Title: Gravitational failure of passive margins
1- Gravitational failure of passive margins
- Gravitational failure of passive margins occurs
by some combination of gravity gliding (the
translation of a mass down a sloping detachment)
and gravity spreading (the vertical collapse and
lateral spreading of a mass under its own weight)
(Fig. 130). The overall pattern is one of updip
extension balanced by downdip shortening. The
deformation may be detach simply on the
autochthonous salt layer, as in offshore Angola
(Fig. 131), or it may involve multiple detachment
layers including the autochthonous salt,
allochthonous canopies, and shale detachments, as
in the northwestern GoM (Fig. 132). - There are exceptions to the general pattern of
updip extension and downdip contraction. For
example, since deformation is often driven by
failure of the continental slope, which progrades
basinward over time, early contractional
structures may be overprinted by later
extensional faulting (Fig. 133). But there are
also examples where the opposite is true due to
reactivation during shifts in the drive for
gravitational failure or renewed basement
deformation caused by plate reorganization (Fig.
134). - Since it is the passive margin that is failing,
any spatial or temporal variations in margin
geometry will influence the deformation. For
example, a margin like that in Brazil has
segments that are convex towards the ocean and
those that are concave(Fig. 135). This will
result in either divergent or convergent
deformation (Fig. 136). In the case where a
deltaic lobe builds out, creating a locally
divergent margin, models show that deformation
consists, of course, of proximal extension and
distal contraction, but also distal
- concentric extension as the lobe spreads radially
(Fig. 137). When the sediment lobe shifts
laterally due to fluvial avulsion, early
structures may be reactivated in oblique
directions or overprinted by structures with
different trends (Fig. 138). - Gravitational failure is inherently
self-limiting. When the gravity potential becomes
large enough to overcome the resistance of the
rocks to deform, failure occurs. But the very act
of failure reduces the gravity potential so that
deformation will stop unless the gravity
instability is maintained or increased. In the
case of gravity gliding, the dominant factor is
the dip of the basal detachment. Thus, basinward
translation is accelerated by differential
thermal subsidence and cratonal tectonic uplift,
both of which increase the dip of the detachment,
and is retarded or halted by differential loading
subsidence, which decreases the basinward tilt
(Fig. 139). In the case of gravity spreading, the
dip of the basal detachment is also important,
but so is the dip of the sea-floor slope. A steep
slope can cause failure even when the detachment
dips back towards land. Thus, shelf aggradation
and upper slope progradation drive further
shortening because they steepen the slope and
increase the gravitational instability, whereas
lower slope and abyssal sedimentation retard or
stop deformation, both by reducing the slope and
by thickening and thereby strengthening the
distal section (Fig. 140).
2- The tectonic history of different margins can be
quite different, leading to variable histories of
gravitational failure. For example, in the Kwanza
Basin of offshore Angola, gravity-driven
deformation has been continuous since the Albian,
shortly after salt deposition (Fig. 141). But the
rates were not constant there was an initial
pulse driven by differential thermal subsidence
that slowed over time (as is typical on passive
margins), followed by a later increase in
deformation rates caused by several episodes of
Tertiary uplift of the craton and basinward
tilting of the margin (e.g., Duval et al., 1992
Cramez and Jackson, 2000). - In contrast, the Mississippi Fan foldbelt of the
northeastern Gulf of Mexico shows a more complex,
four-stage history of gravitational failure.
Interval thickness patterns indicate that there
were two episodes of shortening, each followed by
a period with little or no deformation (Fig.
142). Figure 143 illustrates the proposed
evolutionary model (1) the usual early gravity
gliding driven by differential thermal
subsidence (2) a quiescent stage as thermal
subsidence waned and landward loading subsidence
slowed basinward tilt of the margin (3) the main
stage of shortening driven by gravity spreading
of the prograding Tertiary clastic margin and
(4) cessation of deformation due to canyon
incision and bypass of the Mississippi Fan to the
abyssal plain.
3Figure 130. Modes of gravitational failure (a)
gravity gliding, which is the translation of a
rigid body down a sloping detachment (b) gravity
spreading, which is the vertical collapse and
lateral spreading of a body with a surface slope
and (c) a combination of the two processes, which
is most common (Rowan et al., 2003b).
4Figure 131. Squashed seismic profile and cross
section of the Angolan margin showing relatively
simple updip extension and downdip contraction
detaching on the autochthonous salt layer (Marton
et al., 2000).
5Figure 132. Regional section through the
northwestern Gulf of Mexico, showing updip
extension and downdip shortening occurring at
multiple levels of both salt and shale (Peel et
al., 1995).
6Figure 133. Cartoon showing how progradation may
result in early toe-of-slope contraction may be
overprinted by outer shelf extension (courtesy of
B. Vendeville).
7Figure 134. Seismic profile and interpretation
showing early extension overprinted by later
contraction (Cramez and Jackson, 2000).
Figure 136. Experimental models showing
gravitational failure where there is divergent
gliding (a) or convergent gliding (b) (Cobbold
and Szatmari, 1991).
9Figure 137. Deformation associated with the
gravitational failure of a sedimentary lobe
proximal concentric extensional structures,
distal radial extensional structures, and distal
concentric contractional structures (courtesy of
B. Vendeville).
10Figure 138. Superposed deformation patterns when
sediment lobes shift laterally (courtesy of B.
11Figure 139. Gravity gliding is driven by
basinward tilting of the detachment, which in
turn is controlled by various factors (Rowan et
al., 2003b).
12Figure 140. Gravity spreading is controlled by
the sea-floor slope, so is driven by shelf
aggradation and upper slope progradation but is
halted by canyon incision and bypass
sedimentation on the lower slope and abyssal
plain (Rowan et al., 2003ba).
13Figure 142. Deepwater fold in the Mississippi Fan
foldbelt showing (1) an early stage of
deformation (2) an interval of
constant-thickness and thus no deformation (3)
the main growth interval deposited during fold
amplification and (4) cessation of deformation
(Rowan et al., 2003b).
