-Mapping Tool Output
15The Desired Result
16A Closer Look Content Audit
- Identify Broad Types of Content
- Typical Examples
- Executive biographies
- Press releases
- Product descriptions
- Product documentation
- Contact information
- Tutorials
- Case studies
17Excruciating Detail Content Inventory
- For every single piece of content on the site,
ask - What is it about?
- Who is it for?
- What type is it?
- Where does it come from?
18Content Inventory - Strategic Questions
- ROT Removal
- Is it redundant?
- Is it outdated?
- Is it trivial?
- Does it have historical value?
- Is it critical information for a small audience?
- --gtIn other words... can we get rid of it?
- Traffic analysis can help answer these questions.
19Content Audit - Final Result
- Spreadsheet with hundreds or thousands of lines,
one line per page
20Organize Your Types
- Meaningful types are the crux of information
21Compare Content Types to Mental Model
- The types help achieve what tasks?
22Comparison Gap Analysis
- Ideal Every task in the audiences mental model
is served by content and functionality - Practical That is never the case
23Gap Type 1 User Needs Not Supported by Content
- Could be an important oversight in the content of
the site - Could be be an activity not appropriate for web
24Gap Type 2 Content Available But No User Need
- Could be extraneous content not worth maintaining
(R.O.T.) - Could be an important way to empower the user
25Comparison of Mental Model to Available Material
- This is where it begins to come together
- Slot content, functionality, and business goals
where it supports audiences mental model - Make sure to address every significant content
area - If the project is from scratch and there are
not many explicit features, etc., use the mental
model to drive product requirements
26Comparison Very Much a Team Effort
- Clients and stakeholders are essential in this
process - Need domain expertise to ensure completeness
27Lets Look at What We Have
- A diagram depicting the audiences mental model
across the top, and the companys supporting
material beneath it - Fuzzy user data has developed into a solid,
rigorous model - A foundation from which to build the information
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29The Architecture Diagram
30Task-based Information Architecture Step 1
- Mental model super-groups become highest level of
31Task-based Information Architecture Step 2
- Conceptual groups become the second level
32Task-based Information Architecture Step 3
Slotted content and functionality from the
Comparison is placed in appropriate area
33Task-based Information Architecture Why Do It?
- Makes certain that your sites architecture
responds to your visitors goals and tasks - Helps achieve business goals by presenting
marketing-oriented content (e.g., cross-sells,
up-sells) in a meaningful context - Task-based Information Architecture - Caveats
- Its a first-pass at the information
architecture - Deep structures must come from content analysis
- All of it will need refinement
- Some tasks dont directly translate to navigation
nodes - Limited in its depth
34Things To Remember And Forget
- Remember
- Everything needs to have a place in the
architecture but not necessarily only one way
to get to it. - Formality of this process is up to you
- Forget for now
- How content is produced
- How your company is structured
35But Where Do We Go From Here?
36Organizing from the Bottom-up Taxonomies,
classification, metadata
37Taxonomies and Classification Wine.com
38Activity Generating a Classification System
- Divide into groups of five to seven
- First Appliance Attributes
- Each team member picks a different appliance
- List individual attributes e.g. Physical
dimensions, color - Decide which attributes are appropriate for which
audience segment - e.g. do-it-yourself-er, contractor, first-timer
- Second Document Attributes
- List content types
- e.g. product review, specifications
39Activity Classification System Step 2
- Now match attributes with others on your team
- Match document types to appliances.
- Next Look for innovation
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41Innovation in Classification
42Classification and Interfaces Faucet Facet
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45Step 1 The Big List
- Content Analysis and Content Map
- Ten people in a room for an hour or two
- Talk through scenarios
- Blue sky
- Focus on what it should be (brainstorming rules)
- General Rule People dont have any problem
telling you what they want, as long as they dont
have to make it or pay for it. - Real Challenge Choosing which features to build
46Step 2 Identify Dependencies and Baseline
- What things must happen first? What are the
mandatory groupings? - What is baseline? What are the Must-Haves that
you cant launch without?
