Title: Intrusion vs Performance in American Documentary Photography
1Intrusion vs Performance in American Documentary
Marion POST WOLCOTT, One of tenant families on
their porch, Marcella Plantation,
- Didier AUBERT - Sorbonne Nouvelle University /
ARIAS - 2007 International Visual Sociology Association
Conference / New York University
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3Dorothea LANGE. Migrant agricultural worker s
family (1936)
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5 Margaret BOURKE WHITE, You Have Seen Their
Faces (1939)
As a rule, the consumer of photographic
instrusion can depend on all kinds of reasonable
pretexts to call it something else art,
journalism, anthropology We use these
functions to divert ourselves, necessarily, of
self-incrimination in looking at photographs.
Max Kozloff, Photography and Fascination, (1979).
When I was photographing people ... I was
continually aware that I and my cameras were an
intrusion. And sometimes, when the possibility
developed into that decisive moment that would
record the essence of what I saw and felt, I
would tense up nervously and keep my mouth closed
for fear my outsiders voice and words might
break the spell.
- Nick Phillips with wife in front of house.
Ashland, Missouri (1936).
7Gregory PAPPAS, The Magic City (1989)
8Axiographics would address the question of how
values, particularly an ethics of representation,
comes to be known and experienced in relation to
- Bill NICHOLS, Representing Reality.
Getting information from people is always a
negotiation . Howard BECKER, How We Deal
with the People with Study
9Lewis HINE. Homestead (1909)
- eye contact/pose/frontality
- collaboration (agency)
- tact/decorum
10- Performance all the activity of an individual
which occurs during a period marked by his
continuous presence before a particular set of
observers and which has some influence on the
observers - The documentary scene? - The front region includes a fixed
sign-equipment called setting - including
furniture, décor, physical layout - Steps, doors,
porches... - Erving GOFFMAN, The Representation of the Self in
Everyday Life (1959)
11Performance may be seen as an effort to give
the appearance that ones activity in the
region embodies certain standards.
- These standards fall into two categories.
- Politeness (requires language)
- Decorum the way in which the performer
comports himself while in visual or aural range
of the audience but not necessarily engaged in
talk with them.
Oraien CATLEDGE. Cabbagetown (1985).
12Margaret MORTON.
Fragile Dwelling shows that pride of place and
the desire for a home that expresses one's
identity are universal sentiments, shared by rich
and poor alike. The exhibition highlights the
planning and care with which people shape even
the most temporary of structures into homes,
using found materials to create both functional
and decorative features. Carolyn M. GOLDSTEIN