Title: Un Da en la Playa
1Un DÃa en la Playa
2Hoy nosotros vamos a ir a la playa,mi abuela, mi
abuelo y yo.
- Were going to the beach today, grandma,
- grandpa, and me.
3Nosotros nos a divertido el sol ycorer en la
- We will have fun in the sun and run on the beach.
4Mi abuela dijo, Conseguir las mantas, sillas y
la sombrilla.
- My grandma said, Get the blanket, chairs, and
5Mi abuelo dijo, Yo voya conseguir la nevera con
bebidas y bocadillos.
- My grandpa said, Ill get the cooler with the
drinks and sandwiches.
6Yo quiero traer mi cometa y el balde la arena
castillos de arena.
- I wanted to bring my kite and sand buckets to
make sandcastles.
7La arena estaba caliente y senti raro entre los
dedos de los pies.
- The sand was hot and felt funny between my toes.
8Habia un hombre vendiendo la salchicha, asi que
mi abuelo y yo fuimos a comprar unos cuantos.
- There was a man selling hotdogs, so grandma and I
went to get some.
9Mi abuelo se cayó en la arena, pero se lo quite
en el agua.
- Grandpas fell in the sand, but I washed it off
in the water.
10Yo quise poner la sombrilla, pero mi abuelo tuvo
que ayudarme.
- I wanted to set up the umbrella, but grandpa had
to help.
11Mi abuelo coloco las sillas para sentarnos.
- Grandma set up the chairs for them to sit in.
12Me gusta caminar en la arena mojada y salir mis
- I like to walk through the wet sand and leave my
13Mi abuelo dijo que no podia volar mi cometa
porque habia demasiada gente.
- Grandpa said I couldnt fly my kite because there
were too many people.
14Pero estaba bien porque yo hacer un castillo de
arena para mis abuelos.
- That was alright because I was going to build a
cool sandcastle for grandma and grandpa.
15Perollegó una ola lo lavo el mar.
- Butin came a wave and washed it out to sea.
16Abuela, ven a mirar! Encontre una estrella que
habÃa lavado nuestra sombrilla.
- Grandma come look! I found a starfish that had
washed up by our umbrella.
17Nostros vimos al gunas conchas bonitas, recogi
una para mi abuela, pero comienzo movimiento
- We saw some nice seashells, I even picked one
out for grandma, but then it started to move..a
18Habia muchas cosas que ver en la playa.
- There were many things to see at the beach.
19Habia cachones tratando a coger una ola.
- There were surfers trying to catch a wave.
20Habia un grupo de gente riendose y divertimiento
jugando el voleibol.
- There was a group of people laughing and having
fun playing volleyball.
21Yo vi dos perros jugando en el agua.
- I saw two dogs playing in the water.
22Habia dos pajaros blancos en la arena y parecia
que estaban bailando.
- There were two white birds on the sand and it
looked like they were dancing.
23Habia un barco la orilla y un hombre pescando en
la orilla.
- There was a boat that washed ashore, and a man
fishing by the edge of the water.
24Yo vi dos caballos caminando directo del agua.
- I even saw two horses walking through the water.
25Se estaba haciendo tarde y el salvavidas agotado
que su casa.
- It was getting late and the lifeguard must have
gone home.
26El sol se estaba poniendo.
- The sun was starting to set.
27Y yo estaba cansado, asi que mi abuelo dijo lome
jores ir nos a casa.
- And I was getting tired, so grandpa said we
better go home.
28Yo tu ve un dÃa fabuloso en la playa, solo mi
abuela, mi abuelo y yo.
- I had a great day at the beach, just grandma,
grandpa, and me.