Title: Environments for Tabled Prolog: Progress and Open Issues
1Environments for Tabled Prolog Progress and Open
- Terrance Swift
- Universidade Nova de Lisboa
2Motivation Tabling has proven its usefulness
over the past decade -- cf. How tabling solves
real problems www.cs.sunysb.edu/tswift/talks.html
Tabling is supported in XSB, YAP, B Prolog
packages have been developed or are being
developed for Mercury, ALS, Ciao User
environment issues have received some attention,
but there are many open issues in analysis and
language design Unlike tabling implementation,
environment issues do not depend on engine-level
coding, and so results may be applicable to
several systems and may require less specialized
knowledge to implement Talk is high-level, but
a general knowledge of tabling is assumed
3XSBs tabling methodology as discussed in this
talk was developed and implemented by (in
alphabetical order)Luis de Castro, Baoqiu Cui,
Steve Dawson,Ernie Johnson, Juliana Freire,
Michael Kifer, Rui F. Marques, C.R. Ramakrishnan,
I.V. Ramakrishnan,Prasad Rao, Konstantinos
Sagonas, Diptikalyan Saha,Terrance Swift,David S.
4What environmental issues are important? It
depends on what a future tabling system might
look like
5 Non-monotonic
Deductive databases
reasoning Logic programming Most work in
tabling has been from the LP perspective
(including enviroment support) Some work has
been done to support NMR with residual programs
and XASP Less has been done to support
deductive database features
6Two Premises 1) Deductive databases are not dead
(theyre just asleep) Logic programming can be a
basis for (mostly) in-memory DDBs using --
Tabling which can help with querying, given
analysis support for optimization --
Multi-threading as in SWI, Ciao, YAP and XSB --
Adaptive indexing as in YAP CSL07 (or perhaps
even good analysis-based indexing with XSB) For
deductive database applications, queries may rely
less user programming and more compiler analysis
and transformations
7Two Premises 2) The well-founded semantics is
important for knowledge representation Some
cognitive scientists model human cognition as a
logic program under a 3-valued semantics
(SvL08) Other advantages of WFS --
Relevancy -- Cumulativity -- Polynomial
complexity (in practice usually linear) -- ...
and it can be used as a step toward a (partial)
stable model But like stable models, WFS may
be difficult for a programmer to understand
810 Topics in Environments for Tabled Logic
Progams What topics might an ideal compiler
address to support all the functionality wed
like? 1 Managing table space 2 Updating tables
when dynamic code changes 3 Automatically
deciding which predicates to table 4 Deciding
what kind of tabling to use 5 Optimizing
transformations 6 Choosing a scheduling
strategy 7 Debugging 8 Support for
transformation-based semantic extensions 9
Better ASP Integration 10 Making answer
subsumption usable by real programmers
91 Managing table space Tables can consume a
lot of space, and so must be reclaimed -- do we
want tables to amortize time for multiple
queries? -- do we want to reclaim tables after
each top-level query? -- do we want to reclaim
tables within a query? Reclamation can be for
-- All tables (XSB, YAP, BProlog) -- All tables
for a given predicate (XSB,YAP, BProlog) -- All
tables for predicates in a given module (XSB) --
All thread-private/thread-shared tables (XSB) --
A single table for a given call (XSB)
Reclamation can be automatic -- based on a LRU
algorithm Roc(YAP) Safe reclamation requires
garbage collection for tables. -- XSB has full
garbage collection for thread-private tables --
Space for thread-shared tables can only be
reclaimed when there is a single active thread
101 Managing table space Space reclamation
becomes more complicated when supporting
well-founded reducts XSB maintains the
well-founded reduct in its table, called the
residual progam e.g in the table p(X)
depends on the table b(X) through the answer b(2)
which is undefined under WFS Abolishing b(2)
but not p(X) changes the residual program with
semantic implications when integrating with ASP
solvers, not to mention core dumps. XSB has a
flag indicating whether table abolishes are to be
p(X) p(1)
p(X) p(2)- b(2)b(X)
p(X) p(3)
111 Managing table space These approaches are
already sophisticated, but how should space be
reclaimed? -- Ignore for a minute reclaiming
tables that depend on dynamic clauses that have
changed A combined approach that --
Automatically reclaims -- Reclaims safely with no
possibility of backtracking into a reclaimed
table -- Takes into account inter-table
dependencies for WFS Allow users (or a
compiler) to specify the level of persistence of
a table -- Never reclaimable -- Automatically
reclaimable at system threshold -- Reclaimable at
end of query -- Reclaimable after last use within
a query (determined by analysis)
122 Updating tables when dynamic code changes
If a table depends on dynamic clauses, the table
should be updated when those clauses are
altered In XSB this works for definite
programs under call variance Sah06, but the
logical view of updates is not supported.
