What is the Internet - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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What is the Internet


Advanced Research Project Agency. 1969 four computers connected ... green, lime, maroon, navy, olive, purple, red, silver, teal, white, and yellow ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Tags: internet | teal


Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: What is the Internet

What is the Internet?
  • Internet
  • Interconnected network of computer networks
  • ARPAnet
  • Advanced Research Project Agency
  • 1969 four computers connected
  • Use of the Internet was originally limited to
    government, research and academic use
  • 1991 Commercial ban lifted

Quick History
  • Oct. 29, 1969 - The first message (the letters
    "l" and "o") is sent over ARPANET 2 host
  • December 1969 - The University of Utah and
    University of California Santa Barbara now have
    ARPANET nodes, bringing the worldwide total to 4.
  • 1970 - ARPANET has grown to 10 nodes and 19 host
  • 1977 - ARPANET grows to 111 hosts.
  • 1982 - Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and
    Internet Protocol (IP) established as system by
    which different networks can communicate. These
    linked networks come to be known as the internet.
  • 1984 - ARPANET grows to 1,000 hosts.
  • 1989 - the World Wide Web (WWW) is created by Tim
    Berners-Lee of the European Organization for
    Nuclear Research (CERN). There are 100,000
    internet hosts worldwide
  • 1990 - ARPANET ceases to function, giving way to
    the internet.
  • 1990 - Tim Berners-Lee authors Hypertext Transfer
    Protocol (HTTP) as well as the standard for
    Hypertext Markup Language (HTML).
  • 1992 - The first audio and video are broadcast
    over the internet, which now has one million
  • 1993 - There are 15 million people online
  • 2002 - There are more than 150 million internet
    hosts and 840 million users worldwide
  • 2005 - There are more than 353 million internet
    hosts worldwide

Why Has The Internet Grown So Fast
  • Development of the World Wide Web (WWW) by Tim
    Berners-Lee at CERN
  • Built on top of the Internet to make sharing
    information even easier
  • Development of Mosaic, the first graphics-based
    web browser at NCSA
  • This created an interface to the Web that was
    easy to use just point and click instead of
    remembering text commands.
  • E-Commerce

HTML Web Pages
  • The idea of the World Wide Web and HyperText
    Markup Language (HTML) was the brainchild of Tim
    Berners-Lee in the 1980s
  • While working at the European Laboratory for
    Particle Physics (CERN), he saw that there was a
    need for CERN researchers all across Europe to
    share documents
  • He came up with the idea of Web servers and using
    hypertext language
  • In July 2004, he was knighted by Queen Elizabeth
    of England in recognition for his "services to
    the global development of the Internet" through
    his invention of the World Wide Web, a system to
    organize, link, and browse Internet pages.

The Future of the Web
  • In Weaving the Web, the Web's creator speaks his
    mind about his invention how it evolved, what
    its untapped potential is, and what his own
    personal vision is for its future.
  • His vision of the Web is something much more than
    a tool for research or communication it is a new
    way of thinking and a means to greater freedom
    and social growth than ever before possible.

HTML Web Pages
  • A Web page is a text document that contains
    additional formatting information in the
    HyperText Markup Language (HTML)
  • HTML specifies formatting within a page using
  • in its simplest form, a tag is a word or symbol
    surrounded by brackets (ltgt)
  • Heres one place of many that you learn more
    about using HTML with a tutorial
  • http//www.w3schools.com/html/html_intro.asp

  • required tags in a Web page
  • lthtmlgt and lt/htmlgt enclose the entire HTML
  • the HEAD section (enclosed between ltheadgt and
    lt/headgt) contains information that the browser
    uses to control the look of the page
  • the HEAD can contain a title for the browser
    window, enclosed between lttitlegt and lt/titlegt
  • the BODY section (enclosed between ltbodygt and
    lt/bodygt) contains the text that will appear in
    the page

lthtmlgt lt!-- demo1.html Dave Reed --gt ltheadgt
lttitlegt Title of the Page lt/titlegt lt/headgt
ltbodygt Text that appears in the page.
lt/bodygt lt/htmlgt
HTML Elements
  • tags and the text they enclose form an HTML
  • lttitlegt Title of the Page lt/titlegt is a TITLE
  • ltheadgt
  • lttitlegt Title of the Page lt/titlegt
  • lt/headgt
  • is a HEAD element (which contains a nested
    TITLE element)
  • most HTML elements have opening and closing tags,
    but not all
  • lt!-- demo1.html Dave Reed --gt is a COMMENT
  • a comment is ignored by the browser (it is not
    displayed in the web browser)
  • comments are used by the page developer to
    document page features

