Title: Introduction to Robotics
1Introduction to Robotics
2What is a Robot?
- Robot derives from the Czech word robota
- forced labor slavery
- Robot Industry Association
- A re-programmable, multi-functional manipulator
designed to move material, parts, tools, or
specialized devices through variable programmable
motions for the performance of a variety of tasks - Working definition
- physical agent that has an intelligent
connection between sensors and actuators
3Fact and Fantasy
4Two Major Types of Robots
- Industrial Robots
- Operates in a stable and known environment
- Fixed or limited mobility
- Relatively simple control program
- Mobile Robots
- Operates in the real world
- Mobile!
- Requires a high degree of autonomy
5ASEA IRB L6/2(Industrial)
- Description
- Industrial Robot
- Five axis
- Payload of 13 lbs
- Repeatability .2mm
- Horizontal reach 1229mm
- Used for
- Part handling
- Tool manipulation
- Assembly
6Athlete Robot(Mobile)
- Description
- Mobile Robot
- 6-DOF legs
- Payload of 450 kg
- Used for
- Moving payloads across rough terrain
7Why Robots?
- The 3 Ds
- Dirty
- Dull
- Dangerous
8Focus This Semester
- AI as applied to Robotics
- Control Paradigms
- Behavior-based systems
- Knowledge Representation
- Sensing
- Multi-robot Systems
- Path planning/Navigation
Algorithm development, software design, and
artificial intelligence techniques as applied to
the study of Robotics
9What we wont focus on
- Kinematics/Dynamics
- Basic algorithms and data structures some
coverage - A mechanical engineering approach
- Traditional Control
- PID feedback no coverage
- Sensors and electrical subsystems some coverage
- An electrical engineering approach
- Cognitive Sciences
- HCI systems no coverage
- A psychological approach
10Robot Applications
- Manufacturing
- Dangerous Environments
- Cleaning pipes/pools
- Rescue robots
- Nuclear power plants
- Underwater recovery
- Home Robots
- Lawn mowing
- Vacuum cleaning
11Rescue Robots
A team of researchers from USF took robots to the
WTC to assist in the search-and-rescue mission
12Home Robots
13Primitive Robotic Functions
- The function of acquiring information from the
environment - bump sensors, optical sensors
- The function of determining high-level tasks to
accomplish - Various AI techniques
- The function of producing low-level actuator
commands - Turn on motor one for .5 seconds
14Basic Issues in Robotics
- How to SENSE
- How to PLAN
- How to ACT
15Robotic Paradigms
- Paradigm
- A philosophy or set of assumptions which
characterize an approach to solving a class of
problems - Hierarchical (1967 1990)
- Top-Down/Closed World/Monolithic/Global
Data/Plan-based - Reactive (1988 1992)
- Bottom-Up/Simple primitive acts/Open World/No
Planning/Emergent Behavior - Hybrid deliberative/reactive (1992-Present)
- Combination of above two approaches
16What are Robots Made Of?
- Sensors
- cameras
- ranged finders
- touch sensors
- Computer
- embedded controller and microprocessor
- Actuators
- wheels or legs
- manipulators (gripper or hand)
17Inchy the Robot
- Autonomous 1 inch robot
- Three NiMH batteries give 20 minute life
- Two synchronous 5mm motors
- Four infrared proximity sensors
18Jemmy the Robot
- Autonomous 1 inch robot
- Embedded PIC controller
- Two synchronous 3mm motors
- Four passive infrared sensors
- Winner of the International Microbot Maze Contest
in 1997
19A Brief History of Robotics
- 1940s
- First remove manipulators for hazardous
substances - 1950s
- Industrial manipulators
- Closed loop control (an electrical engineering
20A Brief History of Robotics
- 1955
- AI techniques are discovered
- 1960s
- Manufacturing robots
- Automatic guided vehicles
- Precise, repeatable movement
- 1970s
- Planetary landers
- Machine vision expands
21A Brief History of Robotics
- 1980
- Black Factory
- First AI robot Shakey
- 1985
- Reactive based robotics emerge
- 1990s
- Hybrid reactive/deliberative
221953 Gray Walters Tortoise
- Light-seeking robot
- Go toward weak light
- Go away from strong light
- Rechargeable battery
231953 Gray Walters Tortoise
- Steering motor on front wheel
- Driving motor on rear wheels
- Two vacuum tubes for control
- One photocell
- One bump sensor
24The Hierarchical Paradigm(The classical AI
- The components are FUNCTIONS
- Perception
- Learning
- Planning
- Sense-Plan-Act
- Interpret the sensors
- Model the world
- Plan
- Execute the plan
25Shakey (1967)
- First AI robot
- Used STRIPS planning system
- Also used first-order logic theorem prover
26Reactive Paradigm(The behavior based approach)
- The components are BEHAVIORS
- Avoid obstacles
- Explore
- Follow light
- Reflexive control
- Each behavior model is a reflex agent that
directly maps sensed input to output - Some type of high-level resolution mechanism is
used if behaviors conflict
- Valentino Breitenberg (1984) developed his
Breitenberg Vehicles - Purely reactive systems
- Excitatory sensors () and Inhibitory sensors (-)
28Hybrid Systems
- Reacts when it can and plans when it must
- Most modern robots utilize this paradigm
29Basic Issues in AI
- Learning
- The ability to adjust behavior from examining
past history - Planning/Problem Solving
- Given information about the environment, what do
I do? - Inference
- Gaining information from incomplete data
- Natural language
- Understand spoken commands
- Knowledge Representation
- Data structures to represent information and
support reasoning - Search
- Efficient search of available actions to
determine the best one - Computer Vision
- Interpret information contained in a rasterized
digital image
30DARPA Challenge
- DARPA conducted a challenge of autonomous ground
vehicles between Los Angeles and Las Vegas in
2005. A cash award of 2 million was granted to
the first vehicles to complete the route within
the specified (10 hour) time limit. No human
intervention was allowed once the race begins!
- The vehicles will use a combination of
- Laser range finders
- Radar
31The Republic
- The ill-fated ship was en route from New York to
New Orleans when it sunk on October 25, 1865,
during a hurricane near Savannah, Georgia. Its
cargo included some 20,000 20 gold pieces, which
were to help fund post-war Reconstruction. While
the Republic's passengers were able to abandon
ship, its precious cargo went to the bottom. - Donald H. Kagin, author of Private Gold Coins and
Patterns of the United States, has estimated that
the treasure could be worth U.S. 120 million to
180 million dollars.
Picture and text from National Geographic web
site http//news.nationalgeographic.com/ except
for above left which is from www.nytimes.com