Title: Towards a more selective FischerTropsch process
1Model-based optimization of an emulsification
The optimal stirrer and rotor speed trajectories
are shown in Figure 2 and 3. The corresponding
DSD is depicted in Figure 4.
M. Stork, J. A. Wieringa, A. J. Krijgsman and O.
H. Bosgra Mechanical Engineering Systems and
Control Group Delft University of
Technology Mekelweg 2, 2628 CD Delft, The
Netherlands E-mail M.Stork_at_wbmt.tudelft.nl
Figure 2 Optimal and original stirrer speed
Figure 3 Optimal and original rotor speed
Delft University of Technology
Figure 4 Optimal and original terminal DSD.
This research project is part of the EET-project
Batch processes cleaner and more efficient".