14- Updip extension
- Examples of extensional structures from both the
western and eastern South Atlantic margins are
illustrated in Figures 144 and 145. The
characteristic style is one of basinward-dipping
listric normal faults that sole into the salt
layer or equivalent weld, although
landward-dipping faults are also observed. The
faults intersect the salt at cusps that become
triangular salt rollers once the weld forms. Note
that these are not intrusions or diapirs of salt
they are simply remnants of the original salt
layer left in the footwalls of the faults. Early
faults have a short wavelength and later faults
have a greater spacing (Fig. 146), a typical
pattern that is related to the thickness and thus
strength of the overburden being extended. In
some places, the trains of normal faults are
broken up by essentially undeformed blocks called
rafts (Figs. 147 and 148). Rafts form when the
hanging wall of a fault separates completely from
the footwall and moves coherently along the salt
detachment, with the area between rafts being
filled by younger growth strata (Fig. 149).
Although rafts are best known from the South
Atlantic margins, they also occur in the
northwestern Gulf of Mexico (Fig. 150).
Experimental models and observations suggest that
rafts are favored when the detachment dip is
relatively low and that asymmetric listric faults
form when the basinward dip is greater (Fig.
15Figure 144. Listric normal faults in the
extensional province of the Angolan margin (Duval
et al., 1992).
16Figure 145. Extensional structures in the
Espirito Santo basin of Brazil (courtesy of C.
Fiduk and CGG).
17Figure 146. Regional seismic profile (split into
two parts) across the extensional province of the
Brazilian margin (Mohriak at al., 1995). Note
that older faults have a smaller spacing and
younger faults are more widely spaced.
18Figure 147. Seismic line and interpretation from
offshore Angola showing an undeformed raft
between two younger depocenters (Duval et al.,
19Figure 148. Regional cross section showing a
number of rafts and intervening depocenters
formed during extension (Duval et al., 1992).
20Figure 149. Model showing the evolution of rafts
from typical listric normal faults as extension
progresses (Duval et al., 1992).
21- Downdip contraction
- Updip extension is balanced downdip by some
combination of thrusting, folding, squeezing of
diapirs, and salt inflation and extrusion (Fig.
152). The shortening typically takes place in a
zone just landward of the distal pinchout of the
salt layer (Fig. 153). But it can also occur at
the toe of the slope, where contractional
stresses are high, with the implication that
areas of contractional folding can shift
basinward over time as the slope progrades (Figs.
154 and 155). In addition, contractional
structures may occur wherever there is a barrier,
such as a landward-dipping step in the base salt. - An unusually simple example from the Perdido
foldbelt in the northern GoM is shown in Figures
156 and 157, illustrating regular-wavelength,
highly elongate, symmetrical detachment folds.
This correlates to a prekinematic section that is
essentially constant thickness (Fig. 156). In
contrast, folds in the Mississippi Fan foldbelt
from the same margin are shorter and have more
irregular orientations (Fig. 159). The frontal
fold comprises four segments with separate
culminations, and serial profiles across this
composite fold show large along-strike variations
in fold geometry (Figs. 160 through 162). This is
probably due to an early stage of deformation
during the early gravity gliding phase shortly
after salt deposition (see thickness variations
in the section immediately above salt in Figs.
160-162). The early structures would have served
as nucleation points for the initiation and
growth of later folds. An important implication
of this complex three-dimensional fold geometry
is that one cannot use observed portions of folds
to predict along-strike fold geometry under
allochthonous salt.
- An isochron map of the section above the salt in
the Mississippi Fan foldbelt shows the geometry
of the early deformation event (Fig. 163).
Although the Miocene folds have a relatively
simple geometry (Fig. 159), the older structures
are highly irregular and might appear to be
caused by differential loading and salt
withdrawal rather than by shortening. However,
the same structures to the southwest (e.g., in
Walker Ridge) have a more linear NE-SW
orientation, and they curve around to a NW-SE
orientation in the eastern part of the foldbelt
(grey lines in Fig. 164). In other words, they
are parallel to the Cretaceous carbonate shelf
margin, which is consistent with their
development during gravity gliding down the
paleo-slope. The reason for the complex
structures in Figure 163 is that this was an area
of convergent gliding, producing dome-and-basin
interference structures (see Fig. 136b). Note
that the absence of early deformation in the
Perdido foldbelt suggests that early gravity
gliding was accommodated farther landward. - The Mississippi Fan foldbelt (as well as analogs
in other basins such as offshore Angola, the
Espirito Santo basin of Brazil, and offshore Nova
Scotia) shows a close relationship between folds
and diapirs, with all diapirs located along fold
crests (Fig. 164). A detailed example is shown in
Figure 165, where the Green Knoll diapir is
located along the frontal deepwater fold. There
are two possible explanations for this
relationship (Fig. 166) (1) the diapirs could
postdate the folds, forming by breaching of the
fold crest, in which case the overburden should
show some record of fold collapse as the salt is
22- or (2) the diapirs could predate the folding,
thereby controlling the location of the folds
because of the weakness of salt, in which case
there should be a long-lived growth history
adjacent to the diapirs. Data show that strata
that are constant thickness over folds (i.e.,
prekinematic) often have thickness changes
adjacent to the diapirs (Fig. 167) or variable
thicknesses on either sides of these diapirs,
showing that salt features predated the folding.
An example of a squeezed diapir from Angola Block
33 is shown in Figure 168, where the teepee
structure around the steep weld passes along
strike to a more typical thrusted structure. A
different example shows a steep reverse fault
beneath and adjacent to a shallow salt body, with
a highly rotated and uplifted hanging wall (Fig.
169). Note the thinning below the green horizon
(which marks the onset of shortening), showing
that there was a long-lived salt structure at
this location. The geometry is interpreted as a
weld that was reactivated as a reverse fault
during diapir squeezing and rejuvenation (Fig.
169 Green Knoll is interpreted similarly, as
shown in Fig. 165). - A key implication of the proposed explanation for
the observed fold-diapir relationship is that
shortening can be one of the major causes of
lateral salt extrusion. Squeezing of a diapir
greatly increases salt flow rates, which, as we
shall see later, favors lateral extrusion of
allochthonous salt. If enough salt is extruded
and amalgamates to form a regional canopy,
gravitational failure will then take place above
this detachment, slowing or even stopping
shortening above the deeper level (Fig. 168).
