Title: The Firm
1Camp Dresser McKee
Industrial Wastewater Pre-Treatment
Technologies Colorado Industrial User Training
Seminar, October 19, 2000 Tim Holbrook, P.E.,
DEE 303-298-1311
2Why is an industrial wastewater pre-treatment
system like an internet dot.com stock?
- No one you work with understands what they do
- Costs may not be related to value
- Go up and down in performance
- How to make money with either is a mystery
3Increasing or Changing Production?
- Will pre-treatment system be able to take new
volume or constituents? - How much will it cost to modify system?
- How much will it increase our surcharge?
- Time critical production at stake
- Space limitations
- Different technology may be applicable
4Back to Basics
- Industrial wastewater NOT like municipal/sanitary
- BOD/COD 300 mg/l industrial -5000 mg/l
- Physical characteristics
- Flow rates highly variable
5Technology Overview
- Physical
- Chemical
- Biological
- Mythical
- equalization
- sceening/filtration
- mixing
- flocculaiton/settling
- membranes
- evaporation, solidification
- gas transfer - aeration, air stripping, steam
stripping - adsorption
- oxidation, thermal destruction
- aerobic
- anaerobic
- nitrification
- land treatment
9Technologies for Zero Discharge
- Biological oxidation
- Centrifuges
- Chemical oxidation
- Ion exchange
- Membrane Separation
10 Biological Treatment
Process Influent
Application Source Reduction
Water Treatment Recycle
Treatment Cost 40 to 500 per million gallons
11 Centrifuge
Centrifuge Separation
Water for reuse
Process Influent
Thickened Sludge
Application Source Reduction X
Water Treatment Recycle X
Treatment Cost 60 to 2,000 per million
12 Chemical Oxidation
Process Influent
Application Source Reduction
Water Treatment X Recycle
Treatment Cost 200 to 10,000 per million
13 Ion Exchange
Regeneration Chemicals
Backwash Water
Process Influent
Spent Regenarant
Backwash Waste
Application Source Reduction X
Water Treatment X Recycle
Treatment Cost 250 to more than 1,000 per
million gallons
14Membrane Separation
Process Influent
Application Source Reduction X
Water Treatment X Recycle X
Treatment Cost 30 to more than 2,000 per
million gallons
15Update on Membranes for Industrial WW Treatment
- Chlorine tolerant
- New spiral wound and tubular configurations
- Better strength and versatility
- New coatings, better biofouling control
16Beverage Industry Example
- Soft drink bottler
- Installation Date- 1996
- Design Flow Rate- 120,000 gpd
- Design Feed COD- 4500 mg/l (Actual- 7000 mg/l)
- Permeate COD- lt 75 mg/l
- 3 food industry WWTP installations to date
17Vibratory Shear Enhanced Process
- High throughput while attaining high
concentrations of suspended solids - single pass
- unique patented membrane filtration process
- Vibrating membrane shears solids off surface to
prevent fouling - low horsepower consumption
- Wastewater treatment or product dewatering
18Membranes for Industrial Applications - Warning
- Pilot testing required
- Operator re-training required
- Membrane compatibility - all wastes
- Lead time for delivery may be long
- Limited vendors
- New technology will have growing pains
19Practical Considerations
- solid design basis
- mass balances critical
- building, electrical, mechanical CODES
- get it in writing from the vendor
- hydraulics
- residuals
- Characterize waste stream focused on cost drivers
- Collect representative samples for analysis
- Brainstorm reuse, recycle, resell ideas
- Focused engineering feasibility studies,
treatability tests - Bench/pilot scale testing to develop accurate
costs, schedules
22Features Include
- Steady state
- Process and hydraulic modeling
- Predictive and sizing calculations
- Plan view
- Cost comparison
- Online reference book
- Customized Web site
23Process Calculator
- Contains all common unit processes
- Calculates the mass balance
- Calculates by various methods
- Complex mechanistic effluent generation
- Simple empirical sizing models
24Create Plant Alternatives (Works) for Each Project
25Use a Template or Start from Scratch to Build
Schematic of Treatment Process
26Results Are Available
- On screen
- Bar chart (default)
- Process and hydraulics
- Printed reports
- Outside of program (Export file)
27Summarize Dimensions
28Create Hydraulic Profile
29Cost Comparison
- Capital and OM cost comparisons for all unit
processes - Cost indices can be changed by user
- Compatible with latest version of TR61
- COST A B (Cost Descriptor)C
30Benefits of Plan-It STOAT
- Unique, accurate, and rapid planning tool
- Allows works managers to check capacity of works
at any time to improve efficiency - Calculates efficiency savings
- process/hydraulics/costs
- Ability to rapidly compare asset costs
- Quickly differentiates between various upgrade