47Step 3 Have Stakeholders Figure Out
- Feasibility easy or hard, expensive or not,
short or long to implement -
- Rate each item in the list
- 1 low feasibility
- 5 high feasibility
- Importance to business, to user
- Rate each item in the list
- 1 low importance
- 5 high importance
48Step 4 Graph the Findings
High importance Low feasibility Watch for
new technology
High importance High feasibility Do Now
Low importance High feasibility Consider
Low importance Low feasibility Dont Bother
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50Information Architecture and Interaction Design
- Simply
- Information architecture is about content
- Interaction design is about behavior
51Where Do We Go From Here? Part 2
52Go With The Flow(s)
- Use standard symbols
- Include a legend explaining the symbols
- Include error cases
- Follow all pathways to their natural end or
clearly mark where your flow connects with
another flow
See also Visual Vocabulary, http//www.jjg.net/ia
53Observe Diagram Feng Shui
- A flow should be logical and readable by anyone
without explanation - Use principles of good visual design
- Include meaningful labels for all lines that need
them - Dont cross lines
54So What Does The Page Look Like?
Daunting, isnt it?
55Interface Design
- Our conscious mind is constantly reducing
visual input into patterns.The philosophy is to
present the components on the screen as
recognizable visual patterns so that the user
can choose, on a purely pattern-matching,
unconscious level, which objects to consider
consciously. - Alan Cooper, About Face
56Four Principles of Transparent Interface Design
- Discoverable
- Recoverable
- Context
- Feedback
- The user must be able to easily see and
understand the actions that they may take. - Visibility acts as a suggestion, reminding the
user of possibilities and inviting the
exploration of new ideas and methods. - Architecture and navigation nomenclature must be
meaningful to the users (descriptive, evocative).
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60Bonus 10 Word Affordances (Clues)
- What does the thing make possible? What does it
suggest you should do with it? - In the atoms world Form, weight, surface
texture, etc. In the bits world Color,
texture, shape, groupings, labels - Used in a sentence The handle affords pulling.
When simple things need instructions, the
design has failed.
- The effect of each action must be visible and
easy to interpret, so that the user can learn
what the system does. - Feedback must be immediate and contextual
- so they know the action they tried to take
really did complete - so users can recognize and recover from mistaken
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- Actions should be without cost -- make errors
less costly - Errors must be easy to undo.
- The interface should help users recover.
When designing, assume that every possible
mishap will happen, so protect against it.
Poor design affords user errors.
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66How do you handle unrecoverable actions?
- Make clear what effect the action will have
BEFORE the user takes the action. - Provide sufficient opportunity to cancel the
action. - Make the action difficult to do.
- Make it impossible to do the action (make it
Most actions should be cost-free, explorable,
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68Bonus 10 Word Constraints
- Restrict options to encourage the user in the
right direction. - Constraints help guide users, especially in the
case of unrecoverable actions, where mistakes can
be very costly.
- Give the user a sense of time
- How long will it take? How many steps are
there? Where am I in the process? - Give the user a sense of place
- Where am I now? Where should I go?
- Give the user a sense of meaning
- Why am I here? Whats likely to be here?
70Visual Design for Transparency PARC
- Proximity
- Alignment
- Repetition
- Contrast
- Use all of your visual tools color, texture,
size, layout, font - From Robin Williams, Non-Designers Design Book
71Why is PARC so important?
- The goal of visual design is not aesthetic, but
rather communication. Visual design uses visual
devices (color, texture, size, etc.) to create
logical associations and hierarchical
relationships among all page elements (words,
buttons, headings, controls, links, logos, ads,
pictures, captions, etc.).
PARC is how they do it.