- Another, less obvious, manner in which salt can
reduce the gravity potential is by proximal
subsidence into a thick salt layer and distal
inflation of the salt layer (second panel in Fig.
172 and Fig. 173). Typically, the inflated salt
breaks through a thin overburden and advances
basinward as an allochthonous nappe (Fig. 172),
rafting along the overburden and thrusting it
over its sub-nappe equivalents (Fig. 173). Distal
inflation and nappe extrusion was first observed
in the Angolan deepwater, where the toe of the
system is marked by massive salt with a thin
condensed section representing the entire
post-salt interval, and the last 20-30 km of this
salt is a nappe that ramps up basinward (Figs.
174 and 175). More recently, both inflation and
distal nappes were recognized in the northern GoM
deepwater. Figure 176 is a restoration of a cross
section through part of the Mississippi Fan
foldbelt that shows that the section immediately
above the salt is thinner than out in front of
the salt due to early inflation. Moreover, the
salt underlying a frontal fold in the same
foldbelt is not actually cored by salt at the
autochthonous (late Middle Jurassic) level, but
by salt that is ramping up to a level within the
Lower Cretaceous (Fig. 177). The extent of this
nappe as mapped by F. Peel is shown in Figure
178, who interprets it along the entire foldbelt
and into Keathley Canyon, with a width ranging up
to about 50 km. Alternatively, Rowan (2001d)
showed it more discontinuous and with a maximum
width of about 20 km. An important implication of
this geometry is that much of the source rocks
may lie below the nappe, making both maturity and
charge higher-risk.
23- In offshore Angola, inflation and nappe formation
have been more or less continuous since the time
of salt deposition, just as obvious shortening
has been. In contrast, nappe formation in the
northern GoM ended during the Cretaceous and
inflation ended variously between the Cretaceous
and the Miocene. Again, so did the early
shortening event. Thus, the gravitational
instability along these margins was accommodated
near the distal salt pinchout by a combination of
salt inflation, salt extrusion, rafting of the
overburden, and contractional folding. - We have seen that deepwater, salt-cored foldbelts
are typically characterized by a combination of
symmetrical detachment folds, sometimes cut by
relatively minor reverse faults (Fig. 179a). The
folds are usually polyharmonic because of the
increasing overburden thickness with time.
Shortening is also accommodated by the squeezing
of diapirs (Fig. 179a, b) and the squeezing and
inflation of distal salt massifs and the
extrusion of salt from the distal pinchout (Fig.
179b). What is normally not found are structural
styles where faulting dominates over folding
(Fig. 179c). The reason is that the distal salt
inflation usually provides sufficient salt to
continue filling fold cores even when salt
started out thin, so that faulting remains only a
minor component of the deformation.
- To wrap up this section on distal contraction, we
examine a case study and introduce a new wrinkle.
The GoM example shows a complex pattern of
extensional, contractional, and strike-slip
structures controlled by a polygonal network of
remnant Louann salt and scattered diapirs. Figure
180 - shows the distribution of shallow salt bodies in
southeastern Mississippi Canyon that include
isolated diapirs to the east and a canopy to the
west. The early - history of the area is shown in two maps. During
the Late Jurassic through Oligocene, evacuation
of the Louann salt formed a series of early
minibasins (Fig. 181). One of these (in the NW)
was an expulsion rollover structure, but the
others had more three-dimensional salt movement,
with salt moving into and inflating a number of
salt plateaus and ridges (Fig. 181). These
plateaus subsequently collapsed during the early
to mid Miocene, possibly triggered by some
basinward translation of the overburden, forming
new minibasins with turtle structures as salt
moved into diapirs (Fig. 182). By the end of the
middle Miocene, there was an established
architecture of welded minibasins of different
ages separated by a polygonal pattern of remnant
Louann salt ridges, with diapirs located above
the ridge intersections.
24- B. Vendeville has modeled the effects of
shortening on this type of architecture. Figure
184 shows the initial configuration of
minibasins, a polygonal network of salt ridges,
and diapirs (top) and the geometry after
shortening (bottom). The minibasins, as the
strongest elements, moved rigidly while the
diapirs and salt ridges localized the
contractional strain (Figs. 184 and 185). Diapirs
were squeezed, forming vertical welds, and
contractional structures formed over the ridges
(Fig. 185). What is only subtly apparent in the
figures is that some of the structures
accommodated strike-slip or transpressional
movement. Moreover, some of the minibasins
rotated about vertical axes, so that deformation
on one flank could range from contractional to
strike-slip to extensional. - Going back to our GoM example, we can see that
the Miocene deformation comprises a mix of
contractional, strike-slip, and extensional
faults and folds located over the salt ridges,
just as in the analog models (Fig. 186).
Moreover, during the main upper Miocene
shortening event, the existing diapirs extruded
salt tongues laterally, even though surrounding
minibasins were welded. This could only have
happened by squeezing of the diapirs again, as
in the models (Fig. 185).
Squeezing of diapirs
Nappe extrusion
Figure 152. Ways in which distal shortening can
be accommodated (Rowan et al., 2003b).
26Figure 153. Location of the Perdido foldbelt in
the northwestern GoM just landward of the
basinward pinchout of the Louann salt.
27Figure 155. Plan-view images of the same model
showing the progression of folding basinward as
the slope progrades (Rowan et al., 2003b model
by B. Vendeville). The red line is the shelf
28Base Louann salt
Figure 156. Cascading detachment folds in the
Perdido foldbelt, northwestern GoM (Hall et al.,
29Figure 157. Map of the Perdido foldbelt showing a
regular spacing of elongate anticlines (Rowan et
al., 2000c).
30Figure 158. Line from the Espirito Santo basin in
Brazil showing small-wavelength early folds
overprinted by larger-wavelength later folds
(courtesy of C. Fiduk and CGG).
31Figure 159. Map of part of the Mississippi Fan
foldbelt showing a more variable geometry with
shorter fold lengths, oblique fold trends, and
diapirs along some of the folds (Rowan and Peel,
2003 map by F. Peel).
