Title: SEE Grid Information Services Roadmap
1SEE Grid Information Services Roadmap
- Dr Robert WoodcockDr Simon Cox
- Mr Andy Dent
- CSIRO Exploration Mining
- http//www.em.csiro.au
2Initial Map Interface HTML SVG
Initial Bounding Box
Known Layers
3Enabling one Layer
Click Show
Map Redrawn with Relevant Symbol
Info button renamed To match Layer Name
4Three Servers, One Map
GA Oracle Database
GSWA PostGIS Database
- No Changes to local schemas
PIRSA PostGIS Database
5Spatial Query All Analytes at Picked Location
Click a Map Feature
To see all Analytes on that sample
- HTML Tabular presentation via standard XSLT
transformation of XML from the WFS
- Stylesheet written before the WFS servers to the
XMML standard using static result files published
as XMML schema examples
- The same stylesheet was used to debug the XML
generated by the three different WFS, just by
capturing the XML on a test web page
Standard technologies
Community interfaces
Enabling Productive, Distributed developments
6Non-GIS Use of the WFS
Alternative Presentation a non-GIS interface
querying the same WFS to generate combined
tabular reports.
7Tabular Reports by Source
8Tabular Reports by Source
9Tabular Reports by Analyte
10Implementation Summary
- Three independent organisations added WFS
wrappers to their private geochemistry databases - Geoserver open source WFS used for implementation
- Declarative configuration using XML files to
define mappings from private database schema to
community Geochemistry XML Schema - NO alteration to private database required
- Two independent Client applications developed
- XSLT used to transform XML data to HTML Tables
and SVG map overlays for presentation
Standard technologies
Community interfaces
Streamlining access to Australias geochemistry
data for Industry
11Demonstrator Leave behind
- Updates to Geoserver to support Community Schemas
(XMML) - Will be released as part of Geoserver 1.3
- SEE Grid WFS Geochemistry profile
- Currently being formalised but will be available
on the SEE Grid website - SEE Grid Roadmap and website
- Lessons learned both implementation and
development management - Issues with WFS standard feedback for WFS 1.1
- Query model
12Thankyou to the team
- Simon Cox
- Andy Dent
- Joan Esterle
- Robert Woodcock
- Geoscience Australia
- Stuart Girvan
- Lesley Wyborn
- Stephen Bandy
- Brendon Ward
- PirSA
- Terry Hannant
- Greg Jenkins
- Mark Jolly
- Social Change Online
- Rob Atkinson
- Peter Barrs
13Thankyou to the Supporters