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77- Screener Text
- Make a table with a script the recruiter can
follow when talking with a possible interviewee - Introduction
- Greeting
- Who we are and why were calling
- How well determine if were mutually interested
in an interview - Screener Questions
- Compiled from the persona attributes and summary
matrix - Give decision criteria whether to continue or end
the screening - Conversation
- Conclusion
- Whether or not the person qualifies
- Appointment date and time
- Thank you
78- Screener Text
- Make a table with a script the recruiter can
follow when talking with a possible interviewee - Introduction
- Greeting
- Who we are and why were calling
- How well determine if were mutually interested
in an interview - Screener Questions
- Compiled from the persona attributes and summary
matrix - Give decision criteria whether to continue or end
the screening - conversation
- Conclusion
- Whether or not the person qualifies
- Appointment date and time
- Thank you
79- Screener Text
- Make a table with a script the recruiter can
follow when talking with a possible interviewee - Introduction
- Greeting
- Who we are and why were calling
- How well determine if were mutually interested
in an interview - Screener Questions
- Compiled from the persona attributes and summary
matrix - Give decision criteria whether to continue or end
the screening - conversation
- Conclusion
- Whether or not the person qualifies
- Appointment date and time
- Thank you
80- Screener Text
- Make a table with a script the recruiter can
follow when talking with a possible interviewee - Introduction
- Greeting
- Who we are and why were calling
- How well determine if were mutually interested
in an interview - Screener Questions
- Compiled from the persona attributes and summary
matrix - Give decision criteria whether to continue or end
the screening - conversation
- Conclusion
- Whether or not the person qualifies
- Appointment date and time
- Thank you
81- Screener Text
- Make a table with a script the recruiter can
follow when talking with a possible interviewee - Introduction
- Greeting
- Who we are and why were calling
- How well determine if were mutually interested
in an interview - Screener Questions
- Compiled from the persona attributes and summary
matrix - Give decision criteria whether to continue or end
the screening - conversation
- Conclusion
- Whether or not the person qualifies
- Appointment date and time
- Thank you
- Things that are placed near one another will be
perceived as related. - Things that are separated from one another will
be perceived as different.
- Things that are lined up with one another will be
perceived to have a parallel relationship - Things that are out of alignment will be
perceived to have a superior or subordinate
relationship (broader/narrower)
- Things that are larger, brighter, bolder will be
perceived as being more important, more broad - Things that are smaller, less bold will be
perceived as being less important - Things that are the same color, size, etc, will
be perceived asthe same.
Make differences noticeable wimpy contrast
causes confusion.
- Carry out your decisions regarding Proximity,
Alignment and Contrast throughout your site.
(Users expect similar items to look the same
throughout the interface. - Set up a visual style for specific features
(headlines, buttons, alerts, etc.), and use them
over and over be consistent!
Dont make it look different unless you want
them to believe its different.
86Now Start Drawing Schematics (aka Wireframes)
- DO NOT include any visual design direction!
- Use call-outs to describe any functionality that
isnt self-explanatory - Use good visual design principles
- One schematic can serve multiple pages
- Make schematics that correlate to the flow
diagram - Use standard symbols to represent interaction
devices - Show all functions
- Use consistent names and labels across all flows
and schematics
87From Collaborative Design to Prototype
- Print schematics as PDF files
- Add hyperlinks in Acrobat
- Fake the forms if you can
- Full screen mode makes it your prototype!
88Save as Deliverables
- Documentation becomes What we learned, not
What I want you to do. - No more 50-page specs!
- Use as a layer of your site when browsing
No More Specs!
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90Prototyping Tips
- Try to work in the Webs native language if
possible - Extremely tight iterations (daily!) serves as
high-bandwidth team communication - Documentation captures What weve learned, not
What I want you to do - Avoid the handoff the team refines a
prototype through higher resolution versions,
testing frequently
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92Historically, Page Design Hasnt Scaled
- In the olden days, designers would design HTML
pages and put them on a server - But sites grew... And grew... And grew...