32Figure 160. Section A (see Fig. 159) with
symmetric detachment fold early growth geometry
(3) is symmetrical, whereas late fold geometry is
asymmetric, with strata truncated on the backlimb
(1) onlapping the same unconformity on the
forelimb (2) (Rowan and Peel, 2003).
33Figure 161. Section C (see Fig. 159) with
asymmetric fold geometry superposed on older,
small-wavelength deformation (4) (Rowan and Peel,
34Figure 162. Section E (see Fig. 159) with complex
fold/fault geometry (Rowan and Peel, 2003).
35Figure 164. Map of the Mississippi Fan foldbelt
showing older, Cretaceous structures (grey lines)
with a different trend in the eastern part of the
area (Rowan et al., 2000c).
36Figure 165. Series of seismic profiles across the
fold structure that includes the Green Knoll
diapir (Rowan et al., 2001a). Note that Green
Knoll is interpreted as a squeezed diapir with a
weld that has been reactivated as a reverse
37Figure 170. Model for the development of the
high-angle reverse fault by squeezing of a
preexisting diapir and reactivation of the weld
during shortening (modified from Rowan et al.,
2000a) a basement step can help but is not
38Figure 171. Simplified model that shows
shortening being accommodated by a combination of
folding and the squeezing of preexisting diapirs
salt extruded from the squeezed stocks
amalgamates to form an allochthonous canopy which
can then serve as a shallower detachment for
gravitational failure and the development of
linked systems of extension and contraction
(Rowan et al., 2001a).
39Figure 174. Squashed seismic profile and cross
section on the Angolan slope showing inflated
salt massif and allochthonous nappe at toe, both
a measure of shortening in response to updip
extension (Marton et al., 2000).
40Figure 176. Depth section and restoration of a
profile from the Mississippi Fan foldbelt showing
early inflation of the Louann salt in Restoration
1 (Rowan et al., 2003b interpretation and
restoration by F. Peel).
41Figure 178. Interpreted extent of the
autochthonous Louann salt and the Mesozoic
allochthonous nappe (courtesy of BHP Billiton and
F. Peel).
42Figure 179. Summary cartoon of the typical
structural styles in salt-detached foldbelts
note that the thin-salt example is rare because
distal salt is usually inflated (Rowan et al.,
43Figure 184. Experimental models in which (top)
subsidence of elliptical minibasins created a
polygonal pattern of remnant salt ridges with
diapirs (black) at the intersections and
(bottom) the diapirs and salt ridges localized
later contractional strain (courtesy of B.
model by B. Vendeville
44Figure 185. Pre-shortening cross section (top)
showing minibasins and diapirs post-shortening
cross section and model (middle and bottom)
showing squeezed diapirs, vertical welds, thrust
faults, and folds (courtesy of B. Vendeville).
model by B. Vendeville
45- Shale-detached foldbelts
- Before moving on, it is worth making a brief
comparison between passive margin foldbelts
detached on salt and those detached on shale. The
first point is one we have already seen, namely
that viscous detachments (salt or highly
overpressured shale) lead to symmetrical
detachment folds, whereas brittle detachments
(normal shale) lead to asymmetric,
thrust-dominated structures (Fig. 188). Two
end-member cases are illustrated in Figure 189,
where the symmetrical style in the Mexican Ridges
foldbelt suggests relatively weak shale and the
asymmetric, imbricate stack in the Para-Maranhao
basin suggests relatively strong shale. A
combined scenario is evident in the Niger Delta,
where frontal structures are dominated by
basinward-vergent thrusts but more landward
structures are more symmetrical (Fig. 190). That
this is a function of the amount of overpressure
(and thus strength) can be seen by the velocity
push-down beneath the symmetrical structures.
- Another difference between salt- and
shale-detached foldbelts concerns the onset of
deformation. Translation above salt typically
begins immediately after salt deposition because
of the weakness of salt, even at the surface.
However, shale-detached foldbelts typically have
a relatively thick prekinematic section (Figs.
189 and 190) because deformation begins only when
the shale is buried enough to develop enough
overpressure. Finally, whereas salt-detached
foldbelts are located at the toe of the salt and
the toe of slope, shale-detached foldbelts
gradually advance basinward as the slope
progrades and the degree of overpressure
correspondingly increases (Fig. 191). However,
out-of-sequence thrusting and folding is common
as shales in the fold cores periodically build up
pressure and de-water, so that strength varies
over time (Fig. 192).
46Frictional (strong) detachment
Viscous (weak) detachment
Models by B. Vendeville
Figure 188. Experimental models (by B.
Vendeville) of shortening showing asymmetric,
fault-dominated style when detachment is
frictional (shale) and symmetric, fold-dominated
style when detachment is viscous (salt or highly
overpressured shale) (Rowan et al., 2003b).
47Figure 189. Seismic profiles of shale-detached
foldbelts (top) Mexican Ridges foldbelt with
symmetrical folds and (bottom) Para-Maranhao
basin with asymmetric thrusts (Rowan et al.,
48Figure 190. Seismic profile and cross section
(interpretation by F. Peel) in the Niger Delta
showing asymmetric frontal structures and
symmetric landward structures velocity pushdown
beneath the symmetric folds indicates a high
degree of overpressure (Rowan et al., 2003b).
- Allochthonous salt is defined as sheetlike salt
bodies emplaced at stratigraphic levels above the
autochthonous (evaporative) salt layer (Jackson
and Talbot, 1991). It is best developed and
understood in the northern Gulf of Mexico (Fig.