Multiple declarations are required -- a tabled
predicate must be declared as incremental as do
the relevant dynamic predicates. -- special
assert/retract predicates must be used.
incr_assert(p(a)) asserts p(a) and updates the
incremental tables that depend on p/1.
Similarly, incr_assert_inval(p(a)) invalidates
tables that depend on p/1 Analysis work is
needed to determine whether a predicate should be
tabled as incremental (easy), and whether the
table should be incrementally updated or
invalidated (hard).
13Global Analysis for Tabling
14Global Analysis for Tabling The most common
way to table is to choose predicates to table by
hand This may be difficult to do in certain
cases (e.g. generated code) As tabling systems
mature, different tables may have different
attributes, increasing the complexity -- Call
subsumption vs. call variance (XSB) --
Incremental vs. non-incremental (XSB) --
Thread-private vs. thread-shared (XSB) --
Tabling with scheduling strategies (YAP)
15 Example A Fragment of the OWL Wine Ontology
ltowlClass rdfID"PinotBlanc"gt
ltrdfssubClassOfgt ltowlRestrictiongt
ltowlonProperty rdfresource"hasColor" /gt
ltowlhasValue rdfresource"White" /gt
lt/owlRestrictiongt lt/rdfssubClassOfgt
ltowlintersectionOf rdfparseType"Collection"gt
ltowlClass rdfabout"Wine" /gt
ltowlRestrictiongt ltowlonProperty
rdfresource"madeFromGrape" /gt
ltowlhasValue rdfresource"PinotBlancGrape" /gt
lt/owlRestrictiongt ltowlRestrictiongt
ltowlonProperty rdfresource"madeFromGrape"
/gt ltowlmaxCardinality rdfdatatype"xsdn
lt/owlRestrictiongt lt/owlintersectionOfgt
16The ontology is translated by KAON2 to a definite
program with about 1000 clauses pinotblanc(X) -
q24(X).pinotblanc(X) - pinotblanc(Y),kaon2equal(X
, Y).pinnotblanc(X) - wine(X),madefromgrape(X,
Y),ot____nom21(Y). madefromgrape(Y, X) -
madeintowine(X, Y).madefromgrape(X, X) -
X) - wine(X),kaon2namedobjects(X). 18
others wine(X) - q14(X).wine(X) -
texaswine(X). 24 others wine(X) - q24(X). 31
others q24(X) - pinotblanc(X).q24(X) -
muscadet(X).q24(X) - q24(Y),kaon2equal(X, Y).
17Global Analysis for Tabling Regardless of
whether this program can be optimized, it is
highly recursive pinotblanc(yellowTail) depends
on pinotblanc(X) depends on wine(X) and
on wine(yellowTail) Nearly every concept depends
on nearly every other concept (more or
less) Each predicate is called with multiple
183 Automatically deciding which predicates to
table The autotable declaration can be used to
automatically select predicates to table (XSB).