- Suddenly, redesigning or adding site-wide
features was nearly impossible - Everyone clamored for template-based design
- Put content in databases, squirt it out through
consistent designs - Todays dilemma We need the flexibility of
dynamic design, but the rigidity of templates is
often too much
93Going Dynamic
- Prototype is built according mental model and
architecture diagrams - Templates and content components can go through
iterative design - Changes can be viewed globally and instantly
94Benefits of Dynamic Sites
- Higher initial development cost, but much lower
maintenance - Separates operations of site from development
- Do more with fewer resources
- Inherent interface consistency benefits user
95The Process Before Dynamic Sites
Copy Edit
96The Process After Dynamic Site
Copy Edit
Template System
97Bottom Up Designing with patterns
98Abstract solutions to common problems in context
99Patterns are applicable not only to architecture,
but all kinds of design computer science,
corporate organization, traffic signage and (of
course) Web design
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102A hierarchy of patterns
103A hierarchy of patterns
Radio Button
Search Interface
Page Layout
Navigation System
Site Architecture
104Patterns and Components
- Group smallest patterns together into either
content-inspired or user task-based components - Creates a heuristically-derived system of
interface Legos - Can be mixed and matched to create site designs
Item Detail
Tabular Data
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107Self-Describing Content
lt?xml version"1.0"?gt ltitemgt lttitlegtNo Doubt
Makes Strong Return To Chartslt/titlegt ltimage
rdfaboutnodoubt.gif"gt ltdescriptiongt
XML.com features a rich mix of information and
services for the XML community. lt/descriptiongt
ltlinkgthttp//music.com/nodoubt.htm lt/linkgt
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109Usability is not a solution!
Usability is simply a check...
110Usability Testing An Overview
- What is usability testing?
- Way of researching peoples abilities
- Uses structured interviews
- Watch people as they use your product
- When can you use usability testing? Any time!
- During initial design work
- Between design iterations
- To find out why your users complain so much
- Before a redesign
111The Classic Approach To Usability Testing
2 WKs
Concept Budget
IA, UI, Visual Design
- Test before launch
- Usability consultant (10,000-25,000)
- 12 participants
- Rented facility, viewing room with one-way glass
- MMs
- 1 week for test, 1 week for report
- Fixes? Whos got time?!
112Problems with the Classic Approach
- Too much data, no time to use it
- You dont learn much (the consultants do)
- Infrequent tests become special events
disruptive - Communicating through reports doesnt allow for
the same context as actually being with your
users - Small actual impact very high cost
- Huge report revealing all the things youve done
wrong - Handful of important changes that must be
squeezed in before launch, very painfully - You feel less secure, not more
113A Better Way
Big Projects
Little Projects
Daily Releases
- Fast
- Small
- Low-cost
- In-house
- Often
- Regular schedule
- Test whatevers done
- Integrate results quickly
114Half the Cost Lots More Value
115Usability Budget Detail
- Youve got to commit to testing at the
organizational level - Test stuff all the time
- You have to want to do the work
- Use the findings right away
- Dont run tests on your own work be objective
1175 Steps to a Usability Test
- Define an audience and their goals
- Find users that match your audience description
- Identify tasks based on those goals
- Have them try the tasks
- Look for trends
118Step 1 Define your audience and their goals
119Identifying Representative Users
- Narrow down your intended audience ahead of time
- Pick the people who will give you the best
response - Often a subset of the largest group of users (the
middle of the bell curve) - People whose problems generalize to the largest
number of other people if you solve the problem
for them, you solve it for many other groups, too - Be specific about who you want
- Dont recruit people who could have strong
opinions about the product separate from the
interface - Some people know too much
- Market researchers
- Designers
- Software developers
120Step 2 Find users that match your audience
121The Same Recruiting Techniques Apply
- Develop a screener
- Pester friends and family
- Sift through existing users
- Use a professional recruiter
122Step 3 Identify tasks based on audience goals
123Create Tasks
- Write down the five most important functions of
your product - Not the features, the functions
- What problem is being solved?
- What are the five things that people should be
able to do above all others? - Basic functions someone should be able to do with
a kitchen remodel center - Create an account
- Design lighting
- Create a one to two sentence scenario for each
function - An example of someone using each function, framed
as a question - Written from their perspective
124Testable tasks should be
- Reasonable
- Specific
- Doable
- Described as end goals
- Appropriately sequenced
- Domain neutral
- Not too long, not too short
125Step 4 Have users try the tasks
- Create a comfortable space
- Set up a typical computer
- Nothing customized. No Google Toolbars, etc.
- Ideally, like your personas computer
- Set bookmarks for start of tasks
- Clear the cache/history!