193), but has also been reported from other salt
basins such as the Great Kavir of Iran, the
Yemeni Red Sea, the Precaspian Basin of
Kazhakstan, offshore west Africa, offshore
Brazil, and offshore Nova Scotia. -
- Allochthonous salt emplacement
- Allochthonous salt sheets were originally thought
to be emplaced as intrusions at the level of
neutral buoyancy. But the profile geometry of a
number of young salt sheets shows that, although
overlying strata are generally parallel to the
top salt, underlying strata are truncated by the
base salt (Fig. 194). Restoration of an intrusion
model for the Mica salt body in northeastern
Mississippi Canyon results in unrealistic
geometries (Fig. 195) in which a diapir in the
core of an eroded fold extruded salt along, and
only as far as, the unconformity, while pushing
underlying beds back down. The preferred model is
one in which a salt body at the sea floor forms a
bathymetric high that gradually expands radially
(Fig. 196) in other words, this is just a
passive diapir that is growing more laterally
than vertically. The angle of the salt-sediment
interface is primarily a function of the ratio of
salt flow rates to sedimentation rates (Fig.
197) when the two are balanced,
- the diapir grows vertically when sedimentation
rate is relatively fast or salt flow rate is
relatively slow, the diapir narrows upward and
when the ratio between salt flow and
sedimentation rates is high, the salt cannot just
stick up into the water column, so it spreads
laterally. Thus, a better restoration of the Mica
salt body shows the progressive spreading of the
salt at the surface (Fig. 198). - The base of allochthonous salt often has a
ramp-flat geometry (e.g., top of Fig. 195). The
ramps form concentric rings (Fig. 199),
demonstrating the radial spreading of the salt
(note also the radial faults). As expected, ramps
reflect periods of higher sedimentation rates
(lowstands) and flats reflect slower
sedimentation (Yeilding et al., 1995). Because
flats form during highstands, the tip of a
subhorizontal salt sheet commonly occurs at the
level of a condensed section/sequence boundary in
the adjacent minibasin. A condensed section will
often have high amplitudes, which can mislead
people into interpreting it as a weld extending
away from the salt body.
50- The model in Figure 196 and the restorations in
Figure 198 suggest that salt is growing right at
the seafloor as a bathymetric high, but is this
really the case? Clearly, actively growing
allochthonous salt creates significant
bathymetric relief (Fig. 200), but only rarely is
the salt actually exposed by far the majority
of allochthonous salt bodies have a thin,
condensed overburden. In fact, the Mica body
currently has a scarp, suggesting that it is
still growing beneath a thin overburden, rather
than inactive as suggested in Figure 198. An
examination of the various allochthonous bodies
in Figure 201 shows that some of the salt bodies
are currently active, as indicated by a
bathymetric scarp others that are buried often
show sediment thickness patterns representing a
paleo-scarp. Using these data, overburden
thicknesses above active allochthonous salt range
up to about 300 meters. - The overburden typically consists of condensed
muds and marls deposited on top of the
bathymetric high as long as the diapir was at the
surface. But as the salt spreads, the surface
area of the top salt increases, so that older
condensed section gets progressively thinned or
extended (Fig. 202). In addition, the overburden
rafts along so that it gets emplaced over
equivalent subsalt strata that are thicker and
more sand prone. Similarly, suprasalt deformation
after the salt is buried may further disrupt the
condensed section, for example by extensional
faulting (Fig. 203). The net result is
that any given well can
- encounter different relationships between the
ages of supra- and subsalt strata, from a normal
section with an interval of salt, to missing
section, to repeat section (Fig. 203). - Some, but by no means all, wells have encountered
an anomalous section beneath allochthonous salt.
This so-called gumbo zone is characterized by
older fauna, overturned strata, and local repeats
of section. It has been explained as a basal
shear zone formed by structural disruption as the
salt is emplaced (Fig. 203). However, even when
this zone is highly pressured, it is still
stronger than the salt, and the bulk, if not all,
of the relative shear takes place within the
salt. An better interpretation is that inflation
of a salt body leads to failure of the overburden
on the bathymetric scarp, with the slumped
material subsequently being overridden by the
advancing salt (Fig. 204). This is directly
analogous to the general model for the growth of
passive diapirs presented earlier, in which the
salt body grows by cyclical periods of burial,
inflation, failure, and salt break-through. An
example of slumps at the margin of a salt-related
bathymetric high is seen at the Mica salt body
(Fig. 205). Some salt bodies have so-called
Christmas-tree stuctures, which are wedges of
opaque reflectivity at the edges of diapirs that
correlate with condensed sections in the adjacent
basins (Fig. 206). These wedges may be local
extrusions of salt at times of slow sedimentation
(salt wings) or they may be slumps of the
overburden and even salt occurring at the same
time because bathymetric relief builds up during
51- Although small-scale ramps and flats are usually
explained by variations in sedimentation rate,
there are more diverse explanations for the
larger-scale extrusion of allochthonous salt.
First, a significant decrease in sedimentation
rates, for example when there is a major avulsion
of the sediment source, should result in lateral
flow if the diapirs are still being fed from a
source layer being loaded by existing minibasins.
Second, a significant increase in sedimentation
rates and the associated load will drive more
rapid salt flow and thus lateral extrusion. Just
such a regional correlation between major updip
depocenters and the timing of canopy formation
was proposed for the northern Gulf of Mexico
(Fig. 207). But it is not just vertical loading
that increases when there are major depocenters.
These depositional events also cause gravity
spreading, which in turn will squeeze existing
diapirs and drive salt extrusion. The link
between shortening and salt extrusion is very
clear in Figure 208 the salt was extruded during
the growth interval on the contractional fold
and, more importantly, extrusion stopped at
exactly the time that shortening stopped. Thus,
the regional link between large sediment loads
and canopy formation (Fig. 207) may actually
reflect increased gravity spreading, i.e., the
increased lateral load on diapirs may be more
important than the increased vertical load on the
adjacent minibasins.
52Figure 193. Early regional cross section across
the Gulf Basin showing the large extent of
allochthonous salt (Worrall and Snelson, 1989).
53Figure 194. Near-surface allochthonous salt
bodies drawn at the same scale (Schultz-Ela and
Jackson, 1996). Suprasalt strata are conformable,
whereas subsalt strata are truncated. Active
bodies have bathymetric scarps over one or both
margins and buried bodies have thickness patterns
representing paleo-scarps.
54Figure 195. Depth section of the Mica salt body
and a restoration assuming that salt was intruded
into the stratigraphy (Fletcher et al., 1995).
The restoration would require that salt was
preferentially intruded along a major angular
unconformity while pushing older strata down, a
highly unlikely scenario.