This declaration has proven useful for certain
problems -- All loops in the predicate dependency
graph are broken -- No effort is made to
determine a minimal set of predicates to table (a
previous version did, but it was to expensive) --
No effort is made to distinguish structural
recursion (e.g. append/3) from datalog
recursion Analysis routines are needed to
distinguish structural from datalog recursion,
and then derive a good approximation of a minimal
set of predicates to table
194 Deciding what kind of tabling to use
Call Subsumption XSB
Call Variance XSB, YAP, BProlog
Global Tables YAP
204 Deciding what kind of tabling to use Call
subsumption vs. Call Variance Call
subsumption JRR09,Swi09 -- e.g. the goal p(a,Y)
can use the table for the goal p(X,Y) -- can
greatly increase efficiency for some programs by
sharing more computations Call subsumption
accrues about a 25 overhead if not needed
Call subsumption may not be desired when tabling
a meta interpreter Call subsumption with term
depth abstraction can ensure that any program
with a finite model terminates -- e.g. p(X)-
p(s(X)) can terminate if abstraction occurs at a
depth of, say 10. Then a subgoal such as
p(s(s(s(s(s(s(s(s(s(s(X)))))))))))is abstracted
to p(s(s(s(s(s(s(s(s(s(X)))))))))) Within
XSB, sharing is only performed if the subsumed
call occurs after the subsuming call (p(a,Y)
after p(X,Y))
214 Deciding what kind of tabling to use Global
Tables vs Call Variance Similar to call
subsumption, YAPs global tables CR09 allow
answers to be shared between different calls
Unlike call subsumption, global tables can share
answer information for two calls that unify even
if neither subsumes the other (e.g. p(a,X) and
p(X,b)) On the other hand, unlike call
subsumption, computation is not shared between
two calls with global tables However, global
tables accrue a time cost over call variance, as
well as a space cost if they are not used.
224 Deciding what kind of tabling to use So in
addition to deciding what predicates to table,
our perfect compiler decides between call
variance, call subsumption and global tables
(and BDDs and other data structures) Some work
has been done on analyzing when to use call
subsumption RRR96, but it has not been put into
a compiler
235 Optimizing Transformations Lets say you have
a fully connected graph of N nodes and you want
to find all nodes reachable from a given node a
(e.g. your goal is ?- p(a,Y)). You can use --
left recursion path(X,Y)- path(X,Z),edge(Z,Y)
which creates one table with N-1 nodes and
returns N-1 answers -- right recursion
path(X,Y)- edge(X,Z), path(Z,Y) which --
creates N tables each with N-1 nodes and returns
(N-1)2 answers under call variance -- would
create 1 table under call subsumption if ?-
p(X,Y) were used, but still would return (N-1)2
answers -- double recursion path(X,Y)-
path(X,Z), path(Z,Y) which returns N(N-1) answers
under call variance
245 Optimizing Transformations So its usually
best to transform into left recursion (if the
bindings can be maintained) However, not all
recursion can be transformed into left recursion
without losing bindings sg(X,X). sg(X,Y)-
p(X,Z),sg(Z,Z1),p(Z1,Y) When is it useful to
transform recursion into left-recursion? Does
call subsumption affect the decision of when to
transform? sg(X,X). sg(X,Y)- sg(Z,Z1),p(X,Z),p(Z1
25Example compiling away recursion
NAU89 buys(X,Y)- likes(X,Y). buys(X,Y)-
trendy(X),buys(Z,Y) is equivalent to
buys(X,Y)- likes(X,Y). buys(X,Y)-
trendy(X),likes(Z,Y) but buys(X,Y)-
likes(X,Y). buys(X,Y)- knows(X,Z),buys(Z,Y) is
not equivalent to buys(X,Y)- likes(X,Y). buys(X,
Y)- knows(X,Z),likes(Z,Y)
265 Optimizing Transformations How do these
tabling optimizations recall optimizations for
-- Prolog (e.g. transformations to get rid of
existential variables PP95) -- Deductive
databases (e.g. separable recursion Nau88) --
Grammars (e.g. the complexity reduction of Earley
Grammars when they are translated into Chomsky
Normal Form Ear70) -- XSB has a declaration for
this transformation, called suppl_table, but no
support on whether it should be used.
