Title: From Egg to Frog
1From Egg to Frog
2- Come to Room 12 and see how much they have
3This is the bag the eggs came in. The bag keeps
the eggs safe in the mail.
4On Tuesday, December 10, 2002, we got our
tadpoles in the mail.
5These tiny black dots are frog eggs
6Some eggs are not yet hatched. Some eggs have
become tiny tadpoles.
7Tadpoles are small. Our tadpoles are smaller
than 1 inch.
8The tadpoles need food. The brown mush in the
picture is tadpole food.
9On Wednesday, December 11, 2002, our tadpoles are
still little.
10The tiny tadpoles are starting to swim. They do
not swim a lot. They use most of their energy to
11Some eggs will never be tadpoles. Some eggs died.
12On Thursday, December 12, 2002, the tadpoles were
swimming slowly. They were still very small.
13On Friday, December 13, 2002, the tadpoles heads
are getting bigger. They swim fast when they are
14The tadpoles can swim fast, but they are still
smaller than an inch.
15On Monday, December 16, 2002, the tadpoles begin
changing shapes. They have gotten larger.
16The tadpoles swim very fast. They have to swim
fast in the wild so that fish do not eat them.