55Figure 196. Model for the extrusion of a salt
glacier spreading from a bathymetric high formed
over the feeder diapir (Fletcher et al., 1995).
This is simply a passive diapir that is growing
more laterally than vertically.
56Figure 198. Better restoration of the Mica salt
body, suggesting that salt was gradually extruded
as a salt glacier at the sea floor (Fletcher et
al., 1995).
57Figure 200. Bathymetric image of a portion of the
deepwater Gulf of Mexico showing the significant
bathymetric relief over allochthonous salt
(Diegel et al., 1995).
58Figure 201. Near-surface allochthonous salt
bodies. Note that some bodies have bathymetric
scarps and some have paleo-scarps that are now
buried, showing that the maximum overburden
thickness while the salt was active was about
300m (Schultz-Ela and Jackson, 1996).
59Figure 202. Salt glacier model, this time with
overburden that gets stretched/faulted as the
upper surface area of the salt body increases
(modified from Fletcher et al., 1995).
60Figure 203. Composite, model cross section of an
allochthonous salt body showing a suprasalt
condensed section, a proposed subsalt shear zone,
and wells that penetrated different stratigraphy
depending on the relationships between suprasalt
and subsalt deformation (Harrison and Patton,
61Figure 205. Image of the seabed just above the
Mica salt body showing slumps along the
bathymetric slump (courtesy of BP and C.
courtesy of C. Yielding and BP
62Figure 206. Seismic profile with large vertical
exaggeration showing Christmas-tree structure at
the edge of a diapir representing either slumps
or lateral salt extrusion during times of slow
sedimentation (courtesy of BP and C. Yeilding).
63- Allochthonous canopies
- There are different types of allochthonous salt
systems made up of three basic components,
although it should be remembered that these are
end-member models (Fig. 209). An asymmetric salt
tongue has a basinward-leaning feeder, usually
welded, and a subhorizontal tongue that is
extruded basinward. A more symmetrical
bulb-shaped salt stock spreads radially from a
vertical feeder. A salt nappe extrudes basinward
from the distal depositional edge of the salt.
Individual tongues and stocks may amalgamate to
form salt-tongue and salt-stock canopies,
respectively (Fig. 210). The surface along which
two individual tongues or stocks merge is called
a salt suture. Sutures may be vertical and
located at a stratigraphic high in the base salt
where salt extruded from two different directions
met (Fig. 211). Alternatively, sutures may be
dipping when the two salt bodies had similar or
overlapping extrusion directions (Fig. 212). In
the latter case, the suture is often marked by a
dipping zone of high amplitudes within the merged
salt body that represents the condensed section
originally deposited on top of the lower salt and
now incorporated into the canopy. Although these
zones are discrete in a young canopy, salt flow
during subsequent withdrawal and diapirism or
gravitational failure of the overburden will
disrupt the condensed section and disperse exotic
blocks of old strata into the salt. Sutures are
often difficult to see directly another
indication is local sharp lows or highs just
above salt (dimples and pimples Figs. 211
and 212). Ultimately, the best indicator of
sutures is clearly-imaged subsalt truncations
that show the emplacement history of the
allochthonous salt.
64Figure 209. Basic components of allochthonous
salt (a) salt tongue, with salt extruded
basinward from a leaning feeder (b) bulb-shaped
salt stock, with salt spreading radially from a
vertical feeder and (c) salt nappe, with salt
gradually ramping up and basinward with no local
65Figure 210. Individual salt tongues or stocks can
amalgamate to form canopies with multiple subsalt
feeders (Jackson and Talbot, 1991).
66Figure 211. Pre-stack depth-migrated seismic line
showing two sutures in a salt canopy (data
courtesy of Veritas and L. Liro and M. Kadri).
Note the suprasalt contractional structure over
the left, vertical suture.
67Figure 212. Pre-stack depth-migrated seismic line
showing a dipping suture marked by high-amplitude
reflectors representing the condensed section of
the lower salt body (data courtesy of Veritas and
L. Liro and M. Kadri). Note the dimple above
the top of the suture.
68- Salt-tongue systems
- Salt tongues form when a basinward-leaning diapir
extrudes salt laterally. The extrusion is
asymmetric, so that the feeder is located at the
landward edge of the tongue (Fig. 213). A nice
example from the Precaspian basin is shown in
Figure 214. Work from the northern GoM suggests
that tongues can evolve in two end-member styles
stepped counterregional, in which a subhorizontal
weld connect two counterregional
(landward-dipping) features or roho, in which
basinward-dipping listric growth faults sole into
the subhorizontal weld (Fig. 213). -
- Stepped counterregional
- The schematic evolution of a stepped
counterregional system is illustrated in Figure
215. A diapir grows up and basinward, possibly
because it is forming on the slope and thus
preferentially spreads slightly downdip. At some
point, it extrudes laterally to form the tongue,
with the eventual collapse of the feeder
resulting in a basinward-dipping and thickening
growth wedge in the hanging wall of the
counterregional weld. Evacuation of the tongue
occurs in two stages (1) initial vertical
subsidence, usually over the landward portion of
the tongue, with basinward thinning and onlap
onto the salt and (2) progressive basinward
rollover as the salt moves up into a
basinward-leaning diapir, creating a
basinward-dipping and thickening monoclinal
growth wedge. In other words, this is identical
to an expulsion rollover but takes place above
allochthonous salt instead of the primary salt.
- An example of a mature stepped counterregional
system is shown in two profiles, one through a
shallow dome (Fig. 216) and one just several
miles away where there is a counterregional fault
instead of the secondary dome (Fig. 217). The
subhorizontal weld represents the evacuated salt
tongue-canopy. In map view, these systems
comprise one or more elliptical salt domes with
counterregional faults connecting the domes and
extending laterally away from them (Fig. 218).
