Title: Gas Exchange
1Gas Exchange Circulation
Chapter 4
Gas Exchange in Animals
2Why is gas exchange important?
C6H12O6 O2 ? Energy CO2 H2O
Energy CO2 H2O ? C6H12O6 O2
3How can an organism get O2 into its body?
4How can an organism get O2 into its body?
- For very small organisms, diffusion is fast
enough to supply O2. - O2 use is correlated with body mass (or volume),
but diffusion rate depends on surface area... - and larger organisms have lower surface
area/volume ratios.
5surface area/volume ratio
6How do animals get O2?
How do animals get O2?
- Diffusion alone is enough for animals up to about
1 mm thick... - depending on rate of O2 use.
- Larger, faster animals need tricks to speed up
7O2 diffuses from high concentration to low
8Speeding up diffusion
- Gases diffuse from higher to lower concentration.
- Concentraion must be lower in organism than in
environment. - Will organism get enough O2? Depends on rate of
O2 use and diffusion. - Large, active animals have tricks to speed up
9Big aquatic animals usually have gills to provide
surface area for gas exchange.
10Fish usually need more oxygen than invertebrates
they have more gill area than most invertebrates.
11Faster fish have bigger gills. index of relative
gill surface area
Mackerel 2551
Toadfish 137
12Speeding up diffusion
- Increase gill surface area have thin gill
epithelium. - Pump water across gills.
- Pump blood through gills.
13Operculum in Fish 1-way flow of water across gills
14How fish speed up diffusion ventilation
- Fish use energy to pump water across gills
(ventilation). - At low speed, opercular pumping is used.
- Counter current of blood flow over gills
15Fish gill structure
16Countercurrent exchange of O2 in gills
17Countercurrent exchange of O2 in fish gills
- Water blood flow opposite directions.
- This maximizes the concentration gradient
speeds up diffusion. - Equilibrium is never reached.