Title: Reconfiguring Environmental Regulation: The Future Policy Agenda
1Reconfiguring Environmental Regulation The
Future Policy Agenda
- Neil Gunningham
- Regulatory Institutions Network
- Australian National University
2Reconfiguring Regulation
- Overview of the regulatory landscape
- Frameworks for understanding regulatory
reconfiguration - Role of Smart Regulation and regulatory
pluralism - Policy Implications
3The shifting regulatory landscape
- First generation problems reduced but second
generation far more challenging - The contracting state
- Increasing power and sophistication of NGOs
- Increasing interest of commercial third parties
in environmental issues - The changing roles of business
4Diverse second generation instruments emerge
- Reinventing Environmental Regulation (USA)
- Negotiated Agreements (Western Europe)
- Informational Regulation (eg Indonesia)
- Industry self-regulation and self-management
5Reconfiguring regulation four frameworks
- Reflexive and meta-regulation
- Civil regulation and participatory governance
- Regulatory pluralism
- Explaining corporate environmental behavior the
license perspective
6The role of Meta Regulation
- Recognises the limitations of the state to deal
with complex environmental issues - Focus on procedures rather than prescribing
behaviour - State shifts to meta-regulation and meta-risk
management - - Government monitoring of self-monitoring,
or the regulation of self-regulation - - To monitor and seek to re-make the risk
management systems of regulatees - Enforcement means refusing accreditation
7Continual Improvement
Commitment Policy
Review and Improvement
Measurement Evaluation
Environmental Management System Model
8Civil regulation and participatory governance
- organisations of civil society set standards for
business behaviour - Mechanisms include direct action, consumer
boycotts, certification programs, partnerships - State role to empower civil society
9Regulatory Pluralism and Smart Regulation The
- Market failure/government failure
- A diversity of next generation instruments, but
how do we select between them? - One size does not fit all eg size and sector
10Smart Regulation
- Solutions require
- broader range of strategies,
- tailored to broader range of motivations,
- harnessing broader range of social actors
- Recognises roles of ISO, supply-chain pressure,
commercial institutions,financial markets, peer
and NGO pressure - steering not rowing harnessing capacities of
markets,civil society and other institutions
11 1. Design comprehensive policy mixes
- - build on strengths and compensate for
weaknesses of individual instruments - - build on advantages of engaging broader
range of parties - But note
- - practical limits/regulatory overload
- - limited public resources
- - not all combinations are complementary
12Optimal Mixes Involve
- matching tools with particular problem
- with the parties best capable of implementing
them - with each other
- Environmental Improvement Plans
- Beyond Compliance Two Track Regulation
- Institute of Nuclear Power Operations
- Car Body Shops
- Regulating Horticulture
14Number of Organisations
Fast Follower
Team Player
Compliance Seeker
Key Player
15Higher Courts
Fines and other punitive action
Breach of Trust
Two Track Partnership
Third Parties
17The license model
- Views businesses as constrained by a
multi-faceted licence to operate - Corporate behaviour explained by interactions
between regulatory, social and economic licences - - Efficiency and effectiveness of technology
based command and control - The importance of Social Licence underpinned by
Informational regulation, and empowering NGOs
and communities - Management style as the perceptual filter through
which management interprets its license conditions
18Different frameworks invoke different policy
- Strengthen internal reflection and self-control
(reflexive regulation) - Introduce a plethora of instruments that and
allow the state to steer not row (regulatory
pluralism) - Empower the institutions of civil society to make
corporations more accountable (civil regulation) - Exploit points of leverage provided by different
strands of firms licence to operate (licence
19Different frameworks are appropriate to different
- Large reputation sensitive companies vs SMEs
- Integrated catchment management
- Major Hazard Facilities
- Diffuse source pollution
- Pulp mills
20The future?
- The contracting state contracts vs criminal law
(Sust Covenants) - Corporate shaming (informational regulation)
- Economic instruments and market signals (Load
Based Licenses) - Processes and systems locking in continuous
improvement (Meta Regulation, EIPs , Regulatory
Flexibility) - Harnessing second and third parties as surrogate
enforcers - The role of Government- steering not rowing?
- Traditional enforcement