Text Layout
  • white space (extra spaces, tabs and blank lines)
    are ignored by the browser
  • this allows the browser to adjust the text to the
    window size
  • you can control some of the text layout using
    HTML elements
  • a PARAGRAPH element (ltpgtlt/pgt) specifies text
    surrounded by blank lines
  • a BREAK element (ltbr /gt) causes text to be
    displayed on a new line
  • the nbsp symbol forces a space to appear in the

Text Layout
Headings Alignment
  • in a large document, it is useful to divide the
    text into sections and then provide each with a
    heading describing the content that follows
  • lth1gt lt/h1gt enclose a top-level heading (large
    and bold)
  • lth2gt lt/h2gt enclose a sub-heading (slightly
    smaller and bold)
  • . . .
  • lth6gt lt/h6gt enclose the smallest sub-heading
  • the HORIZONTAL-RULE element lthr /gt draws a
    dividing line in the page

Headings Alignment
  • by default, headings and other elements are
    left-justified in the page
  • can change the alignment of an element by adding
    a style attribute that qualifies the appearance
    of the element
  • lth1 style"text-aligncenter"gt Centered Heading
  • ltp style"text-alignright"gt
  • This paragraph is right justified. Each line
    will be shifted to line up at the right margin.
  • lt/pgt

Headings Alignment
  • the DIV element groups multiple elements, so can
    be formatted together

Font Formatting
  • text can be formatted in a variety of ways
  • bold (ltbgt lt/bgt),
  • italics (ltigt lt/igt)
  • underlined (ltugt lt/ugt)
  • colored text is enclosed in
  • ltspan style"color????"gt lt/spangt
  • Where color can be any of the standard colors
  • aqua, black, blue, fuchsia, gray, green, lime,
    maroon, navy, olive, purple, red, silver, teal,
    white, and yellow

Font Formatting
  • a hyperlink, or just link, is a connection to
    another Web page
  • by default, a link appears as underlined text in
    the page
  • when the user clicks on the link, the
    corresponding page is retrieved and displayed
  • a link is specified using ANCHOR tags ltagt and
  • text that appears within the tags is displayed as
    the link in the page
  • must have an HREF attribute that specifies the
    associated Web address
  • lta href"http//www.creighton.edu"gtCreighton
  • lta href"personal.html"gtLocal Pagelt/agt
  • note the browser displays links underlined and
    in color
  • by default, links whose pages have not yet been
    visited are blue
  • by default, links whose pages have previously
    been visited are purple

  • Web pages can contain other types of media
    besides text and links
  • images are embedded in a page using an IMG tag (
    ltimg /gt )
  • similar to ltbr /gt and lthr /gt, there is no closing
    tag so it ends with a slash
  • IMG attributes
  • SRC specifies the location of the image file
  • ALT specifies alternate text that is displayed if
    the image fails to load

  • HTML lists organize items in sequence
  • ltulgtlt/ulgt enclose an unordered list
  • ltolgtlt/olgt enclose an ordered list
  • ltligtlt/ligt enclose a list item

  • a style attribute can be used to format the list

Setting the Webpage Background
  • You can set the background color of your web page
    by including
  • ltbody bgcolor colorgt
  • ltHTMLgt
  • ltHEADgt
  • lt/HEADgt
  • ltBODY bgcolor"aqua"gt
  • lth1gt Here's a colorful backgroundlt/h1gt
  • lt/BODYgt
  • lt/HTMLgt

Setting the Webpage Background
  • To set the background to a design
  • First select the gif file that you like
  • Checkout http//backgroundcity.com/
  • Save the file to a directory. Its easiest to put
    it in the same directory as your html file
  • Suppose you use a file named rainbow.gif
  • Then include the following statement in your html
  • ltBODY BACKGROUNDrainbow.gif"gt

Setting the Webpage Background
ltHTMLgt ltHEADgt lt/HEADgt ltBODY background"rainbow.gi
f"gt lth1gt Here's a colorful backgroundlt/h1gt lt/BODYgt
Setting the Webpage Background
  • Getting images from http/www.backgroundcity.com
  • Select a category
  • Decide which image you like
  • Click once on the image and a new page will open
    showing the background on a full page
  • Hit the right mouse button and select View
    Background Image
  • A new page will open showing a small version of
    the image
  • Do a right mouse click on the image and select
    Save Image As
  • When the Save Image window pops up, save the
    image with any name you like in the same
    directory as the html file that will use it

  • text can be aligned into rows and columns using a
    TABLE element
  • lttablegt and lt/tablegt encapsulate the table data
  • lttrgt and lt/trgt encapsulate a row within the table
  • lttdgt and lt/tdgt encapsulate table data within a
    row (i.e., a column entry)

Tables with Borders
  • borders can be added to tables using the border
  • the numeric value assigned to the attribute
    specifies thickness

Tables for Alignment
  • tables are commonly used to align elements in the
  • here, an image is aligned to the left of some text