- Make sure any other necessary apps work (Real
Audio, etc.) - Record the session with a camcorder arranged to
capture both the screen and user - Have a partner take notes throughout session
- Convince decision makers of the value of watching
the tests from coders to marketing to the CEO
127Usability Lab Ideal
128Usability Lab Practical
129Run the Test
- Prepare the participant
- Explain what its all about
- Tell them that theyre evaluating the product and
that any problems are not their fault - Ask them to say all their thoughts aloud
- Describe the product using your 30-second
elevator pitch - Give them the list of tasks
- Give them exactly as much detail as they need to
get the job done, and no more - dont lead!
130Ask good questions
- Focus on experience, not extrapolation
- Concentrate on immediate experience
- Be nonjudgmental
- Make questions open-ended
- Avoid closed questions
131Be a Good Facilitator
- Dont help!
- if a user gets stuck, help them only if a future
tasks requires it - Ask people to explain their actions/statements
when appropriate - Describe this.
- What do you expect?
- Did that surprise you? Why?
- Dont be afraid to follow the conversation in a
direction other than the one that was originally
132Lets do a user test right here, right now
133A Quick Screener
- Everyone, stand up
- Sit down if
- You dont want to participate
- You have participated in a research study in the
last 6 months - You do not own your own home
- You have never done a remodel project before
- You have used Kitchens.com before
134Come on down!
135Some Observing Tips
- Imagine theres a mirror in the room
- Pay careful attention to the feedback the
participants give - Look for patterns in an individual participants
actions, and across multiple participants - Dont get too hung up on one particular phrase,
comment, or problem that a single user has - Be a detached observer leave your opinions
outside the observation room
136Lets Test!
137Tasks for Kitchens.com
- You are redoing the tile in your kitchen and
need instructions for how to grout. Can you use
this site to do that? - Your kitchen project is just about to start. How
are you going to prepare food while everything is
torn up?
138Step 5 Look for trends
139Questions to Ask Yourself
- Did the users consistently misunderstand
anything? If so, what? - Were there any mistakes consistently made? If
so, what? - Did they do what you had expected? If not, what
did they do? - Did they do things in the order in which you had
expected? If not, what order did they do them
in? - What did they find interesting
- What did you expect them to find interesting,
which they did not?
140More Questions to Consider
- How many of the tasks were they able to do?
Which ones did they have the most trouble with? - When did they look frustrated? What were they
doing? - Did the application meet their expectations? If
not, where did it fail them? - Were they ever confused? What were they doing?
141Usability Test Timeline
142How It All Fits TogetherUser Experience in the
143Design Isnt Performed in a Vacuum
- Like project management, a hub in the
multi-disciplinary process - Many disciplines contribute to what the user
144Design in the Organization
- In agencies, typically grouped with Creative
disciplines - In-house, often a part of marketing
- In Web-centered companies, a separate department
145Visual Design
- Big Picture thinking
- Strong visualization skills
- Task To develop a visual language
- Colors
- Typography
- Graphic style
146Content Strategy and Writing
- Its The Content, Stupid
- Visitors interact with your site for the content,
not the design - Task To define a voice
- Copy guidelines
- Style manual
- Nomenclature
147Brand Strategy and Marketing
- The user experience is a key component of an
organizations brand - A user experience can be informed by brand
attributes - Tasks
- To identify brand attributes
- To provide market segmentation
148Data Analysis and Reporting
- Components of a users experience can be measured
through interaction data - Usability and data analysis often go hand-in-hand
- Task analyze usage statistics (typically server
logs) for important trends
149Web Development and Engineering
- Technologists clue user experience designers in
to feasibility - Web developers know whats possible on the front
end - Help you create flows/schematics
- Server engineers tackle deeper Can we do that?
questions - How long will a process take? How many hits to
the database? - Database architects will develop schemas that
impact the information architecture
150Project Management
- User Experience types tend to work closely with
Project Managers - Both have process focus
- Task to make sure the project moves forward
151Two Frameworks for Putting This All Together
152Developing the Single Face
- User Goals and Tasks Company Mission Business
Goals Branded Design Solution - User Goals and Tasks
- User-centered design processes
- Company Mission
- Principles and vision statements that guide the
company - Business Goals
- Concrete metrics and objectives
- Branded Design Solution
- The substance of the interaction informs how
customers will perceive the brand
1538 Steps For Taking Control Of Your Site
154Thank You! www.adaptivepath.com/workshops/tour2
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