276 Choosing a scheduling strategy Tabled
evaluations can differ in their scheduling
strategy FSW98 -- the decision about when
answers are to be returned to (possibly
suspended) subgoals The two most popular
strategies are -- local evaluation which is
efficient in terms of stack usage and efficient
for returning all answers. It can also reduce
the complexity when answer subsumption is used
(e.g. for finding shortest paths) -- batched
evaluation which is efficient for finding the
first answer for a subgoal, and for parallelizing
tabled evaluations The scheduling strategy
can be dynamically selected in YAP RSC05, but
is only a configuration option in XSB Altering
a scheduling strategy may be a factor in
extracting certain types of table parallelism
that are based on threads communicating through
tables (XSB) or in a full or-parallel tabling
system (OptYAP)
28Supporting Transformations
297 Debugging Tabling may need to repeatedly
suspend computation of a tabled subgoal S and
resume the computation when further answers are
derived for S This change in search strategy can
break the model of the 4-port Prolog debugger --
i.e. skip may have no meaning -- at the least,
a trace-based debugger becomes more complex for a
user XSB has a justification package PGD04
similar packages have been created for ASP
systems PSE09 -- after computation has
terminated, produce a representation of the
search tree that justifies the result
307 Debugging Justification-based debugging
works as follows 1) Assertions are made of the
form justify_pred(Pred) 2) The annotated program
is transformed 2) A call is made
just_true(Goal,JustTrue) or just_false(Goal,JustFa
lse) -- JustTrue unifies with a proof of Goal --
JustFalse unifies with witnesses of failure for
all clauses for Goal -- If Goal is undefined, it
will have both a true and a false
justification Currently, justification does not
appear to be heavily used, due in part to the
fact that it is not well integrated with XSB (a
program has to be transformed then reloaded to
run the justifier)
317 Debugging Thus, to support debugging of
tabled programs either --justification must be
performed (via a meta-interpreter or
pre-processor) or -- some sort of trace-based
debugging needs to be developed for tabling
or -- some other approach must be developed No
solution is currently satisfactory, so debugging
tabling remains an open issue, especially with
non-stratified programs
328 Support for transformation-based language
extensions Consider well-founded atom-based
preferences. A preference clause has the form
prefer(A1,A2)- Body which means that if Body is
true, a derivation of A2 will be true only if a
derivation of A1 is false (if A1 is undefined, A2
will be also) This has been used for --
Amalgamating psychiatric rules GST00 --
Disambiguating grammars GJM95,CS02 -- Adding
local policies to workflows Implemented though
a (fairly) simple transformation prefer(A1,A2)
adds a literal tnot(overridden(A2)) to clauses
that may derive A2
338 Support for transformation-based extensions
Work is being done to integrate preferences into
XSBs compiler, however, this gives rise to
questions -- how to debug in a cognitively
meaningful manner -- specialization to ensure
that overridden/1 literals are not added to
bodies unnecessarily Explicit negation under
WFS ADP94 is another transformation-based
extension In general a compiler must be
architected so that the analysis and
optimizations mentioned above happen at the
right time -- e.g. recursion separation,
determination of what to table, etc. should
happen after the semantic transformations --
optimizations specific to preferences, explicit
negation, etc. may determine the exact form of
the transformation
348 Support for transformation-based extensions
In general a compiler must be architected so that
the analysis and optimizations mentioned above
happen at the right time -- e.g. recursion
separation, determination of what to table, etc.
should happen after the semantic
transformations -- optimizations specific to
preferences, explicit negation, etc. may
determine the exact form of the transformation
How can we ensure that a sequence of
transformations is semantically valid? How can
we ensure that a sequence of transformations is
operationally valid (e.g. optimizations work,
debugging meaningful)?