Designing Web Pages Using Tables
  • Pick a layout for your website
  • Keep it simple to avoid confusion to the person
    using it
  • Then create a table with those sections
  • Possible sections for the layout include
  • Banner
  • Links to navigate
  • Main area with welcoming information

Designing Web Pages Using Tables
lthtmlgt lt!-- Using a table to help create a web
page ltheadgt lttitlegtWebpage Using a Table
lt/titlegt lt/headgt ltbodygt lttable border"0"
width"100"gt lttrgt lttd colspan"3"
bgcolor"blue"gtlth2gtltfont color"yellow"
size"5"gt ltcentergtWELCOME TO MY WEB
PAGElt/centergtlt/fontgtlt/h2gtlt/tdgt lt/trgt lttrgt
lttd width"20" valign"top"gt lta
Collegelt/agtltbr/gt lta href "http//www.cnn.com"
gtCNNlt/agtltbr/gt lta href "http//userhome.brookl
yn.cuny.edu/irudowsky"gtMy Home Pagelt/agtltbr/gt
lta href "http//bridges.brooklyn.cuny.edu"gtbridge
slt/agtltbr/gt lt/tdgt lttd width"10"gtnbsplt/tdgt
lttd gtltfont size"3" color"blue"
face"Verdana"gt ltimg src"rudowsky.jpg"gtltbr/gt
Prof. Ira Rudowsky ltbr/gt Brooklyn
Collegeltbr/gt 2900 Bedford Avenueltbr/gt
Brooklyn, NY 11220 lt/brgt lt/fontgt lt/tdgt
lt/trgt lt/tablegt lt/bodygt lt/htmlgt
Designing Web Pages Using Tables
  • Web page with borders to show table outline

Designing Web Pages Using Tables
  • Web page without borders

Using A Graphic As A Link
  • I can change the code so that when I click on my
    picture I link to my Brooklyn College Home Page
  • Note that there is a blue border around the
    picture similar to the links on the left

Heres the code
lthtmlgt lt!-- Using a table to help create a web
page This webpage uses my picture as a link
to my college web page --gt ltheadgt
lttitlegtWebpage Using a Table lt/titlegt
lt/headgt ltbodygt lttable border"1" width"100"gt
lttrgt lttd colspan"3" bgcolor"blue"gtlth2gtltfont
color"yellow" size"5"gt ltcentergtWELCOME TO
MY WEB PAGElt/centergtlt/fontgtlt/h2gtlt/tdgt lt/trgt
lttrgt lttd width"20" valign"top"gt lta
Collegelt/agtltbr/gt lta href "http//www.cnn.com"
gtCNNlt/agtltbr/gt lta href "http//userhome.brookl
yn.cuny.edu/irudowsky"gtMy Home Pagelt/agtltbr/gt
lta href "http//bridges.brooklyn.cuny.edu"gtbridge
slt/agtltbr/gt lt/tdgt lttd width"10"gtnbsplt/tdgt
lttd gtltfont size"3" color"blue"
face"Verdana"gt lta href "http//userhome.brook
lyn.cuny.edu/irudowsky"gt ltimg
src"rudowsky.jpg" alt"Click here for my BC
webpage"gtlt/agtltbr/gt Prof. Ira Rudowsky ltbr/gt
Brooklyn Collegeltbr/gt 2900 Bedford
Avenueltbr/gt Brooklyn, NY 11220 lt/brgt
lt/fontgt lt/tdgt lt/trgt lt/tablegt lt/bodygt
Image Rollover
  • You can display an image on the webpage but when
    you move you mouse over the image, it is replaced
    with another image
  • When you move the mouse off the image the
    origianal image reappears
  • This is called image rollover

Image Rollover
Image Rollover
  • lthtmlgt
  • lt!-- Using a table to help create a web page
  • This webpage does image rollover with two
    images rudowsky.jpg and rudowsky2.jpg
  • Note that I set the height and width so that
    both pictures take up the same amount of space
  • --gt
  • ltheadgt lttitlegtWebpage Using a Table lt/titlegt
  • ltbodygt
  • lttable border"1" width"100"gt
  • lttrgt
  • lttd colspan"3" bgcolor"blue"gtlth2gtltfont
    color"yellow" size"5"gt
  • ltcentergtWELCOME TO MY WEB PAGElt/centergtlt/fontgt
  • lt/trgt
  • lttrgt
  • lttd width"20" valign"top"gt
  • lta href"http//www.brooklyn.cuny.edu"gtBrookly
    n Collegelt/agtltbr/gt
  • lta href "http//www.cnn.com"gtCNNlt/agtltbr/gt
  • lta href "http//userhome.brooklyn.cuny.edu/ir
    udowsky"gtMy Home Pagelt/agtltbr/gt
  • lta href "http//bridges.brooklyn.cuny.edu"gtbr
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