Modern data show that the counterregional faults
are arcuate, curving into being tangential with
the landward edges of the domes. The orange/brown
area on the map denotes the areal extent of the
subhorizontal weld, i.e., the original
salt-tongue canopy. The feeders to this
two-tongue canopy were located where the weld
dips off to the NW and NE. - Restoration of a profile across two stepped
counterregional systems (the basinward one is
that in Figs. 216-218 and the landward one is the
Terrebonne Trough) shows how steep diapirs first
form salt tongues (Fig. 219). Evacuation of each
tongue creates a growth wedge in the hanging wall
of what looks like a landward-dipping normal
fault. However, these are not true faults over
most of their length, but instead are salt welds
that accommodated subsidence into the tongues
(again, just as in expulsion rollover
structures). Thus, counterregional fault is a
misleading term because there is little, if any,
real extension these are evacuation structures.
The salt evacuated from the plane of the cross
section moves laterally into the isolated salt
domes that occur along the counterregional fault
trend (Fig. 218).
69- Roho
- The schematic evolution of the roho style of salt
evacuation is illustrated in Figure 220. Here,
two salt tongues are shown to amalgamate to form
a subhorizontal salt-tongue canopy. Evacuation
proceeds by the development of basinward-dipping
listric faults that sole into the salt sheet,
with landward-dipping and thickening growth
wedges in their hanging walls. Displaced salt
moves laterally and basinward where it is
extruded to form diapirs or shallower tongues.
The deformation is driven by gravity gliding or
spreading above the allochthonous detachment. - Dip and strike profiles through a roho system
from northern Mississippi Canyon are illustrated
in Figures 221 and 222, respectively. The dip
profile shows several deep, landward-dipping
welds representing evacuated feeder diapirs from
the Louann level. The sheet is subhorizontal over
much of its length before it ramps up basinward
the strike line shows that it also ramps up
slightly at both edges. A family of listric
growth faults sole in the remnant salt or weld.
These faults and the associated basins generally
young in a basinward direction (Fig. 223).
- The map view shows that the roho system is
elongate in a downdip direction (Fig. 224). It
has extensional growth faults above the landward
portion, local contractional toe structures along
the basinward edge, and strike-slip structures
along the margins, all indicating basinward
translation of the overburden. Roho systems are
effectively large submarine slumps detached on
salt-tongue canopies. A small, recent equivalent
is shown in Figure 225, where the overburden
above a shallow salt tongue has slid basinward.
The eastern margin of another is shown in a time
slice and serial profiles (Fig. 226) the
overall fault trend is parallel to regional dip
and the structure in places is that of a flower
structure. - Restoration of the profile in Figure 221 shows
how several salt tongues amalgamated to form the
canopy and how evacuation of the canopy caused
further basinward extrusion (Fig. 227). Basinward
translation of the overburden totaled some 25 km
on a sheet of 50 km length. This translation was
balanced only partly by contraction at the toe
(Fig. 224) most of the translation was taken up
by lateral movement into the salt, extrusion of
that salt, and contractional uplift and erosion
of the overburden (Fig. 227).
70- Comparison
- The evolution of some salt tongues into stepped
counterregional systems and others into roho
systems may be explained in part by the loading
history above the allochthonous salt. But a more
important factor is the downdip length of the
salt sheet (F. Diegel, as quoted in Schuster,
1995). A relatively long sheet will have enough
gravity head to cause gravity spreading,
basinward translation of the overburden, and
roho-style evacuation, whereas the overburden
above a short sheet will not move laterally and
thus forms a counterregional system. This is
supported by a regional map (Fig. 228), where
isolated tongues evolved as stepped
counterregional systems and larger sheets (long
in the dip direction) developed roho systems.
Published explanations in which stepped
counterregional systems develop on the shelf and
roho systems develop on the slope are
demonstrably wrong.
- This explanation for the distinction between
stepped counterregional and roho systems can help
interpretations in areas where the data are
equivocal. For example, there are many cases in
the GoM deepwater where two deep welds are
separated by a shallow dome, and it is unclear
whether they are connected or not (Fig. 229). If
shortening is observed over the basinward tongue,
the two are probably connected because a longer
detachment is needed to allow basinward
translation (roho system). In contrast, if
shortening is confined to the landward tongue or
the basinward tongue has counterregional-style
evacuation, they are likely to be separate. In
this case, the shortening on the landward tongue
marks the toe of one canopy and the basinward
tongue is an isolated stepped counterregional
system. One reason why this is important is that
the latter scenario provides a direct migration
pathway from the deep source rocks, whereas the
former scenario requires that hydrocarbons move
through a weld in order to charge shallower
71Figure 213. Evolution of an allochthonous salt
tongue into either a roho system or a stepped
counterregional system (Schuster, 1995).
72Figure 214. Time-migrated seismic line from the
Precaspian Basin showing a subhorizontal salt
tongue fed from a leaning weld. The yellow
horizon marks the transition from strata that
thin onto the salt/weld to strata that thicken
into the salt/weld.
73Figure 215. Model evolution of a stepped
counterregional system (modified from Schuster,
74Figure 216. Time-migrated seismic profile through
a stepped counterregional system on the Louisiana
shelf (Schuster, 1995).
75Figure 217. Time-migrated seismic profile located
just a few kilometers from that in Figure 216,
showing that the secondary stock has been
replaced by a counterregional fault (Schuster,
76Figure 219. Restoration of a cross section with
two stepped counterregional systems (Schuster,
1995). Note that apparent extensional offset of
horizons on either side of the counterregional
faults is actually caused by vertical
subsidence into salt with no lateral translation.
77Figure 220. Model evolution of a roho system
(modified from Schuster, 1995).
78Figure 224. Map view of the roho system of
Figures 221 and 222 (Schuster, 1995).
Allochthonous salt is in green and the
allochthonous weld is in orange/brown.
79Figure 225. Image and interpretation of a
near-seabed horizon over a recently developed
roho system, showing a linked system of
extension, contraction, and strike-slip
deformation as the overburden above a salt tongue
slid basinward (Peel et al., 1995).
80Figure 227. Restoration of the profile from
Figure 221, showing the emplacement and
amalgamation of salt tongues and the subsequent
evolution of the roho system (Schuster, 1995).