359 Better ASP integration The XSB distribution
now includes Smodels, and the XASP package
provides a way to evaluate the partial stable
models of a residual program --(well-founded
reduct of the portion of a program relevant to a
query). -- init_smodels(Query) sends the
residual of a query to Smodels --
in_all_stable_models(Goal) and pstable_model(Goal,
Model) provide a means to query Smodels -- each
XSB thread can have its own instance of
Smodels -- XASP has been used for agent programs
PL07,LMP08, PA09 and has been extended to
handle Plog-style probabilities PR09
369 Better ASP integration Using XASP, query
evaluation may perform grounding, and may
identify relevent portions of the program for
solving -- e.g. for inferences from ontologies,
not all of the A-box or T-box isa hierarchy may
need to be materialized At the same time, a
programmer has to have a priori knowledge --
what parts of the program require a full ASP
semantics -- that the partial stable model
obtained from the query reduct is semantically
valid (e.g. can be extended into one or more
total stable models) How can modules (or some
other constructs) be made to support the notion
that various queries have useful partial stable
models? Currently, XSB does not evaluate
cardinality or weight constraints, and so rules
with such constraints must be passed to Smodels
3710 Making answer subsumption usable by real
Suppose we want to annotate an answer with an
explicit truth value If p(a)true and
p(a)false are both derived, then the table
should only contain p(a)top -- which wasnt
directly derived This can be performed
through a mechanism called answer subsumption
(for want of a better name)
3810 Making answer subsumption usable Consider
a model of quantitative degrees of belief
van86. An annotated atom AET,EF is an atom
A is annotated with -- ET, a number between 0
and 1 indicating a measure of evidence that A is
true and -- EF, a number between 0 and 1
indicating that A is false. -- ET EF join ET
EF max(ET ET),max( EF EF) Resolution for
these annotated literals can be defined. The
main idea is- A goal AET,EF is true in an
interpretation J of a program P if there is are
rulesAIEIT,EIF - BodyIin P such that each AI
unifies with A, each BodyI is true in J,
ET,EF join EIT,EIF, E'T gt ET and FT lt
3910 Making answer subsumption usable
Generalizing this approach to upper
semi-lattices, you get Generalized Annotated
Programs (GAPs) KS92 that can model many kinds
of quantitative, paraconsistent, and temporal
reasoning. From our perspective, GAPs can be
implemented using answer subsumption Swi99. To
illustrate on ground programs, when an answer
Aannew is derived-- Add Aannew if the
table does not have an answer with substitution
A or-- Add Aanjoin -- the join of annew and
anold where Aanold is the answer for A in the
table. This formalism is similar to others,
such as Residuated Lattice Programs DP01 XSB
has a meta-interpreter for stratified GAPs in
its gap library
4010 Making answer subsumption usable Answer
subsumption essentially depends on a destructive
tabling operation -- it may be fairly easily
implementable in YAP or B Prolog Answer
subsumption can also handle some lattices used
for program analysis, so that perhaps tabling can
be used for some of the previous analysis
techniques Constraints can be tabled -- so
that the join of different constraints for an
answers can be maintained -- This works in
theory, but needs more testing before I can
recommend people use it. But right now answer
subsumption in XSB is ugly and hard to use
4110 Making answer subsumption usable reachable(In
Conf,NewConf)- filterPOA(reachable(InConf),Conf,g
hasTransition(InConf,NewConf) filterPOA/5 is
somewhat arcane. -- 1st argument call (minus
argument to be subsumed) -- 2nd argument
argument to be subsumed -- 3rd argument
comparison function (for subsumption) -- 4th
argument abstraction function for answer -- 5th
argument abstraction function to find relevant
answers from subgoal This is the most
complicated of the XSB answer subsumption
predicates. Other predicates do not require the
4th and 5th arguments
42Conclusions Because tables require space and are
based on a given state of the environment issues
arise for -- table management -- automatic table
updating It should be possible to partially
automate or assist choices of -- what to
table -- what data structure to use -- what
search strategy to use -- how to transform a
program to one that is efficiently
executed Tabling can support more powerful
semantics than Prolog alone leading to questions
of how to -- debug -- implement
transformation-based semantics and constructs in
an easy-to-use, cognitively clear manner -- unite
a query-based system with stable model
generation -- allow users to easily exploit
answer subsumptions ability to join the results
of derivations and to abstract answers
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46(No Transcript)
478 Treating the table as (readable) data Given
a term T, users can inspect tabled subgoals that
are variants of T, subsume T, are subsumed by T,
or unify with T users may want to determine
whether these tables are complete, and associate
answers with the subgoal Given a set of
subgoals S, users may wish to find the residual
subprogram reachable from S, as well as its
strongly connected components -- Reachability can
be from heads to body literals, or --
Reachability can be from body literals to
heads Mostly handled in XSB, but not always
efficiently or cleanly (e.g. attributed variables
in tables are not always passed back by table
inspection routines Users may wish to ground a
residual program (no interface yet)