This is what you see How do you interpret?
possible charge
If you see shortening here, the tongues are more
likely to be connected (part of roho system) with
continuous salt/weld
If you see shortening here or counter- regional
style withdrawal here, the tongues are more
likely to be separated (toe of roho and basinward
stepped counterregional style)
Figure 229. Using observed geometries to help
distinguish between a connected canopy or
isolated canopies.
82- Salt-stock systems
- Bulb-shaped salt stocks may coalesce to form a
salt-stock canopy. The growth and subsequent
collapse of such a canopy is illustrated in
Figure 230. Diapirs grow vertically while
expanding radially. If there is enough salt and
the diapirs are not too far apart, the stocks
will amalgamate, creating a canopy with
significant structural relief of the base salt.
In three dimensions, the base salt looks like an
irregular egg carton, so that any 2-D profile can
look quite different from nearby profiles. Note
that subhorizontal stratal cutoffs at the base
salt show that the relief is not secondary, i.e.,
due to deeper deformation. At some point, the
bathymetrically high diapirs collapse, thereby
initiating minibasin formation. This collapse may
be caused by local gravity spreading after the
source layer is depleted, shutting off the salt
fountain (as shown in Fig. 230). Alternatively,
it may be caused by deep-seated extensional
widening of the feeder (diapir fall) even before
the source layer is depleted. In any case,
evacuation of the bulb-shaped stocks is typically
a two-stage process (1) initial vertical
subsidence until local touch-down and weld
formation and (2) rotational collapse, either
landward in the hanging wall of a ramp fault or
basinward in a counterregional style. Salt
displaced from the stocks forms diapirs and
tongues over the highs in the base salt or at the
margins of the canopy.
- Four real examples showing different stages of
salt-stock evacuation are shown in Figure 231,
and the bathymetric relief over a young canopy
and isolated stocks is illustrated in Figure 232.
A completely evacuated stock has dipping
suprasalt strata separated by a dipping weld from
horizontal subsalt strata (Fig. 233) in three
dimensions, this weld is bowl shaped. Restoration
of this stock shows vertical and then rotational
subsidence of a minibasin while the evacuated
salt was extruded into a flanking salt tongue
with diapir (Fig. 234). A map from the outer
Louisiana shelf shows three evacuated stocks with
tabular salt in between where they amalgamated
(Fig. 235). The map also shows the salt-stock
canopy bordered to the west by a roho system. The
roho overburden moved basinward, but the
salt-stock canopy overburden did not because of
the structural relief on the base salt (the
ultimate detachment), so that the connecting,
NW-dipping weld accommodated sinistral
strike-slip movement. - The basinward margin of the southernmost
evacuated stock in Figure 235 is bounded by a
landward-dipping fault due to the counterregional
style of evacuation. Another common style
commonly seen is where the minibasin rotates
landward in the hanging wall of a
basinward-dipping fault (Fig. 236, left). These
so-called ramp faults are highly arcuate, curving
around the updip margins of the evacuated stock.
83- The geometry and evolution presented so far is
for a true salt-stock canopy, where the canopy
forms while salt is still moving up from the deep
source layer (Fig. 230). An alternative that
produces a similar final geometry is the apparent
salt-stock canopy (Fig. 237). In this case, the
source layer is depleted or the diapirs fall
before amalgamation and canopy formation it is
salt evacuated from the collapsing stocks that
eventually merges to form the highs in the base
salt or equivalent weld. There are two key
differences between the two models. First, there
is never as much salt in the system in apparent
canopies. Second, the age relationships between
supra- and subsalt strata are very different. In
true canopies (Fig. 230), the suprasalt strata
are all younger than the adjacent subsalt strata
(ignoring a thin condensed section that was
originally above the diapir but is now at the
base of the minibasin) in apparent canopies
(Fig. 237), there is an overlap in age between
the oldest suprasalt strata and the youngest
subsalt strata. Both styles exist, and there is
no way to tell the difference geometrically age
control is required.
- There is some uncertainty as to what happens to
the roots of vertical stocks after the salt is
evacuated into shallower levels and the source
layer is depleted. Seismic profiles often show
keels in the base salt (Fig. 238), but is there
actually a remaining root connecting the canopy
to the autochthonous layer? Inclined diapirs can
become completely welded out simply by vertical
subsidence (e.g., Fig. 220), but this cannot
happen in vertical diapirs. We have already seen
that a vertical stock can be squeezed during
contraction, thereby forming a vertical weld
(Fig. 239 see also the example of Fig. 168). But
is it possible to form a vertical weld without
contraction, i.e., by collapse of surrounding
strata into the evacuating feeder? Just such an
origin has been proposed for Upheaval Dome in the
Paradox Basin of Utah (Fig. 240). But this
requires concentric normal faults and radial
reverse faults (Fig. 241), a pattern that has
not, to my knowledge, been observed on seismic
data. Moreover, such an evacuation of a root
relies purely on a density drive for the salt
flow, because there is no differential pressure
on the salt once the source layer is welded. It
is more likely that, in the absence of
contractional squeezing, vertical roots remain in
place below evacuating stocks (see Figs. 230 and
237). Some of the best modern 3-D, pre-stack
depth-migrated data are now showing just this,
for example in the case of the Thunder Horse
diapir (Pfau et al., 2002).
84Figure 230. Model evolution of a true salt-stock
canopy, in which salt spreads radially from
vertical feeders and amalgamates (modified from
Rowan, 1995). Subsequent collapse of the stocks
leads to replacement of the salt by elliptical
minibasins. Note that deep evacuation structures,
such as turtles, are not shown.
85Figure 231. Seismic examples showing different
stages in the evolution of salt stocks, from
unevacuated (upper left) to mostly evacuated
(lower right) (Hodgkins and OBrien, 1994).
86Figure 233. Time-migrated seismic profile showing
an evacuated salt stock, bounded by dipping
welds, now replaced by a young minibasin (Rowan,
87Figure 234. Depth section and restoration of the
same feature, showing how the stock was gradually
replaced by the minibasin as salt was extruded
into the adjacent salt tongue and secondary
diapir (Rowan, 1995).
88Figure 240. Proposed pinch-off of a vertical
diapir at Upheaval Dome in the Paradox Basin
(Jackson et al., 1998).